End Of Heavens

Chapter 506

End Of Heavens Chapter 506


Chapter 504 Demon King speaks very nicely

Asmodeus's voice is somewhat sinister, although it is not loud, it travels far, So much so that Luo Su, the cat on the edge of Formation, could hear it clearly.

"Asmodeus! You are guilty!"

Gabriel with a lightsaber appeared, standing suspended in the sky, his voice was cold and emotionless, and the sentence 'you are guilty' was flat. Light, no passion at all.

Luo Su secretly said that it was not easy, and finally heard Gabriel speak. After several logins and online, it was a dead face. I thought Angel couldn't speak human words!

Asmodeus let out a laugh, swayed up and kept level with Gabriel, and said slowly: "Gabriel, it's all old acquaintance, can you change the opening statement? Guilty' and 'accept the judgment of the Lord', since I realized it, I have been repeating these two sentences over and over again, you are not tired, I am tired of hearing it."

"You are guilty!"


"Ai, I have a headache..."

In the pit, Luo Su secretly nodded, it is indeed a headache. No wonder people believe in God these days, but they like to make deals with the devil in their hearts. Compared to Gabriel, who has an ascetic face, Asmodeus is more like a person and speaks nicely.

Of course, Luo Su doesn't dislike a serious guy like Gabriel, maybe he is pretending, and he is just as boring as the trumpet Van Helsing, but so what? There is a saying that goes well: As long as you can pretend to be a good person all your life, you are a good person.

In the sky, Gabriel and Asmodeus are at odds with each other. After two sentences, they can't talk anymore. Although the devil can speak well, he can't do anything when he encounters the face paralyzed Angel.

If they couldn't talk anymore, they started to work directly. The two bosses finished the procedure dryly and attacked each other at the same time.


Two phantoms flashed by at such a fast speed that Luo Su, a bystander, was swept away by the incoming hurricane before he could see anything clearly, and stuck it on Formation.

The rays of light that assimilate all things covered Luo Su's entire body. After touching the Cross necklace, he quickly retreated, pretending that he hadn't seen him.

Luo Su jumped off the Formation with a look of fear on his face, and used his life-saving skills without saying a word... dig a hole and bury himself in it.

High in the sky, Gabriel held up the sword of judgment, when Luo Su touched the Formation, his brows trembled without a trace, then pressed down the long sword, ten thousand zhang holy light slashed straight down .

Asmodeus is still frivolous, open his hands and face the holy light, the bright rays of light divide the earth into two, the light of the Invisible Sword spreads, and a mountain in the distance splits and collapses in an instant.

Asmodeus was cut in half by the holy light, and his body fell to the sides, collapsing into a black mist and dissipating.

King of Hell slain by Archangel?

Of course impossible!

Gabriel also knew that it was impossible, his indifferent golden eyes swept across the audience, paused at the pit where Luo Su was lying, and then slashed the long sword in his hand again, slashing into the deep darkness. The black cavity - Gates of Hell!

The white light sinks into the darkness. Compared with the infinite abyss, this white light is too weak to be exposed to the sun, but after a breath, the form instantly reverses.

A little white blooms with endless power in the dark, like the setting sun, the afterglow is awe-inspiring and inviolable. The expansion of the light sphere occupies the entire Gates of Hell, the heat wave is like scorching, and the temperature is as high as the core lava deep in the center of the earth.


Luo Su silently crawled out of the pit, sniffing the smell of burnt flesh and scolding Celestial Immortals Fight While Mortals Suffer.

Even far apart, he could feel the destructive power of destroying heaven extinguishing earth. Gabriel would fire map cannons at every turn and wouldn't let him go. This was because he wanted to cleanse him together. rhythm.

It's so bullying, the dog jumps over the wall in a hurry!

Luo Su secretly slandered that if Gabriel came again, he would immediately use Asmodeus' Character Card and join forces with the Great Demon King to kill him.

As for now... Luo Su said that adults don't remember villains, and give Gabriel another chance to perform.

The afterglow of the setting sun is gradually sinking, the glorious holy light is exhausted, and the black cavity is disappeared at the same time, leaving only a pit with a diameter of several kilometers. The side wall of the big pit is vertical and goes deep into the ground. At first glance, it is impossible to measure the depth. Only the hot red river can be seen spreading upwards.

"Gabriel, no need to waste your strength, Gates of Hell has already been opened, just you... can't close it." Asmodeus whispered, standing behind Gabriel.

The Demon King is the Demon King. If it is replaced by Luo Su, the backstab will be stabbed no matter if it is successful or not.

Gabriel turned slowly, raised the sword of judgment indifferently, and slashed straight down at Asmodeus.

rays of light divided Asmodeus into two again, he reunited with a smile: "Gabriel, don't bluff, your Divine Force has fallen seriously, you can't hide it from others, but you can't hide it from me. Although Everyone comes with will, winning or losing is irrelevant, but you are an Archangel anyway, how shameless you have been beaten."

Gabriel was expressionless, raised his hand and swung down again.

Asmodeus spread his hands and let holy light split himself in half: "Don't be appreciative, I like this saying it's for your own good! I heard that you fell out of favor in front of the master, how about it, consider it Come down to hell and be a Demon King, if you are willing to fall, I can surrender the divine right."

Gabriel heard the words, and the long sword held high in his hand froze.

Seeing this, Asmodeus is excited, who is Gabriel, the highest level other Angel, one of the four Archangel, tempted him to degenerate into Demon King, overwhelmed by emotions when you think about it.

"Gabriel, the opening of Gates of Hell is doomed. Facts are facts. No matter what you do, you can't change them. I know you want to take this opportunity to win back God's favor, but it's hard to work for others. It's a pleasure to be the king and dominate yourself, and you have the qualifications and strength to become a new one..."


A sword fell, Asmodeus was split in half, the consternation on his face gradually turned into helplessness, Gabriel didn't stop moving, not because of his heartbeat, but was accumulating strength to make a big move.

This sword did hurt Asmodeus. After reappearing, there was a bloody opening on the left cheek, holy light like a maggot on the tarsus, causing him to bleed and unable to heal, and he looked a little embarrassed.

"Gabriel, you are too stupid and loyal! God favors human beings and places them above Angel. Facts have proved that human beings have no merit..." Asmodeus reached out and shook his hand from the void. Pulling out a long sword made of black flame: "It's better to learn from us, Angel of one third fought for dignity and defeated God in faith. Human beings are willing to become slaves and be driven by us. Satan is right."

"blaspheme God, guilty!"

"Forget it, you are an idiot..."

Asmodeus sighed, so tired, black flame long sword waving , appeared in front of Gabriel in an instant, and at the moment when the two swords touched, leg raised kicked him in the face.

Watching Gabriel falling like a meteor, Asmodeus sneered: "With this little power... can you still sound the horn of doomsday?"

(end of this chapter)

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