End Of Heavens

Chapter 1304

End Of Heavens Chapter 1304


Chapter 1301 has something to say, I have no problem with


A continent that does not belong to any celestial system and is independently suspended in the deep space universe.

A common combination of high technology and magic, there is no star movement, but there is a clear distinction between day and night, one of the wonders of the universe.

As the Divine Domain in the Nine Realms, the Asgard continent did not exist originally, but the special Space Node made it a must-see military location, and the continent came into being.

Occupying this place, the Asgards can use the Rainbow Bridge to teleport their armies to any corner of the universe.

Speaking of which, the universe here is not so extensive, and it is still roughly in the scope of the Milky Way.

Although the Asgard people are strong, they are not exaggerated to the point of dominating the universe. A group of leaders, including Odin, know that dominating the universe is purely a dream, and only a region's Overlord can keep Asgard in long-term peace.

In the vast universe of deep space, the mass of matter similar to Nebula is condensed into crystals by magic, and on the huge foundation is the mountains, rivers and oceans of Asgard.

The Ocean Waterfall plunges down from the edge of the foundation, with a roaring impact and a spectacular imposing manner.

Luo Su led a team of Valkyrie from Svartalfheim and arrived here via the Rainbow Bridge, where he saw a golden-bright and dazzling palace in the distance.

It's such a big group, occupying a large area, making the civilian area of Asgard pitifully small, and using 'tuo' as a quantifier unit is totally fine.

“Sorcerer Supreme, long time no see.”

Thor smiled and stepped forward and was about to give Luo Su a bear hug, Urd coldly snorted beside him, and he was polite immediately Close hand.

The root of the disease left in the dark dimension arena, when he saw the cold-eyed Valkyrie, he was out of control.

Sadly, it's called muscle memory.



Hearing the kind call, Thor turned around quickly, tears welling up in his eyes, and his beloved younger brother hugging.

bang! bang! bang! Bang------

Long time no see big brother, Loki was also very excited, although he didn't shed tears, but the fist that slapped Thor's back was extra hard.

Thor takes a few blows, pushes Loki away and complains, "It's only been so long before you get stronger like this."

Loki mystifying out: "I've changed It's not just strength, don't worry, there are many surprises."

"Yeah, Thor, you didn't see it, Loki is all women's clothing..."

"cough cough cough!"

Loki clenched his fists and coughed heavily, interrupting Luo Su's interjection.

Before he came, he deliberately trimmed his beard and hair and changed back to the familiar trousers. That dark history was in the past, and he didn't want to look back and face it, and he didn't want others to know about it.

Especially Odin, Frigga, Thor.

Luo Su interjected again: "What's the matter, Loki, the sudden cough is because I'm not used to wearing pants?"

"Pants, what pants, Loki, you don't wear pants in the arena right?"

Thor is suspicious, feeling like he's missing out on an interesting plot.

"Nothing, you've changed more than me."

Loki perfunctory, pointed at the eye patch on Thor's right eye socket, frowned: "What's the matter, why? Wearing a blindfold, that eyeball is completely blind?"

"No, mother said it's scary, let me put on a blindfold."

Thor raised the blindfold, right The eyeballs circled in the eye socket like a wheel.

"It's disappointing that you're not blind."


"I mean you look like a father with the blindfold, keep it up , looks very kind."

Loki explained, raised his hand and hooked Thor's shoulder, leaning back against Luo Su and whispered BB: "Thor, I have seen a lot of inside stories in the dark dimension, Corps Head of Valkyrie Legion. , is the valet next to my brother-in-law, and they have an affair."


Thor, with a horrified face, shouted in disbelief: "Loki , you said that you saw your brother-in-law hooking up with the female bodyguard with your own eyes, and asked me to expose him at the banquet, and tell the elder sister and father mother truthfully! Loki, is this true?"

Loki: ∑(ò?ó;)

Hearing the whispering whispers of the surrounding Asgard escorts and the trembling of Urd's arms holding down the hilt of the sword, he wanted to die.

The good news is that, after confirming that Thor is not the big brother of the former fool, he will never be fooled again if he adjusts his strategy in the future.

This is the last time!

be that as it may, but Loki wasn't sure if he had a future.

Cautiously glanced at Luo Su, seeing that his face remained unchanged, smiling like a normal person, and his heart was even more uncertain.

"Corps Head, Urd, is that you?"

Just when Urd was shaking with anger, struggling to decide whether to hack the brothers to death, the team that came to greet them Inside, stood a female bodyguard wearing a dragon tooth sword.

A beautiful woman with fluttering blonde hair and a tall body that makes you breathe faster at a glance.

"You, you're Valkyrie!?"

Urd's anger dissipated instantly, and he hugged the beauties approaching him. This time, the picture became even more beautiful.


Luo Su touched the chin without interrupting Ji Qingsi, consciously made room, raised his hand and snapped his fingers, calling Thor to the beside.

