End Of Heavens

Chapter 333

End Of Heavens Chapter 333


Chapter 332 Grave Robber's Chronicles and Ghost Blows Out the Light

The thunder was agitated, the strong light in the Formation was continuously released, and the depression in Luo Su's body There are too many thunder and lightning, and it is uncomfortable to not release it.

Won the female Superman, but was not happy at all. Looking at the stone statue on the ground, he waved his hand and put it into the space ring.

Afterwards, there will be another female Superman, whoever likes to fight will fight, he doesn't want to fight anyway.

After a while, the thunder was released, Luo Su relaxed and walked out of the Formation light curtain.

"Won the battle?" Ying Yingying put away the Formation, looked at the scroll that turned into waste paper, and was reluctant to throw it away and put it in the space ring.

Luo Su was sullen and ambiguous and replied: "That's it!"

"If you win, you win, what does it mean to win." Ying Yingying said unhappily: "But don't be complacent. , that's just a fake, if it's really our Captain, you definitely won't win."

Luo Su rolled his eyes and didn't say a word. If he replaced it with a real female Superman, he could win by swiping his face.

"Hey, what about our Captain's corpse?" Ying Yingying didn't find any wreckage. Although it was fake, she still planned to collect the corpse.

"It's vaporized!"


"The female Superman's corpse poison is deep into the bone marrow, and it's too obvious to be restrained by thunder, so she's directly split into anger "No way, like this exaggeration?"

"Well, go back and let you Captain be careful, the addition of fel energy and corpse poison will cause her to mutate, and her weakness is too weak. Obviously, it's easy to be targeted." Luo Su changed the subject with a kind reminder.

"Impossible, if it is Captain himself, he will never be easily recruited." Ying Yingying said to himself: "Don't you realize that fakes don't have a space ring, our Captain is a rich woman, and we have a lot of props to deal with. Yes."

Luo Su: "..."

After listening to this, I was a little depressed, there is still a long way to go to defeat the female Superman, and I don't know when it will be a head!


The ground beneath the two of them collapsed, and the ground in a radius of tens of meters was sinking, spreading to the edge of the underground river, causing the river to overflow. The rock masses above the cave also fell, and palm-wide cracks spread out in all directions, covering the entire cave.

Not only that, the magnitude of the vibrations became more and more frequent, and finally the entire cave was shaking, as if the mountain was about to collapse.

"This place is going to collapse, let's rush over on the flying carpet."

"No, Xinlan and the others are still behind, so we can't leave them behind."

Ying Yingying gritted his teeth. If he didn't rush over, he might delay the mission, but if he dashed over, the cave would be blocked by the collapsed mountain. Looking at the area covered by the cracks, you know that once the road is blocked, don't even think about going through it unless you open a mountain.

Between mission and teammates, she decisively chose teammates.

Luo Su was helpless. After all, she couldn't teach the little child badly, so she could only grab her ankle and fly back.

Boom! !

Stones fell, the ground collapsed, the caves turned into ruins, and the way was completely blocked. The underground river was blocked, and slowly accumulated into a lake, with a hidden tendency to flood the cave.

The entire group sighed and sighed as they looked at the blocked road ahead.

"It's done, everyone take out the explosives and prepare to dig mountains."

"Indiscriminate use of explosives will only cause secondary collapse, digging mountains is not just digging if you want to. Yes, first of all, we need to explore and collect data, comprehensive rock strength, geology..."

"Stop the water, I have a headache."

"Ai, if only Jason's dog was here. Now, they are best at digging holes, and they don't need to mine any data."

"It's a wolf!" Make a passage, otherwise the mission cannot be completed, and the end is trapped in this world.

As for the result of being sleepy...

It's best to return to the surface world, heartless to integrate into this world, and live a life in style.

If it is impossible to return, considering that Underground World is very likely to have only Luo Su as a man, the motivation to complete the mission will be even stronger.

Luo Su: "..."

I feel like someone is calling me handsome behind my back!

"Deputy team, there is a surprise. I found a gap and I can leave here directly."

Guan Yin fell in steel battle clothes. She went to explore the data and found that the top of the cave had collapsed , revealing a large hole, accidentally revealing the hidden secret passage.

"Nice job! It's not too late, let's go up."

Ying Yingying took out the flying carpet and flew the crowd into the entrance of the cave. The pale-yellow above was full of light. After flying about 100 meters, the eyes suddenly opened up.

