End Of Heavens

Chapter 1183

End Of Heavens Chapter 1183


Chapter 1180 Since no one speaks, let me come

As Hades' voice fell, the New Generation gods headed by Twelve Main Gods One after another complexion changed.

Hades have hidden meaning, under the banner of solidarity, winning over the older generation of gods far from the center of power.

And most likely, Hades has been in touch with them secretly.

Looking at the gods of the old generation, they all looked as usual, as steady as Old Dog, and seemed to remain unmoved, which made the gods of the New Generation even more flustered.

If the gods in Marvel are all mental disorders, and the mental disorders in DC are all gods, then the gods of Olympus are definitely a group of mortals, gods that are more human than humans.

After the death of Zeus, the power disputes on the sacred mountain were not suppressed, and the contradictions were vividly and thoroughly in this brief moment.

The gods of the New Generation are reluctant to give up the power in their hands. The gods of the old generation want to take back the honor that was taken away by Zeus. Hades stretched out a big hand and stirred it slightly, which made the group confused. The contradictions, moved towards development in their own favorable direction.

That's right, Hades sees the key. Whether it's drawing lots or a fair campaign, he doesn't have an absolute advantage, and it's even harder to get into the final round.

The king of the underworld seems to be infinitely beautiful, and he is on an equal footing with Zeus and Poseidon, but he is not among the Twelve Main Gods, and was squeezed out of the circle of power a long time ago.

Like the older generation of gods, if he wants to return to this circle, he must completely muddy the water and pull everyone in.

Zeus died, and the Twelve Main Gods fought their own way, without a backbone, and it was the best time for him to rise.

Hades' method to win over the old generation of gods is simple and crude, using power as a bait. As long as he becomes the Divine King, he will redistribute his authority and establish a new god system dominated by him.

He then got the support of the older generation of gods, promising to vote for him at the convention.

The number of people may not be enough to suppress the New Generation gods, but Twelve Main Gods is not one heart, he is the one closest to the end, far ahead of the others.

"Wait a minute, I don't agree!"

The first person to stand up was Poseidon, who glared at Hades and said stubbornly: "My big brother Hades. , don't say that you have forgotten the difficulties of the ten-year Titan War, Olympus is today because of the unity of our three brothers, do you want to break this situation now?"

"Bo Saidon, now is not a time of peace, only the unity of our three brothers cannot deal with the Monster Race, we should unite everyone."

Hades responded calmly, holding high the banner of unity, who Can't refute him on this point either.

"Talk nonsense, don't think I can't see it, you are just taking advantage of our power and promising to share it with others."

It is related to the position of 'Sea Emperor', Poseidon refuses to yield an inch.

"Poseidon, you have been enjoying your life for so long, you have completely forgotten the reason for the success of the three of us."

Hades said coldly and proudly: "You become the sea emperor, I Become the Pluto, Zeus become the Sovereign of the sky, not only because our three brothers are united, but also because we have won the war, and the three of our brothers deserve the most credit!"

"What do you mean, you still Are you going to redistribute authority according to credit?"

Poseidon was furious, and the expressions of the New Generation gods suddenly changed, and the old generation gods couldn't help smiling and whispering.

The whispers got louder and louder, and I don't know who started. The old and new gods stood in line entirely different, and began to spit at each other, and from time to time one or two broken shoes flew around.

Luo Su: "..."

He looked down from side to side, and wanted to join the shoe throwing team, wondering whether to take off Athena's shoes or not. Aphrodite's shoes are good.

Or Athena!

Old Brother Hephaestus should not be happy for taking off Aphrodite's shoes...

Wait, it seems to have taken off Athena's shoes, Heffey Stos will still be unhappy!

Suddenly, Luo Su realized.

No wonder Hephaestus looked at him with bitterness and hatred every time he held a meeting. He thought he was handsome, but it turned out to be the seat order.

The great hall inside Qi was hot, Luo Su's thoughts diverged, frowning or snickering from time to time, he had a good time alone, regardless of the outside world.

It doesn't matter who is the Divine King, as long as it's not him!

It is best to be Athena, in this way, he can fulfill his promise, be a quiet queen, assist her in governing the gods, and open a new glorious era.

"Hades, you have gone too far. The struggle for power should not be like this. You have harmed the interests of your former comrades."

The elder sister Hestia sighed: "No matter what. It's you and me, or Poseidon, or Hera and Demeter, we can exercise the power we have today because we have risked death, and we deserve it."

The implication is that Zeus Clan will always be the center of power in the country built by Zeus Clan.

Hestia's voice fell, and the older generation of gods suddenly choked. This is the truth. They didn't help each other back then, and they have survived as a centrist until now.


Zeus's appearance was too ugly, and they just suppressed it without leaving room for them. They were forced to resist silently.

