End Of Heavens Chapter 24


Chapter 24 I am your father

Regardless of body size or appearance, including temperament, Firefox can be classified as a Peak beauty ranks. Beauty is indeed a beauty, and Goddess is indeed Goddess, but Luo Su knows how dangerous the other party is. Besides, this Goddess does not belong to him, so naturally he will not show mercy.

Looking at Firefox, who had passed out, Luo Su picked up the M9 on the track and aimed his gun at her head. The Character Card's expiration date had now expired, and he hesitated before putting the gun down.

Firefox can die, but not at his hands, or Wesley will kill him.

Luo Su thought for a while, looked at the motionless swaying figure on the ground, and ripped off his waistband... Turning the Firefox around and tying his hands.

Then he pulled out Firefox's belt...and bound his feet too.

Luo Su fumbled around on the Firefox for a while, making sure there was no tracker, before grabbing the waistband on her feet and dragging it to the side of the pickup. He threw it into the uncovered carriage at the back, wrapped it in a rain-proof cloth and turned it into a dumpling, and then clapped his hands to open the door.

In the rearview mirror, Luo Su looked at the bruises on his cheeks, opened the system interface, took out Liniment and wiped it, the effect was good, and soon he became that handsome sunny youth again.

“dīng líng líng ~~~dīng líng líng ~~~dīng líng líng ~~~”

Luo Su found the phone under the car seat, it was from Cross, he Directly connected: "How is it, what's the result?"

Cross's voice was a little depressing: "It's bad, I uniformed Wesley and told him I was his father, but he didn't listen at all, and said he wanted to Kill me."

Luo Su raised his brows: "So what?"

"I knocked him unconscious, you go back to the factory and wait for me, and then talk about it when the time comes. "


"How about you, get rid of Firefox, be careful not to be stalked by her."

"No, I Capture her alive!"

Cross paused for two seconds, and said with displeasure: "Why capture her alive, the risk is too great, you should just kill her."

Luo Su The corner of his mouth twitched: "It's a bit of twists and turns, I can only say that if you kill her, you and Wesley will not let me go."


"Say You may not believe it when she came out, she said she was pregnant with Wesley's child!"



Lathe workshop, Luo Su tied Firefox In the fixed chair, after waiting for about two hours, Cross returned with Wesley in a coma.

Looking at the Firefox that turned into a pig's head, Cross's face twitched. If I remember correctly, Firefox has Wesley's child in its stomach. Will the child be hurt by this fat beating?

Luo Su took Wesley and tied it to the chair very skillfully. Before Wesley believed that Cross was his father, it was better to tie it.

Wesley, who was in a coma, suddenly felt cold on his face, and when he woke up, he saw Luo Su standing in front of him, and the water glass in the other's hand. In an unfamiliar environment, seeing a stranger with harboring malicious intentions written on his face, Wesley's first thought was to get out as soon as possible, but unfortunately his hands and feet were tied, and he gave up after a few tries.

"Where is this, who are you?"

Fraternity's training has been fruitful, aside from anything else, if the Wesley was two weeks ago, it's already crying now I have no money to ask to let it go.

Luo Su didn't reply, but stepped aside, revealing Cross behind him.

Looking at Wesley with his hands and feet tied, Cross's heart softened and he put on a fatherly face, but unfortunately the expected warm picture of father and son hugging and crying did not appear. Wesley saw the unconscious Firefox on the side, facing Cross cursing continuously, spittle star sprayed his face.

"Fuck! You damn bastard, I curse you for giving birth to a son without beeping eyes, even if there is a channel for gays..."

This is not Wesley's original words , but this is almost the meaning of the translation, Cross looked stunned, and Luo Su was also shocked by Wesley's ruthlessness.

As expected of the male lead in the original book, he was so ruthless that he didn't even let himself go!

Wesley was in a bad mood. After studying art in Fraternity, he thought he would slaughter all sides and successfully killed Cross to avenge his father, but he was hanged and beaten by Cross on the train.

His arc shot looked extremely immature in front of Cross. After the bullets went out, he was pinned to the ground by Cross and forced to call his father.

Wesley felt humiliated like never before, he fought back and was beaten again.

