End Of Heavens

Chapter 135

End Of Heavens Chapter 135


Chapter 134 He punched me. Although I am dead, I am still not convinced

In the novel, Luo Su is not a pure magician , but a combination of magic and supernatural powers. The main god determined that he was very suitable for Thunder Attribute magic, and Storm's ability to control the weather in mutant was also very suitable for him.

According to the evaluation of the main god, Luo Su exchanged magic power and Thunder Attribute magic, a little bit of strengthening the mutant bloodline without side effects, and finally turned over to be the master, beat Lu Chuxue, and finally became the one who hangs the main god space. Big guy.

Find the right way, his growth rate is amazing, which can be described as a thousand miles.

Luo Su's ability in the novel is very powerful, able to sense and affect the meteorological energy form, ranging from minor weather changes, such as strong winds and rainstorms, to large meteorological phenomena such as blizzards and lightning tornadoes.

In the beginning, he could only generate and project lightning from his body, but in the end, he directly transformed into a plasma-like Body of Thunder that could rush out of Earth and traverse the universe.

Under the full blast, he can summon the solar storm and the torrent of cosmic elements. The strongest record is to instantly destroy the Earth in a Mission World.

Apart from this , he also deduced powerful abilities such as telepathy, electromagnetic force, and magnetic field manipulation.

It's a pity that people like this oxcha were still pushed up and down, and died of the righteous backstab of Jian Shaoxin's teleportation!

After reading this novel, Luo Su felt as disgusting as being forcibly fed shit. Given a thousand chances, he could not guess that he had the potential to become a boss, he always felt that he was a positive character .

Otherwise, why does he like this handsome!

The reference value of this novel is very low, because the plot has been disrupted, and the emergence of System has made Luo Su's life trajectory embark on another path.

Shen Menghan didn't get a lunch box, Jian Shaoxin didn't have a chance to be blackened, he didn't become a reincarnator himself, everything deviates from the original plot.

Although the reference value is low, it has pointed out the development direction for Luo Su. Even the main gods commented that he is very suitable for thunder and lightning, and he can specialize in this road in the future.

Thinking of this, Luo Su said silently: "System, use 'Item Card: Clow Card · Thunder'."

[Item Card: Clow Card · Thunder (not a magical girl can also Use)]

speaking of which, Luo Su is indeed related to Lei, such as the previous Skill Card of the King of Electronic Sound, being struck by lightning will increase attribute points, and then there is this Lei card .


The back of the magic card is a magic array of Sun, Moon, and Star, and the front is a Thunder Beast with baring fangs and brandishing claws. This Thunder Beast has scarlet eyes and a ferocious face. At first glance, it is a powerful character fighting for strength.

Luo Su entered the magic power and said softly: "Thunder!"

The card left his hand and turned into a beast surrounded by thunder. To Luo Su's surprise, Thunder Beast was very honest , squatting quietly in front of him, motionless without orders, only a long tail of electric sparks swaying back and forth, showing his kindness to him.

Thunder Beast is light blue all over, with fried fur all over the body. Judging from its appearance, it should be a large canine animal. The limbs are erect and the shoulders are 1 meter high, and the length is not easy to judge. The main reason is that the tail of the electric spark is short and short, but the shortest is 3 meters.

However, considering that it is a thunderbolt incarnation, Thunder Beast's body size should be free to change, and the size data is meaningless.

Luo Su extend the hand, trying to ask: "Can it be made smaller?"

Thunder Beast nods, the lightning flashes and becomes the size of a house cat, and jumps on it Luo Su's palm, sticking out his tongue and licking on his arm.

Crackle! ! !

The bright lights in the room flickered, and Luo Su's skeleton could be seen jumping happily. Thunder Beast realized that he had made a big mistake and hurriedly jumped off his palm.

Luo Su put on an explosive head and exhaled a puff of black smoke, which was very exciting. The Lord God is right, he really gets along well with Raiden, Thunder Beast just now, in addition to refreshing his mind, sharp ears and keen eyes, he also added 1 point of body attribute.

"嗼嗼~~~" Thunder Beast looked at the newly released Luo Su with apologetic sadness and tweeted softly.

"Oh, you can still make a sound..." Luo Su became interested, reached out and beckoned at Thunder Beast, motioning it to approach him.

The magic is really wonderful, it is obviously an Item Card, but it has its own thinking.

Thunder Beast shook his head and took two steps back, not wanting to hurt Luo Su any more, but before he could go far, he was picked up by Luo Su's hands.

Crackle! ! !

This time Luo Su didn't receive the enhancement effect, he just shivered, his resistance to lightning increased.


Thunder Beast shouted happily, climbed along Luo Su’s arm to his shoulder, stuck out his tongue and licked Luo Su’s face .

After the electric sound of the crackle passed, Luo Su completely motionless, spit out a black smoke: "Yes, enough power! Add more power and try to use full power once."

Thunder Beast motionless looked at Luo Su, that little expression seemed to be asking, are you serious?

"Forget it, take your time, don't be in a hurry, anyway, there is time." Luo Su calmed down, the full power is probably too much to bear, and the magic power is used to heal itself with Gray Wolf tattoos. All injuries recovered instantly.

“dīng líng líng ~~dīng líng líng ~~~”

The mobile phone on the computer table rang and vibrated on the table, Luo Su was about to pick it up when he suddenly thought He got up with Thunder Beast still on him, put the little fellow on the ground and let it play by itself, before picking up the phone to connect.

"Hello, this is Luo Su."

"Hello, I'm Ada Wang, we will meet at 8:00 tomorrow morning at XXXXX."

