End Of Heavens

Chapter 1303

End Of Heavens Chapter 1303


Chapter 1300 This child must not stay

"My lord, as far as I know, the Dark God Palace has no priests yet..."

Hammering his legs for a while, Verdandi said worriedly: "Not only that, but there is no maid besides a team of guards, which is too hasty."

"It doesn't matter, just have Urd to manage. Now, I don't worry about her doing things."

Luo Su raised his brows, and roughly understood something.

Probe Skuld added: "But Urd has multiple roles, Valkyrie Legion, Apokolips, Arena, etc., and you can't do it all at the same time."

"Also Yes, what you said also makes sense."

Luo Su wanted to say that Urd had outstanding abilities and could handle it easily with the authority in hand, but Skuld was just too fierce.

"Since that's the case, my lord, what are your plans for the priests of the Dark God Palace? Everyone in Legion is happy to help Urd."

Verdandi didn't blink. With Luo Su, he almost offered himself up, indicating that he was competent.

"I don't need to worry about such trivial matters. Urd, you can look at the arrangement and choose someone you think is trustworthy."


Urd clearly agreed, and she stared at the dumbfounded Skuld and Verdandi with a faint smile, meaning that if she chose to die, no one would choose the two.

"My lord, don't bother Urd, there are two most suitable candidates here!"

"Yes, yes!"

"Where, why didn't I see it?"

Luo Su wondered, and then suddenly realized: "It turned out to be you two, just say no, I didn't understand for a while."

"My lord, do you agree?"

Skuld was overjoyed, listening to Luo Su's words, it was safe.

"Of course I agree. After all, you two are loyal to me, and I can rest assured that the temple is handed over to any of you."

Luo Su nominates with a smile: "Okay. Well, now you decide for yourself, who will be the priest of the Dark God Palace."


The two women were instantly stunned. What do you mean, there can only be one priest. ?

"Since you are so loyal and willing to help Urd share his worries, I happen to have a mission here."

Luo Su said slowly: "Apokolips is vast, except for Valkyrie Legion. This area where I am stationed has not been reasonably developed and utilized in other places. It is too wasteful. I am going to build seventy or eighty branch halls first..."

"Well, you two will discuss by yourself, who will stay and do it. Priest, who will go to the wasteland to build infrastructure."

Speaking, Luo Su patted Skuld's stiff hand on his shoulder, and neither fast nor slow said: "Continue, don't stop."

Skuld and Verdandi fell into a state of confusion, the development of the situation exceeded expectations, and then looked at the faces of their bitterness and hatred, and immediately became unkind.

I'm here, coolie workers! x2

Urd was fixing Luo Su's nails, with a disdainful smile on his lips, two fools who believed oneself infallible, showing IQ in front of the Lord of the Dark Dimension, literally courting death.

"My lord, you misunderstood... No, I just didn't express it clearly. Skuld and I have limited self-knowledge, far worse than Urd, and never thought of becoming a priest."

Verdandi had an idea and said with a smile: "We are satisfied that we have recommended ourselves to be the maids of the Dark God Palace. We water the flowers and loosen the soil every day, which is just within the scope of our ability."

"Oh, That's it, I understand your intentions."

Luo Su's eyes flashed brightly, and he raised his hand and touched his chin: "You should know the duties of a maid of the Dark God Palace, I have never chosen, yes Because... Forget it, now that you express your intentions, I can't refuse, otherwise, you will lose face for a long time, and you will lose your soul for a long time."

"Ai, alas, the maids of the Dark God Palace still Do you have any ideas?"

Skuld and Verdandi trembled, feeling that the hole they dug today was a bit deep, and they couldn't climb up if they fell in.

"I understand, the lady's last restraint, I will not expose it."

Luo Su solemnly nodded: "You go to Dark God Palace first, I will come later. "

"Ahhh, it's not..."

Halfway through the words, the two disappeared in place and were sent to the Dark God Palace by Luo Su.

Seeing that the two suddenly disappeared, it was Urd's turn to be dumbfounded.> "I know, they are greedy for my body."

Luo Su interrupted Urd: "Needless to say, they are also people who want face, you just need to understand."

"No, I still have to say it."

Urd's brows twitched wildly, the atmosphere of the dark dimension can't be corrupted, she must stand up and stop it.

"Oh, I understand, so you also..."

Luo Su shook his head again and again: "Sorry, I ignored your feelings, until now I treat you as air. "

Urd: "..."

The air is good, hope to keep it!

"Since you have an idea, I will definitely satisfy you and let them cool down by the side. But you two sisters are deeply in love. If I do like this, will you have a gap in your heart, so that you will become enemies? "

"My lord, it's not what you imagined..."

"I can rest assured that it won't turn against each other. In this way, you go to the Dark God Palace and let the two of them pack up and take everyone away." , our business..."

Speaking of this, Luo Su raised his eyebrows at Urd: "Take your time, don't rush."

Urd: (?_? )

"What are you doing, hurry up, it's so embarrassing when they're in bed!"


Urd wandered When he got up, he carried his sword disappeared with grief and indignation. Looking at the posture, Dark God Palace must have a foul wind and bloody rain.