"Sorcerer Supreme, what's the matter?"

Thor stood at attention, adding, "Sorry, Loki was shocking, I didn't expect , that kid dares to make you embarrassed at the banquet, that's why..."

"Shut up, I'm not deaf, it's not a good thing to hear you both."

Luo Su said angrily, pointed at Valkyrie and said, "What's the matter, where did you hook up Valkyrie?"

"This is the situation..."

After the dark dimension is rapidly ripened, Thor still uses the honest character, tricking Loki into the dark dimension is a little panic, so he drives the spaceship to take refuge.

On the star of Saka, he had nothing to do, and in order to make some fuel money, he signed up for the ultimate fighting tournament, which the locals are very obsessed with.

Unruly fighting tournament, the players are all outstanding.

Because the behind-the-scenes Boss is good at marketing, the tournament has been broadcast by many cosmic civilizations, not only the Boss himself has made a lot of money, but the champion players can also instantly become famous and gain a lot of money.

There, Thor met Valkyrie, who came to ask him to be his manager.

Thor, with his honest and timid looks, as well as his outstanding strength, made his way through the ranks and defeated the last defending champion.

Valkyrie's identity is also exposed, and the two... fight.

Asgard's Prince, in Valkyrie's eyes, is a mortal enemy.

After Thor was abused, his IQ was online, and a flicker convinced Valkyrie that Valkyrie Legion was alive, but he just changed his face and found another backer, no longer serving Asgard.

The two made a bet that Thor managed to turn the Valkyrie back into Asgard, and that's what happened.

"Seriously, if I hadn't been in the arena for a while, I definitely wouldn't have been able to win the defending champion of the fighting tournament. That horse face is quite powerful."

Thor was still terrified. , After three seconds, the style of painting changed greatly: "But there is no if in the world, he is unlucky when he meets me, hahaha ——"

"Yeah, you are really lucky."

Luo Su twitched his lips , which means that the hammer has become an axe, and without Odin's restraint, Thor's face should be green again.

On the other side, Valkyrie and Urd hugged and hugged with other Valkyrie one after another, telling their experiences over the years.

The mention of loneliness is another tear.

Urd explained the reason for the resurrection, the current Valkyrie Legion does not belong to Asgard, the Boss is replaced by the Lord of the Dark Dimension, and I have a very happy life.

After abusing Odin's three children in a row, the Valkyrie's grievances disappeared, and they were really happy.

"so that's how it is, I understand."

Valkyrie nodded again and again and whispered to Urd: "Corps Head, I have understood your plan, but "..."


Urd's face was full of question marks, wondering what Valkyrie understood, and what was the plan?

"The new boss and Hela are engaged, Valkyrie Legion and Hela are absolutely irreconcilable, so you and the new boss...what the hell, destroy their relationship to get revenge on the royal family of Asgard."


Valkyrie burst into tears as he spoke: "Corps Head, if you really don't like it, there's no need to do this step for everyone, you don't have to carry everything yourself, as long as you say something, I'm willing to do anything! "

Urd: "..."

She didn't say anything, she looked down at her sword. When she stepped into Asgard, everything went wrong. She should have changed her luck with blood.

"I have nothing to say, I personally have no opinion."

Luo Su suddenly stepped forward, interrupted the sister's affection, and interjected: "Valkyrie, right, there is Have you thought about returning to Valkyrie Legion?"


Valkyrie nodded again and again, claiming that as long as she returned to Legion, any conditions would be fine, she Make sure you don't frown.

"Well, you can go back to the team now."

Speaking of this, Luo Su remembered something, pointed to Loki next to him and said, "The Third Prince over there is friendly. He's also a member of the Valkyrie Legion."


"Loki, you joined the Valkyrie Legion?"

Thor's grandfather The voice echoed: "I envy me, I dreamed of being a Valkyrie since I was a child, but my mother told me that only a girl in a skirt can become a Valkyrie, so I gave up my dream. How did you do it, Loki——"

Loki: ヘ(.□°)ヘ

He didn't speak, he covered his face and cried, as expected, the throne is really nothing to him.

Vaguely, Loki saw a row of frost giants soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed in his tears, beckoning to him as always.

"Loki, you talk!"

Thor hugged Loki who was sobbing, raised his hand and grabbed it back, tightly clasping the wrist holding the dagger, his affection remained unchanged: "Tell me quickly. Me, what did you do to join Valkyrie Legion? I'll tell mother that what she said back then was wrong."


Luo Su With black lines all over his face, this Thor is a little too mature. At first glance, it is Heaven's Chosen Son, the appearance of Wang Xuan.

"My lord, Valkyrie is just too excited, she is nothing serious, don't worry about it."

Urd took a deep breath and said seriously: "What is it? They're all coming at me, I'm fine."

"he he he..."

Luo Su smiled like a devil: "It's the same sentence, don't worry, Take your time."

(end of this chapter)

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