This is a huge circular stone chamber, surrounded by masonry walls and illuminated by a permanent lamp. The stone wall has hundreds of entrances and exits, each of which is blocked by a bronze door with a human face. One door is standard with two Bronze Cauldrons. Apart from this, all directions are scattered with a large number of bronze products.

Masks, weapons, war chariots, bells, portraits, utensils, and more are all kinds of wild beast bronze statues, such as ligers and other beasts, and some are mythical creatures that appear.

The bronze ware was stained with a lot of blood, and several corpses were lying on it. The fresh corpses were not burial slaves, but reincarnators. They fell from the sky and fell into mud, their flesh and blood splashed on the bronze utensils, and they died in a terrible state.

"Everyone, look, there's a tree over there."

"That's not a tree...damn, I probably know what the plot is!"

In the center of the stone chamber, stands a huge bronze pillar with a diameter of tens of meters.

When it reaches a certain height, the bronze pillars extend out of the tree branch on all sides. As far as the eye can see, there are thousands of densely packed. The branches are either upturned or drooping, there are fruits on the branches or strange animals are entrenched, and the mysterious abnormality is abnormal.

The entire bronze column is prosperous, rising from the ground, and cast into the shape of a tree. It is not wrong to say that it is a tree.

If you look down from a high altitude, you can see the layout of the stone chamber floor. The huge pit bottom is divided into four areas by the stone pavement, a large number of bronzes are piled up, and the surrounding is a circular passage. Enter the stone chamber through the bronze door, and then pass through the stone pavement to come to the bronze giant tree in the center.

"Jason, what did you think of when you saw this tree?"

"Ghost Blows Out the Light!"

Ying Yingying :(? _?)

"Uh, this is the plot of the Qinling Divine Tree in Grave Robber's Chronicles..." Jian Shaoxin whispered.

Luo Sustone nods and said: "It's almost the same, it's enough."

Ying Yingying rolled the eyes, walked along the pavement towards the bronze giant tree, and said as he walked: " The main god has modified the plot. This tree is slightly different from the description in Grave Robber's Chronicles. I have visited the Sanxingdui Museum, and the bronze Divine Tree in it is very similar to this tree, but the tree in front of me is magnified countless times."

Seeing this giant tree, everyone has a general understanding of the reason for the encounter with the female Superman before. The main god has modified the plot so that it can embody the horror of deep in one's heart.

As for why there is no contact, the fearful things are successfully manifested, it is likely that they have been circling around this giant tree, after all, they have walked too long.

If they hadn't chiseled through the upper rock mass by mistake, they would probably have continued on.

huhuhu ————

The roaring sound of breaking through the air came, and everyone hurriedly evaded to the Safety Sector domain. Ying Yingying set up a magic shield to block the top of his head, and after a loud noise , the body of a reincarnator appeared in front of everyone.


Looking up towards the unreachable giant tree, the dark area is boundless, I don't know how high it is, considering the vast mountains outside the ruins, everyone has Swallowed.

"Can't you be considered successful in exploring the ruins by climbing to the top?"

"Whether it is or not, there are already reincarnators climbing, we are too far behind, we have to catch up with them quickly ." Ying Yingying took out the flying carpet and raised his brows: "Besides, if you don't have to crawl, you can't fly."

"The deputy team is wise!"

" Witty!"


"Big boobs!"

"All big!"

I don't know if I listen to my teammates A compliment or a compliment, Ying Yingying had black lines all over his face, lost his hair and stood in a daze in Luo Su's place, for fear that he would come up with something horrible, he quickly slapped him.

"Jason, what are you doing? I warn you, don't think too much at this time, your brain is too big, we can't afford it."

"I'm not thinking about it. ..."

Luo Su was silent for a moment before responding, the contract just showed... Jason is dead!

It hung very suddenly and died without a fight, and the soul returned to the contract. This feeling is like...

"no no no, it should be impossible, I think too much."

Luo Su whispering sat on the flying carpet, Ying Yingying was about to cast Illumination, but also to control the flying carpet to shuttle through the bronze branches, the magic is not enough, need some help.

Luo Su didn't refuse.

"Everyone said, what are they afraid of, this level cannot be avoided. Hurry up and say it now, and it will be easier to deal with it later..."

"Jason, you come first. !”

(end of this chapter)

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