Luo Su whispered, looking at Loki in the arena, he defeated a Valkyrie holding Thor's Hammer, ushered in the next opponent, opening A sweet and greasy elder sister coaxed the other side into laughing wildly.

Hearty laughter, like a barbell!

Luo Su: "..."

This child will never stay!

Luo Su pondered, let Loki live for a while, and there should be the Frost Soldier Legion on Apokolips.

Let's not mention it, as far as Loki's mouth is on both sides, if it's not right...cough cough, in short, this guy is not single by strength, and has the ability to become the master of the harem.

The battle ended quickly, and Loki still won this round. Compared to Thor's battle, it was far less murderous.

This is also a no-brainer, after all, Thor is the same model as Odin when he was young, Loki...

If he looks like Odin, the frost giant will be very lively.

At the end of the battle, Loki is speechless, waiting for the next opponent to appear.

I never thought about it, saw a flash, and found myself standing in the audience, in front of his brother-in-law.

Not enemies.

In Loki's little book, his enemy is Thor, and if it weren't for Thor, who killed others, he wouldn't be a fool to walk into the dark dimension and become a plaything for the Valkyrie.

To tell the truth, the dark dimension is really too terrifying. When he first came in, he repeatedly wandered on the death line.

Every time, he could see a river, and across the river was a row of frost giants beckoning to him.

What's more terrifying is that he thinks these Frost Giants are kind and amiable...

During that time, Loki felt like he was going to break!

He didn't dare to tell others that although the chances were zero, if it were heard by Odin and Frigga, they would definitely be extremely disappointed, thinking that he wanted to betray the country and join the enemy.

It was only later that the plan was changed and life was a little easier.

Successfully penetrated into Valkyrie, so that they are willing to teach themselves, their strength advanced by leaps and bounds, instead of being beaten to death by a hammer or electrocuted, and dying in various postures.

There is good and bad, Loki changed into women's clothes with grief and anger, MMP in his heart, hehe smiled on his lips, and said that he is very proud of being a Valkyrie.

Growing beards and hair is not for anything else, just to keep some manliness, otherwise...

Ashamed to say, accidentally, it became a group favorite, just because of him When it comes to women's clothing, more than 90% of Valkyrie are not as beautiful as him!

"Sorcerer Supreme, you're here."

Loki raised his axe, covering his pink Princess skirt, and complained: "Is it my father who is passing by? There is a fourth child."

Loki hopes to be the second possibility, Luo Su once told him that the time of his release is the birth of Odin's fourth child.

Although he thought it was ridiculous, he was looking forward to Odin the spring coming upon a withered tree, but he couldn't. It would be good to pick up a child from outside.

"That's not true. God Odin is still old and weak, and has no ability to create another child...I'm just talking about my thoughts."

Luo Su lightly coughed: "It's like this, Odin God invited me to the banquet, and I hope to see you at the banquet."

"father wants to see me?"

Loki's face was full of joy when he heard this, full of fatherly love. of warmth.

"No, it was Thor who wanted to see you at the banquet. Since he trapped you in the dark dimension, he ran out of Asgard and disappeared, so this banquet should be a welcome reception for Thor. Banquet."

Luo Su fiercely stabbed Loki in the waist, and then comforted him with kind words: "But you don't have to be disappointed, this time has not been in vain, and you have the ability to take revenge."

Loki: "..."

I've never seen someone like this run, that is, I can't beat him, otherwise he would slash... no, an axe would slash Luo Su's waist.

"Okay, go and say goodbye to the Valkyrie, I guess you don't plan to come in again in the future."

Before Loki's face was ecstatic, Luo Su pointed to his pink dress, He continued: "It's very beautiful. Wear it to Thor early. He will definitely not support you as a king, and there will be no Hela thing now."

Luo Su is full of malice, to some extent From the above, Loki's trip to the dark dimension can be called the Third Princess.

"Just say goodbye, forget it..."

Loki's eyelids twitched: "It's too sad to say goodbye, I don't want to make everyone sad, it's better to leave now. Immediately! Immediately! !"

"Don't worry, I'll sit for a while."

Luo Su asked Loki to sit down and waited for Urd to appear, before seeing the other party teleport with a dark face.

Skuld and Verdandi didn't see it, maybe they turned into flower fat.

Luo Su didn't care either, opened the mouth and said: "Urd, pick a team, I'm going to Asgard for a banquet."


Urd was stunned when he heard the words, and after reacting, he repeatedly nodded, saying that he would make arrangements.

"Urd, there's still plenty of time, we're not in a hurry, I think it's better to cultivate relationships first, and have a foundation."

"Ha, ha, you're right. Yes!"

Urd's smile stiffened, and the teleport disappeared with a swish.


Loki is very dissatisfied, although he knows that Luo Su has someone outside, such as two close female secretaries, who is by no means a good gentleman, and also has a relationship with Luo Su. Hela has few contacts, and the relationship is not as good as passers-by.

But no matter what, Luo Su is the fiancé of the Queen of Asgard. In front of him, the Third Prince, hooking up with female subordinates is too much to ignore Asgard.

Going out, Asgard how to save face?

Considering his unfamiliarity with Hela, Loki decides to tell Thor about it, and ask him to expose Luo Su's scandal and give Asgard a statement.

(end of this chapter)

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