End Of Heavens Chapter 29


Chapter 29 as long as he doesn't play God, all is well

Textile factory bombed by suicide attack by rats It was in tatters. Although the main building was intact and the load-bearing walls could hold up, the wires and network cables were all broken. The empty factory building had no lighting, and was covered with diffuse dust. Even the silhouette could not be seen clearly from five meters away. .

The still-living assassins are like frightened birds at the moment, their humming ears are groans of pain, and covered in dirt is full of horror, which is no different from an ordinary person.

Firefox and Wesley rushed in from the window, familiarized themselves with the surrounding environment a little, and fired continuously. The precise Spear Art instantly took away the lives of a dozen assassins.

Assassin in the workshop began to fight back, using the loom as cover, and soon formed a line of defense.

The two sides began to exchange fire!

Wesley's heart accelerated more than 400 beats per minute after leaning against the cement column, and the dense gunfire made him lose his sense of proportion, but provided him with accurate positioning.

There are still a lot of assassins. As long as they hold a gun in their hands, they are deadly existences that cannot be ignored, but Wesley is not panic. Below, both sides are not on the same frequency.

Wesley swung his arm and a bullet arced out, hitting an assassin hiding behind a loom. The Firefox on the side was no less inferior. He held guns in both hands and bowed left and right. Hearing the sound of footsteps approaching, he took out the grenade and threw it against the ground.


After the screams, the assassins who were going to step forward flinched.

Assassin is an assassin after all, and he's used to being alone, so he can't expect them to make tacit tactical cooperation. If they are given the opportunity to assassinate one by one, they can kill a platoon of special forces, but if the two sides confront each other , in a head-on conflict, they will be beaten without a chance to call their father.

Sometimes, the number of people can not be regarded as the basis of victory or defeat!

The repairman gasping for breath lying on the edge of the loom, although his posture is embarrassed, but in order to save his life, he has to do this. The two intruders were fully armed and dressed like SWAT officers, but the repairman recognized at a glance that one of them was Wesley, and the other, 80% of the time, was Firefox.

The mechanic didn't understand why Firefox would betray Fraternity, but now is not the time to think about it, he is well aware that both have the ability to shoot in arcs, and he didn't shoot.

The repairman adjusted the revolver in his hand, glanced at the corpses all around, and began to consider the feasibility of going on. At this moment, the crisp sound of ding ding dong dong rolled in front of his face, and he was stunned after only one glance.



These two words are the repairman's last words. He survived the explosion of a grenade sticking to his face. That is the treatment of the protagonist and hanging B. He is just a few words. The small supporting role of the lines received a lunch on the spot.

The sudden explosion awakened the others. There were many people in the place where the repairman was lying on his stomach. A grenade almost wiped out the group. Those who didn't die also lost the ability to continue fighting.

Just as the assassins wondered where the grenade came from, another flashbang appeared in their sight...

bang! ! !

Because of the dust, and the huge space of the long hair, the formidable power of the flashbang explosion is reduced, but it is enough to blind them.

Assassins held their heads and fell down in pain, their noses and tears flowed all over the floor, their ears were temporarily deaf, and they all lost their ability to resist.

Luo Su strode out holding the M4A1, shooting back and forth at the assassins rolling on the ground, no need to aim, just pull the trigger until the magazines are empty.

Da! clatter! clatter! clatter! Da——

After emptying the magazine, Luo Su faced Wesley beckons with the hand who was sticking one's head around to look for. Dangerous foresight alerted him to someone behind him.

Luo Su didn't even think about it, and flew to the ground, only to hear a gunshot, and bullets flew over his head.

An assassin shot in the leg because the cat was in the corner, luckily dodged the grenade and flashbang turns.

Luo Su turned around and picked up the Remington M870 behind him when he landed. After a gunshot, the lucky assassin was blown away.

Being hit by a shotgun, there is no possibility of surviving, no matter how thick the body armor is impossible!

Luo Su didn't even need to refill the gun, patted the dust on his body and gestured to Wesley again. The assassin in the factory has almost been cleaned up. Next, it's time to go to the second and third floors. It's like clearing the customs and fighting the boss. Sloan is in the innermost office of the third layer.

As for the topmost floor, that is the room where the fate loom is placed. The whole floor is used to place the loom, and no one else is allowed to enter except Sloan's permission.

Wesley was about to make up with Luo Su, but didn't want to turn around, Firefox walked down the stairs beside him to the second floor. Wesley decisively ignored Luo Su, physically very honest, eagerly followed along according to will.

Luo Su: "..."

The second floor is the dining room, dormitory and other areas. The damage by mouse bombs is very low. Luo Su estimates that there are a lot of assassins lurking in it.

As expected, after Firefox and Wesley went upstairs, a fierce exchange of fire broke out instantly.

Leading the assassins is the gunsmith, one of the core members of Fraternity, who is the best gun player of all the assassins. The play here refers to the modification. Firefox's modified M1911 pistol is from his handwriting. In Fraternity, whenever someone asks, the gunsmith can complete it and modify the pistol to their satisfaction.

The gunsmith is very knowledgeable in this area. He is familiar with the performance of all guns, especially pistols.

God is fair, once a window is opened, the door must be welded shut. Therefore, the gunsmith is great at pistols, but the innate talent in shooting is mediocre.

The gunsmith's favorite pistol is the M1911, and I also use a modified version with a muzzle device and scope to make up for his lack of innate talent.

When the rats launched a suicide attack, the gunsmith organized a group of people on the second floor to wait for the intruder to arrive.

In the face of the semi-automatic firepower of the assassins, Wesley and Firefox did not choose to fight back with small pistols, and submachine guns came in handy. In the corridors on the second floor, which were not too wide, submachine guns were king.

Luo Su walked up the stairs to the second floor. Hearing the loud gunfire, he resolutely went up to the third floor again. He believed that Wesley and Firefox were enough to deal with each other, so he wouldn't bother.

On the way to the third floor, Luo Su took time to look at the system interface. He heard a 'ding' just now, but he didn't have time to look.

System informs that he came into contact with the plot character 'The Repairman', triggering the lucky draw and having a lottery chance.

"I'm lucky, but when did I get in touch with the repairman?"

Luo Su has no impression and has not opened lottery. At present, he still has a Wesley Character Card and a Zhang's 'Bullet Time' Skill Card, coupled with sophisticated equipment and the ability to predict danger, is enough to deal with the next battle.

The destruction of Fraternity is a foregone conclusion. When the mice charge, there is no chance to turn around. Luo Su can complete the mission as long as he kills Sloan. He is convinced that he can complete this mission.

"I'm on the third floor, be careful not to let Sloan run away, if you spot him, don't shoot, leave it to me!"

This is for Cross, Luo Su For fear that Sloan would be sniped and killed, he would be busy working in vain.

Cross reminded: "Be careful, Old Guy may be old and his strength has regressed a lot, but his arc shooting skills are still there." Messy, squatting in prison for 40 years, almost wearing the old fogey at the bottom of the prison, what's there to be afraid of!" Luo Su said a joke that only he could understand.


"I mean, as long as he doesn't play God, all is well!"

——— ————————————

【Street Diary】

If only there was a place where you could sell your soul and body for clicks.

(end of this chapter)

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