End Of Heavens Chapter 25


Chapter 25 is very difficult to drive, it is not recommended for beginners to start

Wesley brows tightly knit, subconsciously refused: "I don't know where you are Say, the cause of my father's death..."

"It hurts to death!"

Luo Su interrupted Wesley and patted his elbow: "The process was too bloody, I just I won't go into detail. I don't know what Sloan told you, but I'm sure you haven't investigated this."

Wesley was silent, he really didn't.

In fact, when he was about to investigate, he was stopped by Sloan for fear of being ambushed by Cross.

Luo Su continued: "There is a lot of evidence to verify that I killed slicked-back hair. If you really investigate, you can find that my wanted notice is still hanging at the police station. Maybe Sloan can Delete the police department files, but the memory of those witnesses cannot be deleted, point a gun to their heads, and you will know the truth.”

Wesley was speechless and defended himself. : "This is just your side of the word, who knows if it's true or false, unless you let me go and investigate the truth before I can believe you."

"Boy, don't play tricks in front of me, your trick is too much Childish."

"Even if you're telling the truth, what does that prove?" Wesley glanced at Cross and continued, "He tried to kill me several times, so what's the explanation? ?"

Luo Su slapped Wesley on the forehead: "Idiot, he is here to save you and keep you away from Fraternity's assassin. And, if he really wants to kill you, why are you still alive? "

"He wants to use me, pretend to be my father, and let me and Fraternity kill each other!"

Wesley made up a plausible reason, regardless of Luo Su believing or not, he believed it himself.

Luo Su sneered: "Have you ever thought that the people who use you are Fraternity, they let you and your biological father kill each other?"


Wesley was silent, muddleheaded lived for over twenty years, he was not an opinionated man, and at the moment did not know who to believe.

Luo Su took a deep look at Wesley and gave Cross a wink: "Don't you have any proof that you are Wesley's biological father?"

Cross suddenly realized : "Yes, there are many, I have photos of Wesley through childhood, and I keep them in my bedroom."

Luo Su uses a hand to cover the face: "Then take it, take it out early It's all over!"

Cross ran out of the factory, just then, Wesley heard the familiar sound of the light rail, very faint because of the sound insulation, but Wesley was too familiar, he Realize that your location is not far from home.

Five minutes later, Cross ran back panting, holding a dozen photo albums in his arms. Wesley's face turned pale, and he began to believe.

The reason is very simple, Cross has been living near his house, otherwise he would not have returned like this.

Cross spread out the photo album, and pointed to the baby in the photo: "Wesley, this is the photo of you when you were born..."

"This is your football when you were in elementary school. Team photo, I thought you were going to be an athlete..."

"This is your elementary school graduation ceremony, I took it from hiding in the corner..."

"This is It's..."


"And this, this is your birth certificate, I've always treasured it!"

looks like The salty and uncle-like Cross, Wesley's tears soaked his eyes, the kindness in Cross's eyes, which he had only seen in the eyes of other parents, and he had been longing for this kind of look since the death of his mother.

Wesley bowed his head and choked up, thinking that he almost killed his father, and he was in a complicated mood and burst into tears. Cross showed his scrambled side again, the photo album fell from his hand, he reached out to hug Wesley, and hesitantly took it back, the idiot stood and wept.

Luo Su's eyes dimmed, thinking of unpleasant things, twitched his lips to Firefox's side, pulled her hair and raised his head.

"Don't pretend to be asleep, your breathing has betrayed you. Now that you are awake, tell Wesley who is his real father."

Firefox Eyelashes Shaking slightly, he opened his eyes full of killing intent, and spit out bloody spit at Luo Su.

Luo Su tilted her head and flashed over, holding down Firefox's head, making her look towards Wesley.

Facing Wesley's unbelievable eyes, Firefox closed her eyes, she didn't dare to look at Wesley, she was acquiescing to all this.

At this time, Cross had untied Wesley's rope, father and son hugged each other's back for fear of hitting each other, so Luo Su rushed to the worst, top-notch assassin Cross from his pocket He pulled out a handkerchief and blew his nose.

Wesley came to Firefox with wet eyes, indescribable pain in his heart, unable to believe that his beloved Goddess would instigate him to kill his biological father.

"Why are you lying to me when you know all this? Do you know how much I trust you... like you?"

Wesley's voice trembled, but Firefox didn't. But very decisively, she opened her eyes and coldly said: "Because only you can kill Cross!"

"Is that the kind of shit?"

"Cross betrayed Fraternity , his name appeared on the loom, even in the most despicable way, must kill him."

Wesley was speechless, he knew the principle of Fraternity, kill one person to save a thousand Man, at first he didn't understand it, but only later did he understand the deep meaning of it. The name that appeared on the loom of fate would definitely become a very sinful person, and he began to struggle again. It turned out that his own father was not a good person.

"Sloan deceived you!"

Cross patted Wesley's shoulder and glanced at Firefox again: "Including you, he deceived everyone..."

With that said, Cross recounted the entire process of development of his betrayal of Fraternity.

Sloan faked the Must Kill List for his own sake. Cross found Sloan's name on the loom, and after investigation uncovered the conspiracy. Afraid of being exposed, Sloan preemptively forged Cross's list and issued an order to hunt him down, which triggered a series of incidents.

Wesley resolutely chooses to believe Cross, Firefox is snort disdainfully, and coldly snorted means that this is all sophistry. In order to prove himself, Cross took out a small piece of cloth that he carried with him. It was a binary code that needed a magnifying glass to see. After deciphering it, it was the name of the assassin.

Wesley took the magnifying glass, cracked the binary code bit by bit, and finally came up with the name Sloan, and he was in bad shape. If Sloan has been faking the list, are there innocents among the few people he killed before?

Firefox was a little flustered, she didn't know if Cross had faked the Must Kill List, it was a matter of faith and she couldn't keep calm.

Luo Su grabbed Wesley's deciphered name and shook it in front of Firefox, stimulating her sensitive nerves: "If Sloan is the one who betrayed Fraternity, then you are taking the side of the evil The executioner of -doer, you have killed a lot of people over the years, how many wronged souls are there?"

Firefox roared, struggling to stand up, the rope creaked, Luo Su picked up a black oil-stained rag and stuffed it in her mouth.

The fire fox glared angrily, with boiling flames burning in his eyes, Luo Su's crotch was cold, and he whistled and looked towards somewhere else.

Wesley couldn't bear it: "Wait, she is also a victim, she has been kept in the dark by Sloan, maybe we can win her over..."

Luo Su raised her brows: "Boy, I know you like her, but she's not for you. If I'm not mistaken, Sloan must have ordered her to execute your assassination mission after you kill Cross."

Wesley nods and says he knows, "It didn't matter, she didn't know it then, and she certainly won't now." Unbuttoning his right foot, he was hit in the vital position by a kick of Firefox, and he looked pale and fell to his knees.

Luo Su looked amused: "I said, she is not for you!"

Although the headlights and taillights are grand and magnificent, the S-type body has a smooth appearance and fits the air The dynamic principle, but the performance is wild, the chassis is high, the power is sufficient, the noise is strong, the exhaust pipe is too thick, and the driving difficulty factor is large. It is not recommended to start with a beginner.

Wesley lay on the ground, his legs were shaking, still unrepentant: "I...I think it's...not bad, it just takes a little time to get used to."

Facing Goddess, lick the dog without repentance!


[Falling Street Diary]

Many times, readers leave messages to encourage you, not How good are your novels, but how boring they are.

(end of this chapter)

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