Nothing else, I just want to take back the honors I once had, such as helping Helios siblings and taking back the authority of the sun and the moon.

"Hestia, you're quite right, but one thing you need to know, no one can live forever on honor, not even Zeus..."

Hades He objected: "The times have changed. Continuing to care about the glory of the past will only bring everyone to a dead end." New Generation gods such as Gods.

"Hades, the glory should indeed be obtained by oneself, but the former heroes should not be suppressed. What they deserve should continue to be enjoyed by them. This is only fair."

Demeter, the second sister who was diving for ten thousand years, then spoke up. Like Hestia, she only said a word and stopped speaking.

"Demeter, you...you're right..."

Hades' eyelids jumped, Demeter was the mother of Persephone, the queen of the underworld, He also has great respect for this mother-in-law.

"No, it makes sense, but it's not absolute..."

"That's right..."

Hades imposing manner A soft, old generation The gods were suddenly dissatisfied, what the hell, how could Hades and Zeus have the same virtue?

The inside of the great hall was noisy and noisy, like a vegetable market.

It's enough to shout twice, after all, just pick a god out of it, and their arms are thicker than their thighs.

"Sun God, aren't you going to say something?"

"Not going..."

Luo Su blurted out and found the person talking to him. It was Athena, who immediately clenched her fists and coughed twice, ready to start hugging her legs: "Goddess has any orders, if you can't come forward, let me come, I'll be shameless."

Athena: (? _?)

"So so...so...get it?"

"No problem, I'm the best at mixing...slurry!"

Luo Su made a gesture that was no problem. The secret path was indeed Goddess of Wisdom. Like this, he thought of breaking the game and reaching the top of the Divine King.


Luo Su slapped the table, got up and scolded: "Enough, look at your noisy and scantily clad appearance, what kind of decency are you? How can you still look like a god? The scum of Linpis, just like Bo... just like that one!"

There was a sudden silence in the great hall, Luo Su was used to keeping a low profile and was not used to being the center point, clenching his fists lightly coughed: " Instead of arguing, I'd better say a fair word."


One blow caused a thousand waves, and all the gods were in an uproar. Will Sun God speak justice?

Bah, who would believe it!

Seeing that the great hall was getting louder and fiercer, and there were occasional Poseidon ventriloquists slandering Sun God's reputation, Luo Su immediately coldly snorted, waving his hand to cut a black pattern beside him.

Squeak! !

Noisy teeth grinding sounded, the gates of Hell with the white bone pattern slowly opened, the door was pitch black, and ominous rays of light were emitted.

The gods stopped for a moment, holding their breaths to see what Luo Su was going to do.

The black light flickered, covered by a mass of white flesh, it wasn't darkness, it was the big black eye of a flesh ball unwilling to reveal the name.

The tentacles rolled out, and a huge, slimy object rolled into the great hall in a manner that nearly broke Gates of Hell.

A head!

Mostly corroded, or digested, eyes black and hollow, skulls and bloody gums dazzling.


The gods don't know, so I think Luo Su is threatening them, and if they don't obey, they become this head.

"Don't think too much, this head is not someone else's, the sea emperor Poseidon can testify, it is the Monster God Xingtian who beat him to the point of losing Trident and pretending to be dead to escape to the underworld."


Poseidon: "..."

Luo Su waved out the black flame sword and repaired his nails: "Yes, this is one of the four Great Demon gods of Monster Race. Xingtian of Xingtian was killed by me, and this head is spills of war."

"Oh, there is another Monster God called Chaos, everyone should know him, the smoke that prevents you from escaping is him, The one who knew Avatar was smashed to ashes by me, so there was no body."


All Divine Hearts are related, no one dares to say anything, no If I remember correctly, according to Hera, the Monster God who killed Zeus self-destructed himself was Chaos.

The four Great Demon gods, randomly selected one is a powerhouse at the level of Zeus and Typhon, and Luo Su killed two in a row.

Doesn't this mean that Luo Su is more powerful than Zeus?

"Aiya, worthy of being the War God of Olympus, really deserves it!"

"That's it."

"I like it too! This feels..."


A series of flattery shots came up, Luo Su got tired of listening to two minutes, nothing new and creative, better than Prometheus shot Zeus is far behind.


He slapped the table again, letting the one-eyed flesh ball swipe away Xing Tian's head and continue to digest, and then said: "I took out Xing Tian's head, there is no other meaning, everyone can continue. Say whatever you want."


"Since no one speaks, I'll give you advice."

Luo Su swept left and right between the old and the new. On behalf of the gods, coldly snorted and said: "I have listened to what everyone said before. Personally, I think... blind's vision is very accurate, and dumb is right."

(end of this chapter)

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