During the period, Cross used a series of crime tools such as leather shoes, belts, broom sticks, etc., and rolled Wesley all over the floor. It may be that the image of the father's kindness and filial piety is too strong. Cross has only seen it on other parents. The first experience felt good, and he took a few more belts.

Wesley was beaten, and faced the insulting words that Cross asked to be called father again. He spat on Cross's face and was knocked unconscious by a punch.

Wesley thought he was dead, and the body would be buried in the wilderness, waiting for archaeologists to excavate hundreds of years later, and the skull to be displayed in the museum. However, when he woke up, he found that he was still alive, and his Goddess Firefox was also there, but Firefox's face was swollen like a pig's head, and if it wasn't for the clothes, he wouldn't have recognized it.

The pig's head doesn't matter, why is there a big breast?

Wesley got angry on the spot when he saw his beloved Goddess being abused, and scolded Cross in the face. To the effect that something is coming at me, what is the ability to do something to a woman. He used to be a cowardly character and rarely quarreled with others, so the swearing was just a few words over and over again.

There is no Little Ding Ding when giving birth to a son, no beeping eye when giving birth to a son, or two when there is one!

Cross' behavior was again Wesley's expectation, he thought the other party would be furious and inflict Firefox's share of torture on him.

As a result, Cross didn't mean to do anything at all, but looked at him with a silly look. Luo Su on the side was also, with admiration and respect in his eyes, and Wesley looked a little sorry.

The scene was silent for a while, Luo Su poured himself a glass of water and stood aside to act as a spectator, letting father and son perform to their fullest.

Cross once again refreshed Luo Su in mind top-notch assassin's lower limit. Don't look at his black-hearted, cold-hearted, face doesn't change when he kills people, but he is somewhat submissive in the face of his own son. The sentence 'I am your father' is repeated over and over again, and the words are empty and pale, without any convincing.

Wesley is also a dead brain, preconceived that slicked-back hair is his biological father, and curses Cross for having a son without beeping eyes.

Luo Su looked at it for a long time and couldn't help laughing.

Cross glared, like this touching scene can make you laugh out loud, do you still have humanity?

"To tell the truth, you are the worst father I have ever seen. Stand by and watch, this is the correct way to educate a rebellious son!"

Luo Su pushed Cross away , no longer have any illusions about the language organization ability of the crappy assassin, and decided to go out in person. He parked a cup of hot water on Wesley's face, and in the midst of the other party's screams, he hit another right hook.

Cross' eyelids jumped, and he almost pulled out a gun to do Luo Su, but finally held back. He decided to take a look and then, if Luo Su failed to convince Wesley, he would return the punch to which his son was beaten.

Luo Su put his hands on Wesley's shoulders and said cheerfully: "Boy, you are too excited, which is not conducive to our friendly conversation. If you calm down, it will be nodded, if not, I will hit you again. Fist until you calm down. Now tell me, are you calm?"

You are the one who wants to calm down!

Wesley complained in his heart, looking at Luo Su's smiling expression, he didn't know what to do, and nodded said that he had calmed down.

That's how human beings are. Kindness can't be exchanged for tolerance and understanding. It will only make the other party unsatisfied. Fierce spirits and fists can be combined to be obedient. It can be summed up in one word: Deserves a beating!

"Listen, I know you're a mortal. You think slicked-back hair is your father, so what Cross says you won't believe."

"slicked-back Who is the hair?"

Luo Su was speechless, and pulled out the crossed photo from the table. When Wesley saw it, he became very excited again, but when Luo Su raised his fist, He was immediately honest.

Luo Su ripped off a photo of slicked-back hair: "He is not your father, nor is he related to you by blood, you have been deceived, the scumbag man with the vicissitudes of life is your father "

"Don't try to lie to me, he is my father-killer!"

Luo Su smiled contemptuously: "Why does Fraternity tell you that slicked-back hair is your father, you Just believe it, and I told you that Cross is your father, but you deny it?"

Wesley frowned: "Isn't this as it should be by rights?"

Luo Su Shaking his head: "If slicked-back hair is really your father, then your father-killer should be me. Why, Sloan didn't tell you, did I kill slicked-back hair on the roof?"

Come to the streets for support!

(end of this chapter)

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