End Of Heavens Chapter 27


Chapter 27 Getting Ready

It took Wesley all night to catch 1,000 mice, and he didn't do anything, just According to Cross's instructions, went to the supermarket to buy a large amount of peanut butter.

Mice prefer peanut butter to rich cheese!

Wesley drove the garbage truck to the mouth of the city's sewers, and the car was filled with peanut butter with special ingredients, which continuously attracted the mice.

The special ingredient is ammonium nitrate, a colorless and odorless ammonium salt, an essential ingredient for military explosives, an extremely insensitive explosive, which is more insensitive than the safety explosive c4.

The mice who took the peanut butter will, under the high pressure stimulation of the watch bomb, incarnate as the peace warrior of fierce and unafraid of death, shouting Allahu Akbar, and cleaning Fraternity's lair.

Wesley went to take a shower after returning. The smell of peanut butter mixed with the sewer was so disgusting that he wanted to rub his skin off.

Luo Su, Cross and Firefox began to bundle the mice with equipment. They first paralyzed this group of unwilling little creatures with potion, and then tied watch-shaped plastic bombs one by one.

Wesley also joined in after taking a shower. The four of them worked together very efficiently, and they were all done in less than two hours.

Next, just wait for the rats to wake up, and then drive the garbage truck into Fraternity's lair - Textile Factory No. 17!

Cross had been preparing for this day for a long time. He took out the design blueprint of No. 17 textile factory and told Luo Su three about his detailed plan.

He was really well prepared, as can be seen from the remarks and signs of densely packed on the blueprint, and he specially marked a lot of places. Including sniper spots and blind spots, stress points of the house frame structure, the most ideal blasting position and so on.

It is even clear which side is the load-bearing wall, which wall can open a bookcase, and where is suitable for digging a fountain.

Firefox's face was not very good-looking, because she saw her bedroom, marked as four load-bearing walls, which were rebuilt from floor toilets. Even if an earthquake occurs, it is difficult to collapse.

Textile Factory No. 17 is a building from the last century. Its age does not mean it is old and damaged. On the contrary, this textile factory is very strong, like a fortress surrounded by high strength, enough to make many modern buildings blushed with shame. .

1000 rats are hard to shovel, and Cross knows that, so the rats' role is to blow up a bunch of hapless people and cause chaos by the way.

It is easy to catch fish when the water is mixed!

Fraternity has a lot of staff. Cross has a total of three men and one woman. It is unrealistic to kill them all. The main target is the leader Sloan and a few core members. Without these top-notch assassins, the rest of the stinky Sweet potato rotten eggs are nothing to be afraid of.

Since the Fraternity base camp was invaded, it's definitely impossible to rely on four small pistols. Cross opened his arsenal and let Luo Su and the others arm themselves and choose their favorite weapons at will.

Cross went into battle lightly. His mission was to snipe the targets on the commanding heights of the textile factory and cover the invasion of the three Luo Su, so in addition to the daily 'Magnum Baby Eagle II', he only brought a pair of them. A specially made sniper rifle that looks a lot like the M24.

Firefox's beloved remodeled M1911 pistol was lost during the battle with Luo Su. She was not comfortable with other guns, so she still chose two M1911 pistols, which were placed in the left and right armpit holsters.

Considering the many narrow passages in the textile factory, she also chose a submachine gun and carried it behind her back.

The hand-to-hand combat with Luo Su cast a lot of shadows on Firefox, who tied a long dagger to her calf and wore knee pads. Outside the black tight clothes, wearing a bulletproof vest, and the outer layer is a camouflage combat suit.

The valiant and formidable looking, like the uniform temptation, makes Wesley a little hard.

Wesley was wearing an M9+ submachine gun, a bulletproof vest and a camouflage combat suit, dressed exactly like a Firefox, maybe he thought it looked like a couple's outfit.

In fact, bulletproof vests are of little use in combat. If you are hit by a bullet on the front, you will not be killed by a gun, and you will also be hit by the kinetic energy of the bullet. At least not the unlucky guy who died of ricochet.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Su appeared, dressed in dark tactical equipment, wrapping his body tightly, from helmets to vests, military boots, knee pads, gloves, gas masks, and goggles.

There are M9s in the left and right holsters, a M4A1 on the back, flashbangs, daggers, nylon ropes, shrinking sticks, sundries bags, first aid bags, magazine bags, back pockets, Leg packs, a row of grenades on his chest, and a Remington M870 shotgun in both hands.

The three of Cross were stunned. Luo Su's equipment was so armed that it could be pulled to the battlefield to fight.

"You...what are you doing?"

Cross swallowed, they are assassins, not special forces, do you want to exaggerate like this?

Luo Su took off his helmet, and on his head was a black mask with only eyes exposed, he shook the M870: "Under the shotgun, All Living Things Equality, etc.!"

" Who asked you this..." Cross was speechless: "I mean, we're not going to war, you don't have to dress like this."

"No, this is war!"

Luo Su shook the head, hating him for not arguing: "You gang of assassins, full of Knightism spirit, really don't know what to say to you. Fraternity won't be one-on-one duel with us, They will just swarm up, don't bring a little equipment, don't they pick up the enemy's weapons?"

This is very reasonable, Firefox and Wesley looked at each other and changed into Luo Su's equipment. Not to mention, after he was armed with live ammunition, he felt a little more secure in his heart.

Seeing the three guys in black standing in a row, Cross reluctantly changed into a black bulletproof vest, and he really became a SWAT.

"If we sprayed white paint with SWAT on the back, will Sloan surrender when he sees it?"

Luo Su asked maliciously, but except Wesley looked Thoughtful, the other two pretended not to hear.

"Okay, now let's get down to business, who drives the garbage truck?"

The garbage truck is full of rats, the Holy War attack is the first step in the plan, and it's about To the most important part of the follow-up plan, absolutely must not fail.

"Luo Su, you..."

"Sorry, I suddenly remembered that my driving license expired today, as a high-quality driver who obeys traffic laws, Now I refuse to drive all vehicles, even bicycles."

The charge is on the front line and is the most likely to encounter a set fire proposition, Luo Su decisively chose to refuse.

Cross rolled his eyes, didn't want to pay attention to Luo Su, and didn't want his son to take risks, so he gave the mission to Firefox, which nodded agreed, as if it was just an ordinary mission.

For a man with a life-long ambition, it doesn't matter whether the mission is dangerous or not!

Firefox is not a fool. Facing the various evidences presented by Cross, she has realized that Sloan is the real traitor, and also knows that her name is very likely to appear on the loom.

Her faith has collapsed, and the reason why she hasn't committed suicide is to keep her useful body to avenge Sloan and avenge those innocent dead.

It's not Wesley's style to let Goddess take risks. He took the initiative to ask Ying and Firefox to jointly execute the mission. No matter how Cross persuaded him, he insisted on his own opinion.

No, he just did his duty as a dog licker!

[Falling Street Diary]

Sometimes, after thinking hard and thinking about it for a few hours, it's not as good as the blind Jiba's random writing.

(end of this chapter)

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