Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 895: The second Chu Shaoyang

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When she thought of Chu Shaoyang, she was annoyed again.

"It's all Chu Shaoyang's bad boy. If he locked Ning'er and abused Ning'er, Ning'er wouldn't make up his mind to marry Prince Dongqin. If Ning'er was married far away, neither my elder brother He will marry another person because he is sad. He actually wants to marry an ugly lame girl as queen ... Isn't this too wronging him? "

She had just scolded Mo Chuan completely, and in a blink of an eye she was worried.

Ye Tingxuan's heart is warm, the princess is noble and self-willed, but she is enthusiastic and kind. What he likes her is not her power position, but her kind and passionate heart.

He suddenly lowered his head and kissed the princess's cheek.

The soft and warm lips touched Princess Chang's face, and she instantly froze.

She looked up at him froze, seeing the tenderness and love in his eyes, and suddenly she burst into tears.

"Ting Xuan, did you know that I was entangled with you in every possible way, but you always ignored me, we can have today, and we all lose to Ning'er, if Ning's words let me wake up, maybe I will Will be the second Chu Shaoyang ... "

Princess Chang buried her face in Ye Tingxuan's arms, tears came down, she remembered herself at that time, because she loved his appearance and character, he was imprisoned in his princess's palace, and he did not consider his feelings at all. Thinking of what she did in the past, what is the difference between Chu Shaoyang and Shen Ning locked with an iron chain?

"Silly girl, how could you be Chu Shaoyang! Ning Er didn't like Chu Shaoyang, but I ... but I like you!" Ye Tingxuan smiled.

He couldn't help but recall the scene of his first acquaintance with the princess. When he was young and proud, although he was grateful for saving the princess, he was resentful and humiliated because he was imprisoned and lost his freedom. Indignation and humiliation masked his love and appreciation for her.

So as soon as she saw her arrogant appearance before him, he remembered the days when he lost his freedom. He felt disgusted at her and didn't want to look at her at all.

Until one day, the princess came to the door again, he was disgusted and wanted to avoid it, but the princess suddenly pulled his sleeve, and his voice was very small.

"I ... I'm here to apologize to you."

Ye Tingxuan almost suspected that something was wrong with his ear.


The princess with a proud heart and eyes on his head would apologize to him? He must have heard it wrong.

Ye Tingxuan opened the sleeves hard, turned around and walked away. The corners of his eyes swept and fell on the face of the princess. It was a cautious expression he had never seen on her face.

She was ashamed and ashamed, and her eyes were full of tears, and her puffy red eyes looked at him pitifully.

Ye Tingxuan froze.

He thought he must have seen a fake princess.

This is not the case with the long princess in his impression.

She was so tall, so arrogant, and she liked his appearance, so he snatched him back into the house, and she regarded him as her forbidden!

"Mr. Ye, I really came to apologize to you. I used to offend you and offend you. Can you ... forgive me?"

It is harder for the princess of the heart to say these words than killing her, but if she does not bow her head to admit her mistake, she will never be forgiven by Ye Tingxuan.

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