The caller was Ada Wang, a police officer who was temporarily in charge of District 28. She seemed very tired. Luo Su was about to say a few words when she hung up the phone.

"It's a bit cold, and he doesn't seem to be a good person to deal with, but the voice is nice." Luo Su shook his head and put down his phone, not taking this zero-time partner seriously.

Although they are all called Ada Wang, this police officer is definitely not the one in the game. After all, it is already 2035, and the one in the game is at least a 60-year-old grandma.

"It is also fortunate that Ada Wang in the game is Asian. If it were placed in Huaxia, she would have to continue playing Zombie in 2035, and she would have to endure for a few more years if she wanted to retire."

Luo Su complained a few words, and when he looked up, he found that it was very late. He suddenly realized that it took a lot of time to read the novel, and he even missed dinner.

It's just a street novel, it actually made me neglect sleep and forget about food, when did I like this anti-drug!

"You stay at home obediently and honestly, don't run around, you know?"


Damn, what? You can like this cute, this is a foul!

Luo Su couldn't help but picked up Thunder Beast and slapped it twice, then put on his coat and wandered out for food.


On the second day, Luo Su drove to the appointed place, he didn't like and the others, and he didn't like being asked to wait for him, considering that the other party was a lady, today again It was the first time we met, so I moved 10 minutes earlier.

Ada · Wang came very quickly, only five minutes later she opened the car door and got into the passenger seat.

"I'm your partner Ada · Wang, just call me Ada. Also, don't ask me who Leon is, I really don't know."

" Hello, Ada, I'm Luo Su!"

The two shook hands as a preliminary acquaintance, Luo Su took the opportunity to observe his partner, a soft face of Asian women's standard, short work hair, black trench coat and Beige trousers, a pair of black leather boots, and a gun holster under his arm.

She has a relatively well-proportioned body, with a small chest and long legs. Luo Su estimates that she stands at least 1.7 meters.

The two drove around the 28 area, the computer took over the automatic driving, and the two talked and worked in the car. Mainly Ada said Luo Su listen, he is new and must be brought by Ada to familiarize himself with the job.

After a round of inspections, Luo Su was very satisfied with his partner. Although it was a zero-hour partner, the character of the other party was the type he liked.

Ada · Wang is swift and decisive, meticulous in his work, and very responsible. The way of behavior is direct and unpretentious, and he will say whatever he wants, not afraid of offending people. According to Ada, she used to be a clerical worker in the office and couldn't stand the constant computer screen, so she took the initiative to transfer to the field.

To put it bluntly, there is a female man attribute, and hobby is fitness and free fighting.

"You just came to Chicago, so you are definitely not familiar with the city, even the 28th District, which is in charge, is very unfamiliar." Ada said: "This is not conducive to your work, and you will be very unfamiliar with the case. Passive, so you have to develop informant as soon as possible, and with intelligence sources, you can solve the case faster.”

Luo Su humbly asked: “Ada, how did your informant develop?”

Ada laughed, shook her fist, raised her eyebrows: "Trust me, it was a very pleasant process, in Area 50, my informant is almost everywhere."

Luo Su nominates, he agrees with this point very much. USA police have their own informant, generally speaking, they are the gangsters at the bottom of society. As long as they give money or physical greetings, they will say anything.

There are scenes like this in many movies. The police officer encounters a difficult case, suffers from no clues, and then encounters a gangster who sells washing powder while shopping. After you chased me, the police officer pushed the gangster deep in the alley, and after two punches, the clue was in hand.

It's not that there are no principles, but that they are informants themselves, albeit a bit semi-compulsive in nature.

Luo Su looked out the window, looking for a lucky person with informant aptitude, and happened to see a vicious black gangster at the roadside alley. The man looked at Luo Su with a grim smile, bent his arms to show off his dark, hard and thick biceps, and finally compared his middle finger.

After confirming the eyes, it's him!

"I found the informant, it's him."

Luo Su's eyes lit up, the black brawny man Yintang on the opposite side turned black, there was a blood light disaster, and the sharp little boy With hatred in his eyes, he just told Luo Su that there would be an unexpected harvest in developing this informant.

Ada smiled and shook her head: "Sorry, Luo Su. It's not me who hit you, he's 'Black Stick' Billy, the person who can hit the most on this street is him, you want to use my way It's hard to develop him to be an informant."

"What do you mean?"

"Have you seen his muscles, his arms are thicker than your head."

Ada's meaning is obvious, the two are too different in size, and their muscles, size, and strength are not proportional at all, so Luo Su is not optimistic about knocking down each other.

I don't blame Ada for not being optimistic about Luo Su, his strength is in his bones, his muscles are well-proportioned, and he can't see it without taking off his clothes. Coupled with the recent personal coaching of Coach Shen, who worked hard day and night, his body fat dropped by a few percentage points, and he looked thinner.

Luo Su smiled meaningfully: "What's wrong with the muscular guys, big muscles don't mean strong muscle endurance and muscle strength, their muscles are all eaten by protein powder, and they seem strong in fact. It's all empty air. It's like he punched me, I'm dead, but I still don't accept it."

"Hahaha, you are so optimistic!"

Ada was amused, Watching Luo Su push the door and get out of the car, chat with Billy the Black Stick, and then walk into the alley, and hook the head open the car door.

The new partner is a bit stunned, but he has a good personality and is very angry with her.

bang! bang! bang! Bang————

When I came to the alley, Ada heard the sound of fists and kicks.

"No way, this was settled in just a few seconds?"

Ada hurriedly ran into the alley, and then saw Luo Su who was unilaterally violent. Lei held his head and pouted his ass, lying on the ground shiver coldly.

Ada: "..."

What happened?

(end of this chapter)

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