End Of Heavens

Chapter 353

End Of Heavens Chapter 353


Chapter 352 The elves are a face-seeing race


Located at the highest pass in the western foothills of the misty mountain range, it is hidden and invisible, and is known as the last elves' shelter east of the sea.

With Arwen, the lord, the Luo Su entire group did not suffer any difficulties, and easily passed the levels and entered the city.

In fact, Elrond's attitude towards human beings is considered to be more tolerant among the elf lords. Many elves do not like humans. After all, Sauron, who threatened Middle-Earth, can survive until now, all because of human greed. caused.

The aesthetics of elves need not be said much, they love nature, and their architectural styles are also integrated into nature. The white and beautiful buildings are picturesque, and the two complement each other, making the natural scenery more beautiful and luxurious, making this city of elves a Human World Immortal Realm.

Everyone was amazed at the beauty of Rivendell and was intoxicated. In fact, only five hillbillies including Luo Su and Frodo were intoxicated, and the others felt nothing.

Arwen came here like coming home, already seeing numbness; Aragorn grew up here, marveled that this emotion was used up as a child; Gandalf came often, the servant of God Human Immortal Realm The more you see it, the more it feels normal.

The people separated, Gandalf went to see the lord Elrond, Aragorn and Arwen went somewhere, and Frodo found his cousin.

Bilbo Baggins!

An old Hobbit, an amazing Hobbit, who held the One Ring for sixty years and finally gave up the Ring of his own volition.

This is really amazing, he is the first in Middle-Earth history and the only one who can do it!

As for Luo Su, he is now...

Rivendell is more than ten times prettier than in the movie, and under the setting sun, the city of elves is covered in golden red light Yarn, in addition to beauty, there are no other words to describe it.

Well, maybe it's okay!

Luo Su walked through the white gravel-paved path, the air was filled with the fragrance of flowers and plants, and the melodious singing was like ding dong spring water flowing in the heart, which was relaxing and joyful.

He closed his eyes and listened, savoring the sentiments entrusted to the songs. The elves have a long lifespan, which means that they have a lot of time to be hypocritical, pondering the tune carefully, and maybe they can find someone who is lost because of the war. The loneliness and coldness of losing a husband.

The reason why Rivendell closed his eyes is that Rivendell's male elves are too gaudy, with a contrived face and Photoshop, without any masculine charm.

Bad review!

I searched for a long time and found nothing!

Bad review!

In fact, it's not that I haven't found it, but...well, female elves are too superficial and pursue delicacy and delicacy, so they linger on the surface and cannot see the connotation and strengths of Luo Su.

"Aragorn is a special case. Not everyone has his good luck. He met Arwen with high myopia and astigmatism." Luo Su comforted himself a little bit, but he regretted it after speaking. Aragorn has a good character and shouldn't have programmed him like this.

Besides, Arwen is the Eldest Young Lady of the elf lord's house. The probability of being highly short-sighted is very small, and this remark cannot stand scrutiny.

"Then there is only one possibility..."

Luo Su's eyes narrowed slightly, the elves have a long life, a little analysis shows that Aragorn and Arwen are super Sibling love, super to Arwen is the grandma level. So, when Aragorn was very young, Arwen discovered his strengths and looked at him differently.

"Bah, cheating couple!" After thinking about the key point, Luo Su face revealed disdain, waved his hand, and walked away.

He also has strengths, but he never shows it easily, for fear of drawing hatred!

Rivendell Treehouse at night.

Luo Su is completely helpless to read books written in Elvish language by lighting the lamp and burning oil. Who can read books with girls!

During half a day in Rivendell, Luo Su had given up. Elves are a face-seeing race, and they don't even bother to say a word to you without a prosperous beauty.

Coincidentally, Luo Su is 0.5 points away from the 100 points of Shengshimeiyan, and is classified into the category that has no common language.

As far as this library tree house is concerned, thanks to a few people who don't dislike him...cough cough, a few kind people help guide the way, otherwise he won't be able to find it.

Although the books are written in Elvish language, there are also many books translated from the human side, which can barely learn some vocabulary by comparing with each other.

What the World Mission is, it is unknown at present, maybe it is a long-term mission like Transformers, time is rich, and learning Elvish language is beneficial and harmless. In this world, elves are the darlings of the gods and have a lot of magical knowledge. There is no spellbook in the tree house, which does not mean that there will be no chance to meet them in the future.

It’s never wrong to watch more and learn more!

The first reading is one night. Luo Su's quality has been strengthened many times, and his learning ability is amazing. He has learned a lot of Elvish by comparing the two languages. It doesn't matter if you can't read, Aragorn and Gandalf can speak Elvish, just ask them for advice.

Squeak! !

The tree house door was pushed open, and Aragorn walked in with a shocked face: "Luo Su, you are really here, I thought they were lying to me?"

Luo Su looked confused: "They?"

"Well, dozens of female elves, I described your appearance, and they all said you were in the library."

What does dozens mean, am I too conspicuous, or are you too attractive?

Luo Su's mouth twitched, looking at Aragorn fiercely: "Why, I surprised you in the library?"

Aragorn smiled shyly: "Sorry, I misunderstood you, I didn't see you all night, I thought you were hooking up with a female elf."

Luo Su: "..."

Dude, you know, you just chat died!

"Then why are you looking for me in such a hurry, don't spend more time with your girlfriend?" Luo Su said ill-humoredly.

Aragorn's face turned pale: "One Ring is about the safety of the entire Middle-Earth. Elrond dared not make his own decisions and invited other races to make a joint decision. You have to attend the meeting with me."


Luo Su raised a finger and pointed at himself: "I heard right, what qualifications do I have to participate in the meeting?"

Aragorn said: "You Certainly qualified, both Gandalf and Elrond think you should be there, you've proven yourself, and you're an integral part of us."

This proof refers to strength, Luo Su defeated five in one go Nazgûl, won the approval of the two bigwigs.

"Okay, then, you wait for me outside the door, I'll pack these books first..."

"Okay, I'll wait for you outside."

After a few moments, Luo Su and Aragorn left the treehouse with some missing books.


In the open-air conference hall, there were many people sitting, including elves, humans, and dwarves, and the elf lord of Rivendell presided over the meeting—— Elrond!

This is the first time Luo Su has met Elrond, but he is no stranger, because this person has the voice of Megatron, the face of anti-virus software, maybe torn off the skin and still has a red skull inside.

However, Elrond was a good guy, brave, brilliant, intelligent, and Aragorn's adoptive father...until Aragorn hooked up with his daughter.


Thanks to the new Alliance Leader 'still come to see the genuine' reward, add more clarity Make up the day after tomorrow.

(end of this chapter)

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