End Of Heavens Chapter 26


Chapter 26

The second day arrived in a flash, Wesley soaked in the medicine bath to recover, and under his efforts, Firefox also Got a medicated bath. To his dismay, Luo Su stayed behind in the name of monitoring Firefox, sitting in a chair and watching the two take a medicinal bath.

You know, soaking in a medicinal bath requires you to be unconstrained and embrace nature in the most primordial state, which is... no clothes!

Cross is very measured, after all, he is his own son, unlike Luo Su, who is neither light nor heavy, so Wesley recovered quickly, and Firefox was soaked all night and did not fully recover.

Watching Luo Su flipping a handful of remodeled sand eagles that he had never seen before, Wesley was afraid that he would do something wrong with the fire fox in the medicine bath, although he also thought like this, no, he decisively asked to take over and change the guard. .

Luo Su ignored him, put the pistol on the table, and pointed to the clock on the wall: "Cross is waiting for you, saying that he wants to give you a surprise, I personally don't think you need to have expectations. , 80% is a belated birthday present."

You've already said it, where can I get a surprise!

Wesley thought indignantly that maybe the sinister image Luo Su had created before was too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and he was a little afraid of Luo Su: "Really, where is he?"

"In the Opposite your house, his apartment is right there, the one opposite your bedroom window. Father's love is always like this deep, not superficial but put into action, he uses telescope to observe the points of your life day and night Bit by bit, it's so touching!"

Wesley: "..."

Shit! Then didn't he see it all!

The green-faced Wesley left. He was going to look for Cross's misfortune. Even for the purpose of protection, such a move was too outrageous. No matter what, we must talk about it today, and we are not allowed to peep at him in the future, especially at night!

Not long after Wesley left, Firefox stood up from the medicine bath after recovering, the water droplets slid down the enchanting curve, and strands of hair stuck to the sides of her cheeks, and she raised her hand and stroked it behind her back. .

Firefox stepped out of the medicine bath generously, picked up the towel and wiped it briefly, then changed into the clean clothes Wesley had prepared for her.

Luo Su's eyes widened the whole time, not bragging. He has a strong sense of responsibility. He never blinks when he says surveillance... After speaking, the tattoo on Firefox's body is quite touching.

After moving its somewhat stiff limbs, Firefox saw Luo Su who was guarding beside him, snorted mockingly from his nose, strode towards him, and stretched out to the sand eagle on the table .

Luo Su grabbed Firefox's wrist and looked at the head: "Sorry, you can't touch the gun yet?"

"Our agreement has been reached, and I'll confirm whether Sloan is guilty or not. Before, I wouldn't shoot against you." Firefox glanced at Luo Su defiantly: "Or, you don't have any trust in your allies?"

"No no no, you misunderstood. I won't let you You touch the gun because your mental state is very unstable, I'm afraid you will commit suicide!"

Firefox's eyes turned cold, and broke away from Luo Su's hand: "You don't need to worry, if Sloan is indeed a sinner , I won't die until I kill him."

Luo Su shrugged and stood aside wisely, but didn't want to, Firefox was holding Sand Eagle's immediately, and pointed a gun at him.

"hehe, women!"

"Yes, women are vengeful creatures. Your hospitality has always been in my heart, and if I don't vent it, it will be difficult for me to Peace of mind to maintain allies."

"It's too dangerous, I'm useless if I get shot by the sand eagle, and the medicine bath can't save me..." Luo Su continued to seek death, raising his eyebrows .


Firefox coldly snorted and shot Luo Su in the thigh, a retaliatory shot. She is very confident in her Spear Art, she won't break Luo Su's leg, and the bullet will take away a piece of flesh and blood, which will still make people feel unbearable.


Firefox pulled the trigger, but the sand eagle seemed to be locked, even if the safety was turned on, it wouldn't help.

Luo Su kindly reminded: "This is a fingerprint identification pistol. Have you seen the blue identification button? Without the fingerprint of the gun owner, you cannot shoot. A pistol with great principles, Just like me, low-key and reserved..."

Listening to Luo Su shameless boasting, Firefox said that it was enough, grabbed his hand and pressed it on the fingerprint reader, then pulled the trigger.

ka-cha! ka-cha!

Firefox's eyes were bloodshot and red: "What's going on with this TM?"

"Uh... I'm not the owner of this gun!"

Luo Su scratched his head and smiled shyly, blaming him.

Fire Fox was so angry that his chest was about to explode, and he threw the sand eagle to the ground, holding Luo Su's shoulders with both hands and clasping his five fingers tightly. The twisted facial features expressed her anger, condensed her whole body, and slammed a knee between Luo Su's legs.


The screams sounded again, and Firefox jumped on the spot holding his knees a few times, and fell back into the medicine bath.

"Fuck!! Wearing iron pants all day long, are you a pervert?"

"What's wrong with men being perverted?"

Firefox: "… ..."

At this time, she suddenly missed Wesley, the dog licking, and compared with Luo Su, Wesley was perfect, he wouldn't put a piece of iron in his crotch, and he could kick as much as he wanted!


At noon, Wesley brought lunch, and Wesley, who became the second generation rich, made a lot of money. The lunch was steak + vegetable salad + ham and egg sandwich + pumpkin thick Soup, very hearty.

But this is Firefox's lunch. Considering that she has just soaked in the medicine bath, she must be very hungry. Wesley ordered a large portion.

Luo Su is a lot of trouble, the standard KFCgreat grandfather makes him want to vomit.

Firefox finally pulled back a sentence, rewarded Wesley with a kiss, and Suosi was shaking with excitement.

"This child is helpless!" Luo Su bit the super Hegemon burger with a look of disgust.

Cross gave Wesley a leather jacket, not a very valuable gift, but Wesley loved it. He has dreamed of this day for a long time, elated wears it, and refuses to take it off.

This baby lacks love!

After settling for lunch, Wesley got the approval of his beloved Goddess, who stood behind him and rubbed his shoulders. Luo Su is researching watch-type plastic bombs. He is very interested in this kind of miniature bombs that can be tied to mice. Unfortunately, he has not been able to issue the relevant Character Card and Skill Card. He can only rely on self-study.

By the way, Luo Su issued his Character Card while watching Wesley's dipping bath.

[Character Card: Wesley (innate talent is full of killing the second generation, his blood vessels have nothing but adrenaline)]

Firefox looked at Luo Su in the study , planning a revenge plan in her mind, she is a careful person, and she feels uncomfortable if she doesn't go back. She doesn't believe that Luo Su wears iron pants all day long!

Cross walked in and saw Wesley pinching the shoulders of Firefox, feeling very embarrassed, this child has never seen a woman or something.

"Guys, our plans may be ahead of schedule! According to my eyeliner, Sloan has recalled Fraternity's assassins scattered all over the place, they are assembled at Spinning Mill 17, and if we wait for them to take the initiative, we will Will be very passive..."

"What do you want to do, plan to say it!"

"Work overtime to make plastic bombs, and, at least catch it tonight A thousand mice... Wesley, you go catch mice!"


I'm your own son!

Push to the street for support!

(end of this chapter)

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