End Of Heavens Chapter 47


Chapter 47 Dating and Watching Movies

second day Early in the morning, Luo Su got up and prepared breakfast. There was juice and milk in the refrigerator, and ready-made materials, he fried eggs and ham, and completed a good-looking sandwich.

Gladys looked like she had seen a ghost. She even thought she was still dreaming. In her impression, Luo Su was taciturn and never got up early to cook.

"I was chasing a girl recently, and the magic of love changed me!"

Gladys reluctantly accepted Luo Su's words and drove to the mine after breakfast , Luo Su also followed the past, the reason is that he loves this town and is willing to contribute his own strength to find new mines.

Gladys is very pleased, the former Luo Su was very repulsive to the mine, and today's change shows that he has matured.

The sign of a man's maturity is not to get rid of the virgin label when a girl sleeps, but to know how to take responsibility for the family and take the initiative to sweat for it.

Gladys was very happy and expressed that he wanted to give Luo Su more pocket money, but Luo Su directly rejected her, claiming that she was an adult and could support herself by labor.

This time, Gladys was even more satisfied. She came to the mine office. She called the head of the miners, Leon, and asked him to bring Luo Su to familiarize himself with the environment in the mine.

Leon has worked in McCormack Mining for 20 years and is the oldest miner. He knows every mine tunnel like the back of his hand. Even the mine map is not as accurate as his.

"Luo Su, going down the mine is not a game, don't take off your helmet at any time. When you get to the lower level, you must put on your goggles and a wet towel..." Leon repeats tirelessly: " If I'm not by your side and you're lost again, just follow the wires overhead without losing one's head out of fear."

"If some mines don't have wires, I should What should I do?"

"A mine without electrical wires is a forbidden area, either there is a possibility of landslides, or there is a high concentration of gas, so don't go in if you want to survive." Leon said, and buckled his helmet on On Luo Su's head, he also took out a damp cloth from the bucket.

Luo Su decisively refused, not to mention how many feet-picking men have used this wet cloth, the key is that the safety is not enough.

The wet cloth is mainly aimed at some water-soluble substances in the mine, such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, but it does not work for methane and carbon monoxide, so for the sake of life, He put a respirator on his back.

Heavier, better than dead!

Leon was laughed and didn't speak. With his old master here, Luo Su's worries are completely unnecessary, but he won't stop it. It's a good thing to have a sense of security.

"You don't have a lighter on you, do you?"

"Of course, I'm still young, I don't want to go to God like this!"

"hehe, boy , God will not accept suicide."

The two entered the mine very quickly. The mine tunnel extends in all directions, and there are more than ten abandoned entrances and exits. It was pitch-dark and lit by the light bulbs overhead, and when no one led the way, it was like walking around an ant's nest with no clue.

After decades of mining, the ore veins have almost been excavated, and the workers have left one after another without work. There are not many people in charge of Leon.

The reason why McCormack Mining can continue to operate is because the previous inventory has not been sold out, according to Gladys calculations, if no new source of mine can be found, the company will close in 3 months later.

Luo Su came here to explore the point. Under his guidance, Leon took him to the location of an Ironhide gate.

"The mall basement is right outside Ironhide. That idiot from the mayor must have shit in his head. I really don't understand why he wants to build a mall here." Speaking of the town Long White, Leon is indignant: "When I elected the mayor, I actually believed his nonsense and voted for him."

McCormack Mining is on the verge of bankruptcy, and Prosperity is increasingly Depression, Mayor White did not want to go through the difficulties with the whole town. Instead, he contacted a chemical company called Violo, and all day long, he bewitched everyone to sell land and relocate. Because of the shopping center, he can get a very substantial placement fee, but everyone knows he can get an extra income on top of the placement fee.

Wright doesn't care where the town residents will move to, or how the residents will live in the future, he just wants to take the opportunity to make money and drain the last bit of the town's value. This guy is scum!

