End Of Heavens

Chapter 334

End Of Heavens Chapter 334


Chapter 333 and this matter

"Jason, what are you most afraid of?"

Hearing this, Luo Su's thoughts retracted a little. He had thought about this question before, and people's fears will change with time and environment.

He couldn't give a definite answer, so he had to say: "When I was in the pyramid, I was most afraid of Anubis; in the ruins of monster civilization, I was most afraid of Godzilla evolving into a complete body; Just now, I was also afraid of Torch Dragon and female Superman respectively. You asked me to name one of the things or people I fear the most, sorry, maybe it will change later.”

After finishing speaking, Luo Su shrugged, not being able to give an accurate answer can't blame him for being an eel-turned man. People are not computers, and their subconscious is not subject to subjective control. Who knows what they will think about in the next second and what they will be afraid of.

Thinking of computers, Luo Su suddenly remembered that he had a Skill Card, which might come in handy at a critical moment.

[Skill Card: Mechanical Heart (almost ruthless rationality, will always make the most self-interested judgment)]

Luo Su this remark can't be refuted, even a few women The same is true, in the ruins of monster civilization, I feel that Godzilla destroying heaven extinguishing earth is the most terrifying creature on the world. Jinghong met Torch Dragon at a glance, and changed his position instantly, feeling that Godzilla was nothing.

"Headache, listening to you like this, we can't even formulate a response plan!" Ying Yingying replied smoothly, focusing on driving the flying carpet to rise.

"Is it possible that someone who has already manifested his inner terror will not manifest it a second time?"

Guan Yin finished speaking, not waiting for others to answer , continued to analyze: "The things that the deputy team, sister Xinlan, and Shaoxin feared have all appeared. If my guess is correct, at least three hidden dangers can be eliminated."

"It makes sense, after all, the main god does not The mortal mission will be released, one person at a time is already very difficult, no matter how many, the mission is really insoluble." Several people agreed, not wanting to meet the female Superman again.

"Don't be too happy..." Luo Su habitually poured cold water: "Besides us, there are other reincarnators here. The first encounters Jason, Gaya and Junxiong are not because we are afraid but they attacked us.”

“You mean that the embodied things or people will attack indiscriminately?”

“ That's right, the female Superman has attacked other reincarnators!" Luo Su nodded.

"It's getting more and more troublesome!"

"I can't handle that much anymore, Guan Yin, what are you most afraid of first?"

Guan Yin: I'm afraid that mecha has no energy.

Fei Jiehe: Ultraman.

Luo Su: I'm afraid of everything!

Kang Xi: I'm afraid of bad luck!

The four answered with great care, but they were full of slots and couldn't find any countermeasures.

"Xiao Xi, personally, you don't have to be afraid of bad luck."


"Because it won't be worse."


After flying for five or six hours, the strong light on Guan Yin’s steel battle clothes is aimed at the top, it is dark and invisible, and I don’t know when it will arrive end. Below, the rays of light of the Everbright Lamp have long since disappeared, and the Bottomless Abyss makes people shudder.

Ying Yingying was exhausted and stopped the flying carpet. The magic was supplemented by Luo Su, but the whole process of manipulating the flying carpet to avoid the lush tree branch, being cautious to prevent a crash, was also a personal work for a long time. In order to save energy, the lighting technique was put away halfway through, relying on the light of the steel battle clothes to explore the way.

A few people stepped on the tree branches to rest, took out food and water to repair in place, mainly Ying Yingying needed to slow down, she was tired enough, consumed too much spiritual force, top-heavy, her legs trembled, she was leaning against The bronze pillar closed his eyes and rested.

Without reaching the sky or the ground, a few people sat on the tree branches and felt at ease. Except for Ying Yingying, who was extremely tired, no one else could have a good rest at all.

"How long have we been flying?"

"I don't know, count the time, it must have flown out of the underground world."

"Should the bronze pillars fly? Will it go straight to the surface?" Jian Shaoxin cried out in surprise, which is very close to the original book, the bronze Divine Tree goes straight to the ground, as if connecting to hell.

Luo Su did not join the conversation of thousands of ducks. He raised his hand and brushed over the bronze column. Assuming that these words all record history, how long the length of this history must be, I am afraid it will be measured in ten thousand years, which is staggering to think about.

In his heart, he has already confirmed that this place is probably the relic of the bronze culture, which is the correct way for his World Mission to escape from ascension. Climbing to the top, the mission can be successfully completed.

huhuhu ————

The whistling sound of breaking through the air sounded again, and after the crisp sound of ping ping pong, a tattered body of a reincarnator fell from above.

A few people don't take it off the rails.

Two hours later, Ying Yingying opened his eyes, rubbed his still swollen temples, took out water and put it on his face, woke up, took out the flying carpet, and continued to fly upwards.

Just like this stop and go, stop and go, and finally catch up with other reincarnators.

Boom! !

The orange red Fireball exploded in the air, and the bronze Divine Tree was so hard that it didn't even shake, and the lush branches were still, as if no amount of movement could shake them.

Several people removed the light source and looked upwards with the help of the firelight of the explosion. There was still a distance to see clearly, but it was certain that two people were fighting.

"Someone is fighting on it, I don't know if it's a reincarnator fight or a real monster fight, should we go up and have a look?" Jian Shaoxin suggested, catching up with the reincarnator who was a step ahead, A little excited.

But other people lacked interest, no one echoed Jian Shaoxin, and everything they wanted to say was written on their faces.

Ying Yingying: What?

Guan Yin: It's none of my business?

Kang Xi: mind your own business?

Fei Jiehe: What else?

Duan Xinlan: I am the crowd!

Luo Su: Blame me!

Jian Shaoxin: "..."

Realizing what she said was wrong, she buried her head in her chest, shut her mouth and stopped talking.

"Shaoxin, the more the better people who explored several other ruins, but here is different, and cooperating with other squids will only ask for trouble." Ying Yingying explained that the bronze Divine Tree has the embodiment of The more the number of people, the more the crisis will be, and it is too long to save lives.

There is no road in the Samsara Space and a roar is heard. After roaring, continue to walk forward, squatting in the grass and waiting to pick up the head is a normal operation.

"Get ready, let's sneak around, hold our breath, don't let them find out."

Ying Yingying said, concentrated attention completely manipulated the flying carpet and stuck to the periphery The zone flies upwards. After completing the mission and returning to the main god space, everyone returned to the state of competitors. It is already a performance of high morality not to pick people's heads. It is absolutely impossible to make a righteous shot.

The battle above has heated up, and dozens of silhouettes have beaten their heads and blood, as if they are insane as if they have been hit by a demon. Because of the strange ability of the bronze Divine Tree, the reincarnators couldn't tell who was the enemy and who was the friend. In order to save their lives, even their teammates no longer trusted them.

Luo Su glanced around, didn't see any scruples, relaxed a little.

(end of this chapter)

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