End Of Heavens

Chapter 352

End Of Heavens Chapter 352


Chapter 351 Giant eagle and Gandalf

After a night of silence, the second day everyone set foot on the road to Rivendell again.

The unicorn finally survived intact. Last night, Aragorn's handsome man strategy was used, but Arwen's sexual entrapment turned against him. Aragorn fell in the blink of an eye and didn't even hold on.

This move makes Luo Su extremely disdainful, Aragorn is addicted to beauty, and will definitely be a stupor in the future!

Nightmare and unicorn traversed the mountains as if they were walking on the ground, and the entire group was several times faster. Luo Su took Frodo on one Nightmare, and the other three Hobbits took another.

Aragorn took Arwen and rode on the unicorn. The two of them were in love with each other. They took the opportunity to show their affection, and they sprinkled packs of dog food.

This move made Luo Su extremely disdainful again, Aragorn was stunned, and the harem would definitely control the government in the future!


After riding for a few days, the entire group stepped into the border of Rivendell, and in front of it was the territory of Elrond, the elf lord. Invade the elf's territory and run wild.

"roar roar roar————"

Suddenly, a hoarse and mournful roar sounded from far to near, from all directions, if there seemed to be nothing, it lingered in the ear The dark whispers made one's heart tighten.

"It's Nazgûl's black magic, they're in the vicinity." Aragorn pulled out his long sword and looked at the black smoke billowing behind him.

Kilometers away, five Nazgûl were wrapped in a hazy black mist, holding the great sword of the Knight, their scarlet eyes clearly visible even from a distance.

"We don't have to fight, let's enter Rivendell quickly, they dare not follow." Arwen said that as long as she entered the elf's territory, she could use the power of the forest to defeat Nazgûl.

After hearing Arwen's words, Luo Su and Aragorn nod to kill them, but defeating Nazgûl is not difficult, but there is no need to waste energy here.

Two black and one white, the three horses accelerated and charged towards the Rivendell line at the fastest speed.

On the other side, five Nazgûl rolled the black mist, their strength was greatly reduced during the day, it was impossible to grab the One Ring, but it was even more impossible to let the One Ring enter Rivendell.

The reason why he reappeared was deliberately to make Frodo, who holds the Ring, terrified, so that Sauron could control him.

The entire group came to the canyon ferry, Rivendell was bounded by the river, Arwen stopped the unicorn and looked at Nazgûl on the other side of the valley, smiling coldly.

This is Rivendell, they are already invincible, and if the Nazgûl keep on sticking in your own wrong doings even if they leave on their own, Arwen doesn't mind giving them a lesson.

The five Nazgûl lined up, their scarlet eyes looking directly at Frodo, which scared the latter from speaking.

"The Lord of the Rings is here, take it if you have the guts, and get out if you don't have the guts." Luo Su blocked Frodo's eyes, looked at Nazgûl, raised his hand and cut his throat.

The five Nazgûl were completely motionless, and the provocation of Luo Su was only inaudible. The moisture in the air was getting thicker. Seeing Arwen's incantation, they took a moment and slowly drew back.

“Chirp chirp————”

At this moment, the eagle chirping sounded, a black spot rapidly enlarged in the distance, and the huge eagle falcon whipped up a gust of wind and flapped its wings. Leaned down.

Luo Su squinted his eyes and saw an old man with gray hair and beard lying on the giant eagle's back. If he wasn't the second candidate, it should be Gandalf who had just escaped from prison.

"I am the servant of the holy fire, holding high the flame of Anor..."

Gandalf held high the staff, the wooden staff was ordinary, but the magic stone on top was Bright and dazzling, blooming amazing rays of light. Sacred and noble, majestic and inviolable, people can't help but bow their heads and worship!

Not only the Nazgûl were terrified, but even the nightmares under Luo Su's crotch wailed intermittently. The holy rays of light made the dark creature extremely uncomfortable.

"Sauron's minions, go back to the darkness!"

ten thousand zhang rays of light fell, the black mist collapsed on the first encounter, and the Nazgûl let out a mournful wailing , turned into thick black smoke and fled away in an instant.


The four Hobbits shouted in surprise, jumped from the nightmare, and ran to Gandalf.

"Haha, my friends, I'm relieved to see that you are safe." Seeing that the four of Frodo were safe and sound, Gandalf was very happy, and a kind smile appeared on his vicissitudes face.

The giant eagle completed its mission, circled the sky a few times, said goodbye to Gandalf, fluttered its wings and disappeared into the distance.

"Gandalf, you're late!"

At this time, Aragorn stepped forward and hugged Gandalf. The two were very different in age, but they were friends of forgotten year friends.

"I heard that you met the Nazgûl and defeated them once, which is amazing." Gandalf sighed, don't ask him how he knew, he just knew.

"There are some thrills, but you know, I'm Aragorn, the stalker, and you are not the only powerful friend." With that, Aragorn introduced Luo Su.

"Hello, young Mage Luo Su, your power has made me ashamed of being inferior." Gandalf said with a smile, Power of Darkness awakened, Middle-Earth added a powerhouse, this is a good sign.

"You're welcome, Master Gandalf, just call me Luo Su. I've admired your reputation for a long time. To be honest, I'm actually your fan." Luo Su said, and observed Gandalf up close. .

Gandalf is wearing a gray robe, his lips are dry, his beard and hair are disheveled, but this does not affect his overall temperament. The wise eyes are full of spirit, cloudy but warm, revealing a sense of peace and calm.

A kind-hearted old man, without a helmet...

After looking at Gandalf's face, Luo Su's attention turned to his staff, faintly. The magic stone that reveals the holy Guanhui is as warm as the sun, bathing in it, only to feel exhausted, as if the soul is groaning comfortably.

Is this the lighting technique? It looks amazing!

"What's the matter, Mage Luo Su?" Gandalf was puzzled, Luo Su's eyes gleaming a little bit.

"Master Gandalf, it may be a bit abrupt to say like this, but I have long admired your lighting art. Do you think I have the talent to learn?" Luo Su said without blinking. looked towards Gandalf, it doesn't matter if I didn't trigger lottery, Gandalf It shouldn't be mind pointing to the younger generation.


Gandalf corner of mouth twitching, a good image name, but his trick is really not an illumination technique, but uses the power of God to disperse dark.

"Mage Luo Su, I didn't hide it, it's not my power, I can't teach it to you."

With that, Gandalf put the magic stone on his staff. I twisted it, took it off like a light bulb, put it on my mouth, sighed, wiped it a few times and put it into my arms.

Luo Su: "..."

As for the illumination technique, why do I see external threads on the Philosopher's Stone?

Luo Su's face collapsed, his beliefs were impacted, and he said with dismay: "Since you said Gandalf like this, then forget it. Actually, I don't like learning very much."

Gandalf: "..."

I just called me Master, and now calling me by name is too realistic!

(end of this chapter)

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