Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 893: She will regret it

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Civilian girl? Ugly? Still a lame man?

Chu Shaoyang was relieved when he heard it.

But then, he rushed over and picked up Xiao Anzi.

"Nonsense, how could the empress dowager allow a lame ugly monster to be queen, this is impossible!"

"Yes, yes, it's true, the minions heard that the ugly queen was the empress dowager who personally married the empress After the election, I did n’t know what happened. The empress dowager finally picked up an ugly **** and gave it to the emperor, and three days later, the emperor was about to marry and marry the ugly monster as queen.

Chu Shaoyang really believed it now.

He froze for a while, suddenly raising his face and laughing out loud.

"Haha, hahaha! Chu Mochuan, Chu Mochuan, you are deliberately trying to take her away from me, but you take her heart away, you never get her! Haha, you actually want Marry an ugly lame lame as queen, this is the punishment from heaven! Revenge on you! Hahaha! "

He burst into tears with laughter, the louder the laughter, the louder the sound echoed throughout the corridor.

When Xiao Anzi saw Chu Shaoyang with such a crazy laugh, he became more and more afraid and couldn't help but shrink back.

Chu Shaoyang seemed to have swept away all the sorrows in the past few days. He took a big step, quickly walked out of the underground stone chamber, and came back outside again.

Hearing the news that Mo Chuan was going to marry an ugly monster, he suddenly healed himself.

Standing in the courtyard, he narrowed his eyes, saw the sunshine in the courtyard, took a deep breath of fresh air, he felt the vitality returned to his body.

"Chu Mochuan, three days later, the king will definitely go to the palace to attend your wedding. The king will see you and the ugly **** worship hall, haha, that must be very interesting, really make the king look forward to! "

Chu Shaoyang's eyes shone with excitement and anticipation. He could hardly wait to enter the palace to witness this fun wedding.

But his eyes swept and fell on his own reflection in the pool beside him. He was startled by the figure inside.

Who is that dirty and sloppy man like a beggar?

Won't it be you?

How could you become this look?

He stared at the reflection in the water with shock on his face, and suddenly shouted: "Come here, prepare the king for a bath!"

Never appear this way at a wedding. He doesn't like it, and Ning'er won't like it!

"Ninger! Ninger!"

Chu Shaoyang murmured her name, and his heart suddenly became hot. He thought that if Ning'er knew that the man she fell in love would marry another person within a few days of her leaving, would she be sad? ? Will she regret her decision?

She will regret it!

In this world, no man loves her more than Chu Shaoyang, and is more sincere to her. No matter whether she is married or not, he still loves her as always! He will never marry someone else like the cool man!

Chu Shaoyang is full of confidence in himself. He wants to make himself strong, strong enough to compete with Dong Qin. On that day, he will appear in front of Prince Dong Qin, in front of Ning'er Face him, defeat him personally, and **** back his beloved girl!

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