Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

With a choking sound, the sword in the hand of the princess fell to the ground. She looked at Ye Tingxuan who had just entered the door in shock. She could not believe the news he brought.

"Ting Xuan, what are you talking about? My elder brother is going to be married? Is he going to marry a lame man? Looks ... ugly?"

She rushed over and grasped Ye Tingxuan's wrist, unconsciously exerting force.

Ye Tingxuan gave a painful "tuck", still looking at her eyes and nodded seriously.

"It's true, two days later, it's the emperor's wedding period. Princess, we should prepare a gift for the emperor."

"Congratulations? What congratulations? Why should Princess Ben give him congratulations!"

Princess Chang's eyes widened, she shattered Ye Tingxuan's hand and shouted angrily: "Is my elder brother mentally disordered? Ning'er sacrificed her life's happiness for the country and the people ..." Married to Dongqin so far, married a man she didn't love at all! But she just walked for a few days, my elder brother, he was going to marry another and become queen, is he still not a man? , All of these beasts with no heart and no lungs! "

Ye Tingxuan couldn't help but smile bitterly, Princess Chang even blamed him, why is he so guilty?

He knew that Princess Chang was such an anxious temper, and after telling her, it would be like this, but he could not help but, even if he did n’t say, such an event would soon reach Princess Chang ’s ears, and he could not hide it. of.

"Hush, princess, please speak quietly, but you say this with great disrespect, if the emperor hears it ..."

"What did the emperor hear! Let him cure the princess's crime and let him cut my head! But princess just wanted to say, he's sorry Ning'er, he's sorry Ning'er! He's a ruthless and unjust animal ... Well ! "

The princess blushed and yelled, regardless of it.

"Princess Chang!" Ye Tingxuan turned white, quickly covered her mouth, and hugged her at the same time, her heart was jumping out.

Although this is the Princess Palace, there are people in the palace up and down, but there are many people, if the mouth like the Princess Princess is unobstructed, if it is spread by someone with ulterior motives, even if she is the emperor's sister And it ’s hard to guarantee that nothing will happen.

"Ting Xuan, you tell me, do you guys really look like my emperor? Are you not sincere to our women?"

The princess suddenly looked like a deflated ball, and her whole body was weak. She leaned on Ye Tingxuan's arms, her head resting on his shoulders, and her hands around his waist.

She had never approached him in such a dependent posture in ordinary times. In her heart, Ye Tingxuan was a weak scholar who could not help the wind. When she leaned gently, he would fall.

But at this moment, leaning in his arms, absorbing the warmth of his arms, although his chest was not so wide, it was still full of strength.

"Princess, Ting Xuan has a heart for you, don't you know it yet? Do you want me to dig out my heart to show you like King Dingyuan?"

Ye Tingxuan stared at her tenderly, gently stroking the hair of Princess Chang's hair, and said slightly ridiculously.


Although the princess was angry, annoyed and sad, she was amused by Ye Tingxuan's words.

"Ting Xuan, why don't you learn? Why did you want to learn what my nephew, who is not a weapon!" She gave Ye Tingxuan a scornful look.

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