End Of Heavens Chapter 46


Chapter 46 Confirming identity and sorting out clues


A mining town located in Arizona, compared to Phoenix, the capital of Arizona, and the world-famous Colorado great valley and Hoover Dam, Prosperity is not, unremarkable to negligible.

The town is located in desert, about 2 hours' drive from the nearest big city. At present, there are more than 300 households in the town, with a total population of less than 1,000.

The loss of a large number of young people and the serious aging of the town's population are the surface reasons for the town's depression. Further excavation is the problem of the town's economic lifeline.

Prosperity is a mining town that has only been traced back several decades. At first, there was only a mine here, but it evolved into a small town because of the needs of miners.

From the name of the town, it can be seen that due to the prosperity of the mining industry for a period of time, there is no inexhaustible mineral vein in the world, so Prosperity as it should be by rights began to go downhill.


Luo Su rode a motorcycle for a walk in the town. Even though the population of the town is not large, the area is not small. If you are walking on foot , it will take at least a whole day to visit this town.

He learned a lot about the town through the relocation advertisements posted on the side of the road. He has very few memories of 'Eight Legged Freaks' in his mind, and the background setting of the town is impossible to talk about. , now need to listen more and see more.

Circling around the town and barely familiar with the terrain, Luo Su drove home following the house number.

The home address is clearly written in the driving license book. Luo Su thought that his family background was average, but according to the house number, he found that his family conditions were good, not only good, but also very wealthy.

The single-family villa on the three layers floor has a large yard in front of the door and a green tree garden.

Luo Su took out the driving license book and confirmed that this was indeed his home, and then parked the motorcycle in the garage. He didn't want to be killed by the owner with a gun for breaking into the private area.

His worries were destined to be superfluous, and as he made his way to the small three-storey building, a small black and white French bulldog came out of the dog door and hopped around his feet. .

"My dog, what's your name... Oh, I almost forgot, you're a real dog, not a stupid System." Luo Su took the French bulldog in his arms, and the latter barked a few times. Sound, trying to stretch his neck and get close to him.

The door is unlocked, which is good news because Luo Su didn't have a key, but it's also bad news because Luo Su has a legal identity but no memory and doesn't know how to face the person who is about to appear .

"Smelly brat, you still know that you came back, you haven't seen the silhouette all day, did you go out racing again?"

It was probably the kitchen room, and walked out of an elderly man Old Lady, wearing an apron with a cigarette in her mouth. Old Lady is stylish, with permed hair and makeup, and the light purple eyeshadow shows that she is not old-fashioned, at least still young.

Luo Su is a little confused, Old Lady is white, he is yellow, how is fate arranged to make them a family?

Could it be...

His identity is a mixed race?

It doesn't look like it!

Luo Su didn't know what to call the other party, brows frowned, hung up a headache, walked over and took the cigarette out of Old Lady's mouth and put it out in the ashtray.

"When you reach your age, it's better to smoke less, even for yourself."

Having said that, Luo Su carried the French bulldog up to the second floor, according to common sense. , his bedroom should be on the second floor.

Old Lady was very dissatisfied and said to Luo Su's back: "smelly brat, you should call me Gladys aunt!"

"Okay, Gladys aunt! "

"It's about to eat, so don't go upstairs."

"Keep my share, I'll eat it later."

Listening to the response passed down from the second floor, Old Lady Gladys shook her head and said to herself: "The rebellious kid is really annoying, this kid is getting more and more rude!"

Luo Su searched again on the second floor, but couldn't find his room. When he couldn't do anything, the French bulldog helped him a lot, barking at the ceiling. It turned out that his room was on the third floor, and he had to pull down the ladder to go to the attic.

The room is a bit messy, the clothes that should be changed are thrown all over the floor, and there is a musty smell in the air that is common in boys' dormitories. The source is the smelly socks on the corner of the wall.

Luo Su opened the window to keep the air in the room ventilated, and cleaned it up by the way. He also threw the source of poison qi into the garbage bag.

The attic of less than 20 square meters has a separate bathroom, and the rest is divided up by bookcases, wardrobes, single beds, and computer desks, making it slightly crowded.

