End Of Heavens

Chapter 1184

End Of Heavens Chapter 1184


Chapter 1181 This is a Divine King, not a beauty pageant

"I'm not targeting anyone, I mean everyone sitting here is… ...it's all bullshit."

Luo Su glanced coldly at the audience, instantly stirring up a lot of anger, he didn't care at all, he is a man who wants to become a Divine King, he will be afraid of this. A group of cowards who dare not speak back when they are scolded by their noses?

Obviously impossible!

In the great hall, the repressed gasps of anger continued, Luo Su squinted and looked left and right, but no one dared to look at him.

"Hehe, God?"

A low sneer, full of undisguised contempt.

The gods were ashamed and annoyed when they heard this, and when someone rose up, they followed Luo Su, who was arrogant and conceited.

But not.

"Sun God, today's meeting is very important. You are also one of the candidates for the Divine King. Don't mess around here and disrupt the order of the meeting with your martial power."

Hades The veins on his forehead were throbbing, and when he saw Luo Su appearing, his heart skipped a beat, and when he saw his strong suppression of the audience, he felt even more uneasy.

"Why, Pluto thinks I'm wrong?"

Luo Su waved the black flame sword to the ground, hehe sneered, the shadow behind him climbed up on his shoulders, turning into a The devil's grinning face: "Who, like Pluto, thinks that my Sun God is wrong, now you can stand up, and I will practice with him alone, so that he will know... I am right."

"Sun God!!"


Luo Su's eyes flashed black glow, the strange shadow soared dozens of meters, baring above the great hall fangs and brandishing claws, arrogant to the extreme.

Artemis can see the water in his eyes, and he is indeed the man she likes. He looks so handsome and domineering.

“Cuck du!”x2

Hey, why are there two beeps?

Artemis frowned, wondering which shameless little bitch it was, greedy for her man's body.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw the impatient Hecate, that posture, that is, there were many people in a meeting now, otherwise she would have pounced.

Bah, shameless stuff!

Artemis was annoyed with snorted, and made up his mind, from now on, he would stay by Luo Su's side and never give Hecate a chance.

The imposing manner confronted for a moment, Hades was in a cold sweat, gnashing teeth said: "Sun God thinks that the gods are not right, so what do you think?"

It's just a matter of comparison."

Luo Su waved to Hades: "Pluto said, the time of war is not as usual, the gods should put aside their previous grievances, put aside their previous grievances, and fight the invasion of Monster Race together. "

"Yes, I said it."

"So you did it like this?"

Luo Su sneered, said Hades' face Embarrassed, he continued: "I can't see your hypocritical face, face-to-face and behind-the-scenes, when are you still playing intrigue."

The voice fell, the old gods were all Unhappy, the New Generation god silently praised Luo Su.

As expected of the straightforward and upright Sun God, this rhetoric is reasonable!

“And the three of you.”

Luo Su pointed to the three gods Poseidon, Hestia, and Demeter: “Although Zeus is usually shameless, always He did some absurd things, but when the mountain was in danger, he did not retreat, and finally died in battle."

Poseidon: Zeus had no choice, or he would have run away!

"The three of you are the main force in the battle of the Titans, and your strength is far superior to other gods, but what are you three doing when the Monster Race hits the mountain?"

Luo Su fiercely despised: "Poseidon, the emperor of the sea, lost Trident and pretended to be dead to escape. The two Goddess prioritized self-preservation in everything they did, and usually did nothing on the sacred mountain, and they were unwilling to do their best when fighting... "

"forgive me to speak bluntly, although the two are Twelve Main Gods, but there is no you, what is the difference?"


Hestia and Demeter were speechless when they heard the words. Luo Su said that they were ashamed and unable to show one's face, and they could not find a reason to refute.

"There's nothing wrong with the old generation of gods wanting to regain their former authority, such is human nature...but why should you live so long?"

"New Generation The gods of the gods don't want to give up their power, and yes, whoever sits on the throne doesn't want to go out...but why, just because you have a good life?"

"In my opinion, you are nonsense. There’s a lot of long-windedness, and it’s not because of a power dispute!”

Luo Su looked around the audience, all the gods bowed their heads, last time he used reason to convince people, this time it was with reason Convincing people, the meaning is completely different.

"I have a suggestion, I don't know if I should say it or not?"

"Sun God wants to rely on martial power to decide the ownership of the Divine King?"

The gods All were silent, and only Hades spoke up in time to point out Luo Su's sinister intentions.

"Of course not. Hades underestimated me too much. If I coveted the position of Divine King, I would have already done it. Why wait until today?"

Luo Su glanced at Hades, He continued: "Besides, even if I don't do it today, I will do it tomorrow. Whoever becomes the Divine King, I will kill him on the spot, then choose another one, and kill him again, until I become the Divine King."

"Sun God, who are you threatening?"

