End Of Heavens Chapter 28


Chapter 28 is planned

"The sniper is in place, how is your situation?"

Cross touched the in-ear miniature walkie-talkie. At this time, he was more than 2 kilometers away from the No. 17 textile factory. Even a top-notch sniper would be impossible to hit every shot at this distance, but Cross can. He is adrenaline. More, in terms of sniping, the farther the more accurate.

The time of the attack was not chosen at night, which was not conducive to Cross' sniper cover, and the night would only cause trouble, after all, Textile Mill 17 is Fraternity's territory, and they are more familiar with the terrain.

Cross is facing the textile mill. All the commanding heights are within his range. This is the best position he has determined after many investigations. There is no sniper point around him that can threaten him.

In the scope, the garbage truck drove across the bridge and came to the gate of the textile factory.

"No problem, the mice are already in place!" Firefox sat in the co-pilot and replied coldly.

"Be careful, it will take quite some time for the rats to rush into the mill, during which time you will be met with a wave of fire. Try not to shoot, and I will cover you in case you run out of ammo later. ."

This is the style of Cross, if you can snipe, you can't handgun, if you can handjob, you can't fight melee, and if you can do close combat, you can't BB.


After Firefox replied, it nodded to Wesley, who put the car in reverse, and fiery rammed towards the gate of the textile factory.

Assassins in Fraternity noticed the difference when the garbage truck appeared, and many people pushed open the small windows and looked down. Each of them is an assassin, and they are very vigilant, but just because everyone is an assassin, they never thought that someone would take the initiative to attack here.

bang! !

The door of the textile factory was slammed open, and the assassins looked at this reckless garbage truck, and then woke up like a dream, and they took the guy in their hands and aimed down.

Wesley parked in just the right spot, with the driver's seat stuck in the door, taking advantage of the terrain. From the city wall, the inside of the gate is a blind spot, and the Ironhide, which has been thickened by the garbage truck, cannot be penetrated by ordinary bullets.

Sloan saw through the window the garbage truck below, and at his command, dozens of fire sites began pouring ammunition down, all semi-automatic rifles.

Suddenly, Sloan sensed a death palpitation, and not even think fell to the ground.

A scream sounded from the roof, and the body fell down. Sloan's face twitched as he passed through the window, and when the muffled sound of the landing came out, a chill surged up in his heart.

"Damn Cross!"

Sloan uses the shadow of the wall to leave the dangerous window, the office on the third floor, which is the safest room in the 17th textile factory. He's the chief, giving orders to the loom, not fighting the invaders with a gun.

Sloan has thought about it a lot, but he didn't expect Cross to launch an attack boldly.

He recalled the members who were distributed outside to carry out the mission in order to expand the search scope to find Cross. Now he regrets it a little, and should have acted earlier.

Firefox presses the button to open the closed compartment of the garbage truck, like taking out the garbage, and pushes all the thousands of mice out of the truck.

Because of the intensive gunshots, the mice had long been frightened and screamed, and as they were pushed out of the car, they immediately ran away. The vast space could not make them feel at ease. On the contrary, the dark textile factory seemed to have a very high safety factor, so Sa Yazi ran away.

Watching the rats, Fraternity's assassins were a little disturbed, and among them a few smart people who knew the 'Exterminator', realized the danger of these rats, and started shooting at them.

bang! bang! bang! Bam...

Cross's happy sniping starts, in Bullet Time, sniping high walls or silhouettes in windows with no difficulty.

Realizing that the enemy had snipers, the assassins also took aim with their sniper rifles, but when they saw the snipers two kilometers away through the scope, they all panicked.

Too far, beyond their reach!

bang! bang! Bang————

After a few more shots, no one dared to show up again.

In the small door in the city wall, more than ten assassins rushed out with guns. They wanted to kill Wesley on the garbage truck. Because of the high wall, there was no need to worry about being hit by sniper rifles.

The logic is very smooth, but before rushing out a few steps, he was forced to retreat by the grenades thrown by Firefox and Wesley, who were standing against the crack of the door. After two explosions, this group of heroic unfortunate people were all seriously injured by shrapnel, and they breathed one's last in a short time.

The explosion of the grenade made the assassins dare not move, and the mice were even more stimulated, and they all ran into the textile factory.

Soon, curses and gunshots were heard in the textile factory, and the rats were stimulated to run wild, spreading like a virus. If it was an ordinary mouse, it would naturally not make the complexion greatly changed for the assassins, but the mouse with a watch-type time bomb strapped to its back is different.

More and more assassins are devoted to the era of rodent removal. Rats are scattered all over the place, and there are so many assassins that start to cry in despair.

Killing a mouse is not the same as disarming a bomb. Watching the countdown number on the watch, the textile factory is even more confused.

The time is too short to defuse the bomb!

Under the urge to survive, some people began to storm the gate, but were blown back by Firefox and Wesley, and the assassin who fought back from the window was called by Cross one by one.

The unbreakable castle has now become a coffin with no way out. When they die, they can be buried with a priest!

As time passed, Firefox listened to the despairing wailing of the textile factory, but there was no pity in its eyes.

There are many people in the textile factory who are blinded by Sloan like her. They think they are the assassins of fate and fight to maintain world peace. They have become accomplices of Sloan's profit without knowing it. .

In all fairness, these people are innocent, they are just victims.

But Firefox's beliefs made her heart extremely indifferent. These assassins are innocent, and so are the people they killed. How many happy families are torn apart, how many children cry at their parents' graves, these assassins may not know, but they are already sinners.

"Time's up!"

Firefox looked at the watch and lay on the ground at the same time as Wesley.

bang! bang! bang! Boom————

Intensive explosions sounded all over the textile factory, almost at the same time, all the glass was shattered in an instant , screams and wailing echoed in the smoke and dust.

The textile factory is a hell on earth, the dust raised reduces visibility, the ground can be seen everywhere The parts of the textile machine scattered by the explosion, but more are broken limbs, and dark red blood stains.

The formidable power of the watch bomb is not enough to destroy the textile factory so badly, but the special ingredient in peanut butter is different, the formidable power of the explosion after being heated is not blown.

Fortunately, the people who were directly killed by the bomb didn't have to bleed to death in pain, and the guys who lacked arms and legs, or were stuck with wooden thorns and metal parts were miserable. They are running out of time, can't wait for Ratchet, even if they wait for Ratchet, many wounded like this can't be saved.

"It's time to act, the plan is going well, you have to be careful next, it's hard for me to provide cover for you."

Cross looked at the scope with a flash of pleasure in his eyes, he The sniping action was still maintained to prevent anyone from escaping from the textile factory. Based on what he knew about Fraternity members, if someone really wanted to run away from the chaos, 80% of them would be Sloan.


Wesley replied, he took a deep breath, his heartbeat accelerated instantly, and entered the Bullet Time state. But when he turned around, Firefox had already rushed out first, so scared that he hurriedly followed.

The two men rushed from the gate and jumped over the blown up window. Their nerve firing exceeded the limit of human beings. Their active thinking can quickly analyze the information obtained by various senses, and the brain will use the fastest speed. Send orders to kill all who still have the ability to resist.

At the same time, Luo Su also broke in from the back door, and the plan was to attack from the front and back to clean up the textile factory, that is, the first floor hall.

When Luo Su broke in, the enemy in front of him was blocking Wesley and Firefox, looking at the silhouettes with their backs to him, Luo Su threw a grenade and fell into the crowded area, and the rest were Pick up the M4A1 and start shooting.

Of course, before that, he threw out the flashbang!

Push to the street for support!

(end of this chapter)

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