Luo Su turned on the old-fashioned computer with a big butt. It took a long time to turn on the computer. He couldn't find the information he wanted in the folder, so he got up and rummaged through the bookcase. Fortunately, there are five diaries, and through fragmented records, he gradually understands his identity.

First of all, Gladys is not related to him by blood. His biological parents are Chinese, and he was a worker in the McCormack mine who died in a mining accident when he was young.

Mr. McCormack, the owner of the mine, adopted him. McCormack died six months ago. Before he died, he asked younger sister Gladys to take care of him.

Gladys has no children, and she has been raising Luo Su all these years. Luo Su has settled here for a long time. Even the French bulldog named 'Bruce' was raised by Luo Su. get a name.

It was recorded in the diary that Luo Su liked to read Batman's comics during that time...

Well, this was the worst time Batman was hacked!

Luo Su put down the diary, still a little confused, because his family has a mine, even if he is an adopted child, he also has partial inheritance rights. Part of it is because Mr. McCormack has an engineer son who left home ten years ago for the big city.

Luo Su's vague memory is partly aroused. If I remember correctly, the male lead of the plot is the engineer who has been away from home for ten years, the mustache.

The fleeting memory is fleeting, Luo Su is afraid of forgetting, and immediately writes the scattered fragments in the diary, as many as there are. Although I don't know what World Mission is yet, I can't get around spiders, because it was originally a rare beast movie with spiders.

The origin of the story, the reason for the collective mutation of the spiders, came from an unidentified chemical on a transporter.

Luo Su wrote down the word 'Jinkela' in his diary. Considering that spiders grow like hormones, there is no problem in naming them Jinkela.

Yes, it's the Jinkela that was scrambled by Africa and neon!

Jinkela! Spiderman! Cave! shopping center!

Luo Su wrote down a few keywords, relying on these fragmented memories in his mind, trying to sort out the complete plot.

Unfortunately, he watched this movie by jumping, mainly to watch the big breasted girl Ashley.

It's not that I simply like this actor, but that I covet her beauty...Bah, to put it the other way round, I'm not coveting her beauty, but simply liking this actor!

It's a little embarrassing to let him sort out the complete plot now, but a few keywords are enough.

A rare beast movie, Grand Finale is either a rare beast kills a human, or a human kills a rare beast. The ending of Eight Legged Freaks is that the spider was killed by the detonation of the mine. Luo Su believes that his World Mission should also be to eliminate spiders, otherwise, it is to protect someone from this spider attack.

"Luo Su, your dinner is in the kitchen, remember to brush the dishes."

"Okay, aunt Gladys, I'll come after a shower."


Luo Su closed the diary and decided to go to the mine tomorrow to see, and also to go to the spider man, apart from this and the shopping center. Of course, Ashley's line can't be broken. World Mission is likely to be triggered from the hero and heroine. The male lead has not returned yet, and the female sheriff has the greatest probability.

Luo Su opened the closet to get a clean change of clothes, but found an M9 pistol in the closet. In Wanted world, the M9 opened by Item Card, he thought about it and locked it in the bedside table.

When Luo Su finished taking a shower and went downstairs, the French bulldog was already sleeping in the nest, and Gladys was sitting in the living room, reading the newspaper and listening to the radio.

Luo Su was sitting across from Gladys with dinner. The radio was full of gossip, mixed with unpleasant foul language, and black slang. The announcer thought of what to say. No logic to speak of.

Luo Su kindly said: "Gladis Aunt, you are not suitable for listening to this at this age. Believe me, you should listen to some classical music, which can not only cultivate your sentiments, but also make you feel good. Keep your mind young."

Gladys put down the newspaper and glanced at Luo Su sideways: "smelly brat, do you have any opinion on my age?"

"Okay Well, my fault!" Luo Su shrugged: "I just think...he's talking nonsense, don't you think like this?"

"No, you haven't experienced society, there are many things I don't understand. The announcer seems to be crazy, but he satirizes the reality. I think he knows a lot of inside information."

Luo Su: "..."

Just be happy!

Pushing on the street for support, recommendation and collection!

(end of this chapter)

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