End Of Heavens

Chapter 354

End Of Heavens Chapter 354


Chapter 353 is not a nightmare, it is a stockpile of ingredients

Rivendell Valley Meeting!

Although he was invited to participate in this meeting, Luo Su is very self-aware and knows that he is a transparent person who has no right to speak, so he is ready to play soy sauce throughout the process.

Many people attended the meeting, but there were only a few key people, including Elrond, the founder of the meeting, Gandalf the gray robe, Aragorn, the heir to the throne of Gondor, Prince Legolas, the elf of the Woodland Kingdom, warrior Gimli, the dwarf of the Kingdom of the Mountains, Boromir, son of the ring-bearer Frodo and Ruling Steward of Gondor.

The meeting basically revolved around these people, and the process was very unsatisfactory. Humans were arrogant and greedy, elves were arrogant, dwarves were irritable and irritable. After a few words, it became a quarrel.

"The convening of this meeting was a mistake..." Luo Su murmured, happily watching the excitement.

When Gandalf saw the shrew-like scolding crowd, he was speechless and shook the head. Then he saw Luo Su who was taking pleasure in other people's misfortune. He was speechless and did not want to shake.

"Luo Su, don't you want to say something?" Gandalf said, he was doing it for Luo Su's sake. Luo Su's molars were exposed after laughing so hard, he would be beaten if he was seen. .

"Forget it, the meeting is just going to take a form anyway. Lord Elrond must have already thought of a countermeasure, just listen to his summary later." Luo Su happily said.

"You see so clearly..." said Gandalf with emotion.

As Luo Su said, Elrond had a plan in mind for a long time. One Ring is too involved, he can't bear the responsibility alone, and it will also drag down the elves of Rivendell, so he has called for various forces. Representatives, carry the pot together.

Also, after this meeting, the elves of Rivendell will be moving out of Middle-Earth.

"many thanks, I don't have any merits, I just have a good look... just a good brain."

Gandalf: "..."

In all fairness, Elrond's move is not a scapegoat, he just and honorable put things on the table, and those who are willing to jump in do it by themselves, and those who don't want to do not force it. Like Luo Su, don't take yourself too seriously, you can see clearly.

As for the people who participated in this meeting, I can't say that they are stupid, they can only say that there are too many racial grievances and grievances.

Eventually, the rowdy meeting came to an end, and Frodo volunteered to take the Ring to Mount Doom to destroy it.

Elrond and Gandalf glanced at each other, selected the elite from the Three Great Races of elves, men, and dwarves, and escorted him to Mount Doom, where the renowned Fellowship of the Ring assembled.

Luo Su was also pulled in, and it was also a joint decision of Elrond and Gandalf. As for the nine-person Fellowship of the Rings squad to deal with the nine Nazgûl, it was a trivial matter.

9V9 is purely to fool people. Before arriving at Moduo, the Fellowship of the Ring square impossible encounters Nazgûl.

Because the nine Nazgûl entrenched around the foggy mountain range were already cold, Gandalf, Elrond, and another Elf Race boss joined forces to drive back to their hometown of Mordor.

Elrond as the host, the party with the most troops in the conference table, successfully sent the One Ring out of Rivendell without a single soldier.

It can't be said that not a single soldier is out, his adopted son Aragorn is in the Fellowship of the Ring, but considering that he does not approve of Arwen's marriage to Aragorn, he is very afraid...

The Fellowship of the Ring didn't set off immediately, there is one more important thing before leaving, the elves want to recast Narsil, the holy sword that defeated Sauron in the last century.

Aragorn, the heir to the holy sword, renamed the sword to Andúril, which means 'Flame of the West'!


“We walked forty days west of the misty mountain range, past Rohan Pass, and from there eastward to Mordor," said Gandalf to the crowd, who rested where they were, and replenished their food and water.

It has been ten days since the Fellowship of the Ring squad left Rivendell. At this moment, it is in the uninhabited and continuous mountain range. Looking into the distance, you can see a towering snow-white mountain, entrenched on the only road like a giant beast.

Leaving Rivendell, Luo Su is so happy that he finally doesn't have to be hanged for his appearance anymore. In the current Fellowship of the Ring squad, his appearance is firmly in the top three, second only to the elves Prince Legolas and Aragorn.

It feels so good to be back at Peak!

"Gandalf, we're taking a detour..."

The dwarf warrior Gimli looked at the Great Snow Mountain and suggested: "Crossing the Mines of Moria is a straight line, saving half the time ."

Gandalf shook his head slightly, rejecting Gimli's proposal: "Mines of Moria is the last option, and it cannot be passed from there until it is a last resort."

Gimli I don't know what Gandalf is afraid of, but the latter is a well-respected mage and the leader of the Fellowship of the Ring. He has no right to question Gandalf's decision and sighed: "Okay, listen to you on Snow Mountain, but ..."

Gimli pointed at the two Hobbits on Nightmare: "Can you give me a horse? You keep walking, but I keep running."

Frodo and Luo Su shared a Nightmare ride, and the other had three Hobbits. There was really no room to spare, and the others could only watch. It didn't look like much, but Gimli didn't have long legs, and his self-esteem took a hit.

Gandalf: "..."

He looked at Luo Su very depressed: "Why do you have to bring two nightmares, they are dark creatures and will expose our Location."

Nightmare climbs mountains and mountains like walking on the ground, and climbs the vertical cliffs of 90 degrees without error. It is a must-have pet for home travel, but Gandalf wants to say that.

There are only two Nightmare, and there are ten members of the Fellowship of the Ring.

"They're not nightmares, they're a reserve of ingredients."

Luo Su whispered something, directly blocking Gandalf speechless.

Along the way, Luo Su cooks in various cauldrons, and fiercely satisfies their cravings. It is obviously a journey related to the fate of Middle-Earth. his outing.

Every time they climbed over a mountain, everyone couldn't help their appetites. Under the command of Luo Su, they raised their butcher's knives, all kinds of scourges of rare and strange beasts. There was no atmosphere at all, and the pointy chin of the elf Prince Legolas was starting to get baby fat.

"Moreover, nightmares not only won't reveal their location, but can also be used to cover their whereabouts..."

Said, Luo Su took out a black robe and put it on himself, covering his face with black mist. He turned the original blue eyes into red, and with a swoosh he pulled out the Knight's sword on the horse's back: "How about it, doesn't it look like Nazgûl?"


This is no longer a question of dissimilarity!

Everyone was dumbfounded, Gandalf had black lines all over his face, Luo Su, who walked in through the main gate of Mordor, was not stopped by anyone.

Frodo on the horse's back shivered all over, the horror shadow that Nazgûl planted automatically jumped out in his mind, ao wu screamed strangely and fell from the horse's back.

Luo Su hurriedly turned around, looking back and digging...no digging!

I didn't take out Frodo, but dragged his necklace off. This is not the point, the point is that the One Ring is tied to the necklace.


In an instant, the playful atmosphere suddenly changed, solemn killing aura filled the air, the four of Frodo retreated silently, and the others stretched out their hands to press on the weapons .

Gandalf's eyes narrowed: "Luo Su, hurry up and return the ring to Frodo, you can't resist the temptation of the Lord of the Rings."

Luo Su turned a deaf ear to Gandalf's warning, Staring blankly at One Ring, the infinite attraction made him unable to restrain himself, and the devil whispered in his ears.

He put the ring on his middle finger...

(End of this chapter)

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