End Of Heavens

Chapter 507

End Of Heavens Chapter 507


Chapter 505 The army of hell is coming

Rumble! !

Hot and cold, light and dark, two equally great and equally vast auras are enveloped in the Formation, the energy collides and clashes, and the dark night sky alternates between black and white.

one after another The sparkling electric arc shuttles between the voids, tearing the air through the strong light, not the real lightning, but the aftermath of the energy burst shattering the space, deceiving the brain to cause visual illusions.

The two afterimages moved high in the sky. Under the impact of each and every time, the formation of sonic boom clouds continued to be staged. Angel and the devil fought fiercely. The energy that exploded in an instant was like a deep sea, pressing down on the Snow Mountain mountain. The range trembled and wailed.

The earth is full of cracks, and mountains and rivers collapse from time to time, as if the end of the world has entered the countdown.

Gabriel holds the Sword of Judgment, chasing Asmodeus and slashing all the way. The sword technique is wide open and closed. From time to time, he alternately uses the sword with both hands, which are closely interlocked, and the offensive is airtight.

Hiding the sky and covering the earth's offensive was fierce and decisive, one after another afterimage wrapped the hurricane lightning, and the blade kept falling on Asmodeus's chest, abdomen, head and other deadly positions.

However, although Gabriel was chasing Asmodeus to fight, but the latter was easy to freehand, and he was able to parry with ease, obviously not much effort.

Asmodeus put one hand on his hips and raised the black flame long sword with the other to block, sneering from time to time, and then stabbed Lengzi with a sword.

"Gabriel, use a little more force, even if it's for your own sake, at least hit me twice."


The sword edge danced into a double image, all disappeared in a flash, Gabriel stabbed Asmodeus in the chest with a sword, and a holy light burst into the sword.

A beam of light shattered Asmodeus' chest, shot out from his back, and stretched all the way to Formation before it stopped.

Asmodeus was almost blown in half by the middle, winked at Gabriel and smiled, his figure disappeared into black mist, and when he reappeared, he was already behind Gabriel.

He kicked and hit Gabriel's butt, and then punched him to the ground.

I don't want to kill or hurt, it's purely a joke and toy. The Demon King of hell finally got a chance and naturally wanted to fiercely humiliate Gabriel.

Asmodeus had a grudge with Gabriel. The last time Avatar came to the world, he was captured alive by Gabriel and taken to heaven, where he was smashed to ashes for trial.

It's not a deep hatred. Compared with Gabriel, Asmodeus regards Raphael as a great enemy.

It can be seen that Demon King is also reasonable!

The army of hell is gathering, and it will not be long before the vanguard will step into the world first.

Therefore, Asmodeus is not in a hurry, he wants to kill Gabriel at the moment when the army invades the world, so as to cheer up the army and turn the world into hell in one breath.

Of course, it would be best if Gabriel's will was corrupted.

The whistling sword edge came, and Asmodeus blocked it casually, asking casually: "Gabriel, the army of hell is coming, your time is running out. After all, if you kill you, Raphael will Is it coming?"

Gabriel was speechless and expressionless, Asmodeus was accustomed to this, raised his sword to block, while breaking his lips: "Actually, Gates of Hell opened as early as 1,500 years ago. Now, you should know this. In order to tempt Raphael to come, I deliberately went to another world, a world where theocratic power has declined, leaving the seeds of darkness... The result is that you came to the world to clean up the mess, which is a bit unexpected I didn't expect it."

Asmodeus looked regretful, which soon turned into taking pleasure in other people's misfortune: "It's because of Rome! hehehe, the most beloved Angel for refusing to impose sanctions on Rome , he was convicted and lost his favor, his status in heaven plummeted, and he was ordered to go down to make up for his faults. God is indeed a careful eye!"

"You don't understand the greatness and mercy of the Lord!" Gabriel replied coldly, The offensive suddenly accelerated.

"I don't understand if I don't understand, and I don't want to understand. What is there to understand about the will of a God who never makes mistakes?"

Speaking of this, Asmodeus' tone Getting colder, he swung out a long sword with hate, knocking Gabriel down from the sky, and then slapped it down.

Dark Elements gather, enveloped in the valley where Gabriel fell, raging flames rise, and the terrifying flames from hell burn the surrounding peaks into lava.

Gabriel is trapped!

Luo Su watched the game with his back to Formation. He felt that he should have been discovered, but the two bosses were not interested in paying attention to him, so he just left it alone.

It's a good thing to have poor strength and no human rights!

Looking at Gabriel being beaten up, Luo Su was at a loss for a while, he heard what Asmodeus said just now.

In a world where theocracy has fallen, the seeds of darkness have been left behind... It means werewolves and vampires.

The devil who made a pact with Dracula and gave him his power was Asmodeus. Instigating wolves and bats to spread viruses and creating Marcus and William is also Asmodeus, this guy is the behind-the-scenes BOSS, the target of World Mission.

Using Asmodeus' Character Card, you can get 50% off, and with Gabriel, you have an 80% chance of defeating the opponent and grabbing the head. Character Card.

Holding the increasingly dishonest Cross necklace in his hand, Luo Su figured out a way to get the best of both worlds, saving the Character Card and grabbing the head.

Boom! !

The ground beneath his feet suddenly vibrated violently, heaven falls and earth rends.

The army of hell is here!

Between the mountains, the black cracks opened, and the space distortion folded forcibly split a landscape.

In the cracks, lava with burning raging flames, strange and corrupt black rivers, broken and mottled abyss, land with scarlet rays of light, etc., a series of different scenes cyclically change, and finally freeze as black flames A huge gorge soaring into the sky.

Poison dragons, giant beasts, skeletons, Zombie, Banshee... an army of strange lineages stepped out, crowding the sky and the ground. The ten Black Giant Dragons in the front spewed poison mist and took the lead from Hell comes to earth.

The innumerable army of hell hissed and charged in suicide at the holy light Formation amid the laughter of Asmodeus. One or two hell creatures can't shake the Formation, but the horrific number of locust-like transits swarms, and the result is different.

The holy light Formation was polluted by darkness, turned from pure white to pitch black, and finally disappeared without a trace. There is no barrier to stop the army of hell in the whole world.

Luo Su took a deep breath and suddenly felt a bit of a toothache. With such a large army, and all of them were powerful, they were still only the vanguard. When the main force comes on stage, what will it be like? Can the world withstand the devastation?

“What does it have to do with me whether it’s life or death, I said last time, the life and death of the natives have nothing to do with the transmigrator, especially if I’m a fast piercer, I must learn to be selfish.”


Luo Su murmured, his face changed to a long sighed, just this time... Next time will definitely be selfish!

At this moment, there was the sound of rustling footsteps behind him. He didn't have to look back to know that it was the entire Lucian group and the formation that spread out, and this group of dark creatures dared to approach.

Anna and Velkan were also there. The two oil bottles were slow and had nowhere to run, so they just followed.

"Father, is that the army of hell?"

"Well, in addition to the army of hell, there is Demon God Asmodeus." Luo Su said without looking back: "Add Bailie has already been caught, hurry up and vote while there is still time, you are dark creatures, you can easily get in."

This remark made the entire group hesitate, and the dragon in front Immediately close, Lucian gritted his teeth, one-knee kneels behind Luo Su: "Sir, we only want to follow in your footsteps."

"We are willing to follow in your footsteps!" Luo Su will work miracles.

Luo Su turned around and took a deep look at a few people: "Think clearly before making a decision, this is not the Lord's test, it will kill people..."

"We will never make a decision."

No regrets!"

(end of this chapter)

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