"No one, I'm just expressing my attitude, Divine King is good, but I'm not here."


Luo Su said: "Two generations of gods disagree with each other, it's just because they feel unfair, I have a voting system that both parties are willing to accept."


The gods whispered, and no one came forward to object, and decided to listen to Luo Su's opinion first.

There is no way, he has the biggest fist, you can tell by looking at his posture, whoever doesn't let him speak, he beats up to the point where he can't speak.

Maybe it's over, everyone has to hang on the great hall door as a curtain.

"The new Divine King must be of high moral character, so during the election, it must have the highest approval rate, which is what everyone expects!"

Luo Su pondered for a moment and said Athena's idea Come out: "The old generation of gods is an important battle strength in this battle and is eligible to participate in the voting link. Twelve Main Gods, or the gods who experienced the Titan battle back then worked hard, one vote can represent two votes, what do you think?"

"Sounds okay."

"It seems that this is the only way, otherwise, I don't know when it will be noisy."

"A bit It's a loss, but it's acceptable..."


The gods whispered, and finally acquiesced to Luo Su's proposal.

If you don't suffer from widowhood but suffer from unevenness, neither side suffers from losses, or if both sides suffer losses just offset, the problem is not a problem.

Hades frowned for a moment, thinking that it was not a big problem. According to Luo Su's proposal, he was still the one closest to the position of Divine King.

And, as long as Luo Su doesn't play arrogant and doesn't require the use of martial power to determine the ownership of the Divine King, he'll be thankful.

Ashamed to say, Hades pondered, he probably, maybe, probably wasn't Luo Su's match.

"If that's the case, then..."

Luo Su looked around, and finally said to Hestia: "Goddess has a noble status, and you should be in charge of the overall situation. , so I'll take care of you for counting the votes."

Hestia smiled slightly: "Sun God, you're welcome, Hestia can contribute to the gods, and naturally he will not refuse. ."


Luo Su rolled her eyes, this Goddess was so small, she ran on her to try nothing and accomplish nothing, and I still can't forget it.

It's been almost a minute!

But that's a good thing, at least Hestia won't vote for him.

Besides, Magistrate, the impartial and selfless three judges of the underworld, silently withdrew. Hades originally arranged for them to count, but now there is no drama.


"I vote for Hades, a noble king, and should be the new Divine King."

"I vote for Hestia. With one vote, she is the oldest and most sacred deity on the mountain..."

Luo Su: Who is this person, who points at a woman's nose and praises her for being old, this is a vote for support, clearly Find a beating!

"I voted for Luo Su, Sun God's outstanding military exploits, he killed two Monster Races in a row during the war, and also opened the door to the underworld, saving us from the calamity of death. This is due to the great contribution. For the new Divine King."

Luo Su: What's the situation, there are people who voted for me...Damn, I didn't ask for support!

"I vote for Athena, the scourge of war, and the Goddess of wisdom and war should lead us."


"I vote for Athena. Phrodite is one vote, there is no reason, I just like her."

Luo Su: Old Brother hold on, true warriors dare to face the bleak life... oh, you don't react.

"I vote for Lord Hades..."


"I vote for Athena..."

"I Two votes for Luo Su..."

"I vote for Hera one..."


After a while, Hades realized something was wrong , he dignified the Pluto, and the votes are on par with Aphrodite, who shows her thighs all day long. What the hell is this?

What do the gods who voted for Aphrodite mean, this is a Divine King, not a beauty pageant!

Hades looked embarrassed and looked at Aphrodite, who said nothing, feeling overcast.

"I voted for Athena twice, uh, she's smarter..."

Hecate looked disappointed, like this OK!

Bah, slut!

Artemis was indignant, obviously greedy for Luo Su's body, and actually voted two votes for Athena, which was extremely shameless.


Finally, the voting session has reached the final critical moment.

Ignoring a few candidates who are basically out of the picture, the two with the highest votes are Luo Su and Athena. The two are almost not on top of each other. Athena is higher, but Luo Su is very close to the back. tight.

Then came Aphrodite, and finally Hades.


What kind of shitty vote is this, who came up with it? x2

Luo Su and Hades were both depressed, waiting for the final Twelve Main Gods to vote. Hades basically had no chance unless they all voted for him.

Luo Su panicked a lot, and gave Artemis a series of glances. The latter smiled and made an understanding expression.

You know the shit!

"Artemis, don't..."

"Sun God, please don't disturb the fairness of the vote, or I'll have a hard time doing it."

Hess Tia interrupted with a soft whisper, moved towards Luo Su slightly smiled, his scalp tingling with laughter, feeling that he would be attacked tonight.

“I vote for Poseidon twice!”



Under the silence of the gods, Poseidon wasted two votes in arrogance, and successfully broke the zero egg for himself.

"What to watch, don't you know the key is to participate?"

(end of this chapter)

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