A morning passed, and Leon walked back and forth with Luo Su on the upper floor. According to Leon, they only visited a small part, not even a tenth of it.

During the period, Luo Su learned that McCormack Mining mainly mines Pyrite and copper, and has not found any associated gold mines.

After lunch, Leon took a few miners to the lower level. He wanted to find a new mine in the shortest possible time. Luo Su said hello to Gladys and left on the grounds of being unwell. .

Walking back home, Luo Su opened his diary and drew circles on the marked caves and shopping malls. He didn't see the barrels of chemical raw materials that caused the spiders to mutate, indicating that the plot has not yet begun.

Luo Su can wait for the plot to be triggered, but he is not impressed with the original plot, and the waiting is not meaningful, so according to the original plan, we still have to start with the hero and heroine.

The male lead 'Chris McCormack', the first heir to the mining industry and Luo Su's cheap big brother, is currently in Phoenix City Wave and is temporarily unavailable. The heroine, the town sheriff 'Samantha Parker', is at hand and is currently the first choice.

Luo Su picked up the phone and dialed the number of Parker house. After a beep waiting, the call was connected. It was the voice of a little boy.

Mike Parker!

The youngest son of the sheriff, the younger brother of the big-breasted sister Ashley, the little devil who has a lot of research on spiders in the original book, and the spider man are friends of forgotten year.

"This is Luo Su, is Ashley at home?"

"Are you Luo Su?" On the phone, Mike's voice was quite taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

"Yes, what's the problem?"

"Ashley said that if someone named Luo Su called, she wasn't home."

After speaking, the call was hung up.

Luo Su shook his head with a smile, and called Parker's house again. Ashley was angry, but it didn't matter, at most five calls, the other party would listen to his explanation.

As expected, the third time, the person who answered the phone was replaced by Ashley. The tone was very annoyed, and it seemed that he didn't want to talk to Luo Su, but Luo Su didn't panic at all... He didn't want to talk, why did he answer the phone?

"Ashley, listen to my explanation, I called many times after I got home last night and couldn't find the correct number. Because the line was always busy, aunt Gladys gave me a lesson and punished me for being responsible. This month’s phone bills also took me to the mines and dug stones all morning.” Luo Su didn’t give Ashley a chance to speak, but came up with a fast-paced voice, indicating that he was paying attention to her, and that he was full of 's apology.

"You... didn't lie to me?"

"Of course not, in order to contact you as soon as possible, I spent the whole morning completing the full-day mission, and I was arrested by Glare. Diss aunt let go. When I got home, I immediately started calling and finally found you." Luo Su looked in the mirror and said affectionately: "Ashley, you must not know what I went through, I made a mistake last night. I made a phone call, and the other party said I was disturbing the people and claimed to call the police to arrest me. I explained it for a long time."

"Sorry, didn't expect it to hurt you like this...I shouldn't play a prank. Yes." On the phone, Ashley's tough tone softened quickly, and she blamed herself very much.

"It's not your fault, it's my stupidity. Ashley, can you forgive me?"

"Of course, I never blame you!" Shirley returned almost in seconds.

Luo Su 'rejoiced', with a little hesitation, stammered: "Then...can I go to you now...there is still one afternoon, I want...to ask you to go nearby I’m going to watch a movie in the city.”

The other side of the phone suddenly jumped, Luo Su vaguely heard the quarrel, and finally ended with Mike’s scream.

"Ashley, what happened over there?"

"It's nothing, my silly younger brother fell while walking..." Ashley was so sweet The voice came: "There is no problem with watching the movie, but you have to come back in half an hour, I need some time."

"Okay, like this!"


[Falling Street Diary]

If you update the number of words several times as many as others every day, you have not added your favorites, and you have not clicked, but you still enjoy it . So instead of saying that you are working hard, it is better to say that the editor is very good at pouring chicken soup.

(end of this chapter)

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