End Of Heavens

Chapter 519

End Of Heavens Chapter 519


Chapter 517 I'm Too Honest

Raccoon City suburb, Umbrella Corporation temporary base outside quarantine.

Cain, the director of the company in charge of the operation, is in front of his computer monitoring the situation across the city.

"Sir, the infection of T virus has reached a critical level!"

Cain couldn't suppress the joy in his eyes when he heard this, and ordered: "Very well, this is the most important thing. Good chance, start the Nemesis project now, make sure to record all the data, don't miss anything."


On the computer, a series of cold numbers flashed, The tyrant-type biological weapon named 'Pursuer' by Umbrella Corporation is officially launched.


Jill and Peyton are short of weapons and ammunition. Although Alice has a lot of weapons, but at this time Raccoon City is full of Zombies, she is impossible to protect everyone by herself. After some discussion, she decides to go to the weapons store on the next street first. Do some shopping.

In the cemetery behind the church, Alice walked in the front to explore the way, Jill refused to admit defeat and followed, and Luo Su helped Peyton to walk at the end.

The female reporter Terri, who has not been bubbling all the time, could not hold back the aura of the two strong women giving tit for tat, and silently retreated to Luo Su's side.

This woman is a bit realistic. She thinks that the wounded soldier Peyton is holding him back, and she also looks down on the 'weak chicken' priest Luo Su. She walks alone, with no intention of helping.

To be a man is to be self-aware. Luo Su admits that his ability is low and he is unable to survive in the apocalypse. Only by hugging Alice or Jill's white legs can he barely make a living.

Terri insists that everyone is equal, even if they are not equal, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

Therefore, she is unwilling to bow her head to anyone, and she is not willing to lend a helping hand to anyone. She lives as it should be by rights and is very free.

Seeing that the USA people hold high the banner of freedom and equality, Luo Su secretly nodded and decided to support Terri and let her be free all the time.

"Dude, who do you think is more powerful than the first two?" Peyton asked in a low voice.

It's no use asking, it must be Alice!

Luo Su was about to answer when suddenly she saw Peyton's not-so-pure eyes, she realized it instantly, raised her eyebrows and said, "Peton, do you want to ask, which one should you choose?"

Luo Su was about to answer. p>

"hehe, I didn't say like this!"

"Stop doing this, you can't fool my eyes."

After despising Peyton, Luo Su analyzed it with reason: "Looking at the appearance, the two have their own strengths, but I like black hair, and I will share it with Jill from the front; from the back, Alice has legs below her neck, and this point can only be given to Alice; As for style, I'm sorry for not giving Jill the benefits..."

"So your final decision is to choose Jill?"

Luo Su shook his head: "No, I All!"

"hehehe..." X2

In front of X2, one of the ridicule objects, Jill rolled the eyes silently, which female men are accustomed to, and Luo Su's treatment of her The evaluation is higher than Alice, and even more impossible angry.

"Alice, why are you aware of the Umbrella Corporation situation like this?"

"I worked for the Umbrella Corporation and know a little bit about their bioweapons..." Alice Speaking of this, he paused and glanced sideways at Peyton: "He was bitten by Zombie, and it won't be long before he becomes one of them, if you don't want him to live forever in pain, you should deal with him now. "

Jill heard the words, complexion ashen: "If I get to that point, I will handle it myself."

Alice doesn't say much anymore. When she was in the hive, she personally experienced the transformation of her comrades into arms. Zombie, understands Jill's current mood, she said like this that she was vaccinated in advance to prepare Jill mentally.

The voices of the conversation between the two were neither light nor heavy, and clearly reached the ears of Luo Su and the three. Terri complexion slightly changed, and he accelerated his pace away from Peyton like a plague.

Peyton's face was gloomy, and he said with a bitter smile to Luo Su: "Dude, stop helping me, you are too close to me, and you will be the first Zombie to bite you later."


Luo Su sneered: "Don't worry, Archangel Gabriel has personally dropped a holy light on me, the filth of the world can't hurt me at all, even if you stand still, you won't hurt me."

Peyton's heart warmed, and he didn't want to hurt Luo Su anymore: "Zombie virus is a biological weapon, Gabriel's holy light can't handle it like this Kuan."

Luo Su sighed: "Peton Dayton, I talk to you about theology, but you talk to me about science. Little do you know that theology is an application of energy, and the essence of science is how to use energy efficiently, and the two are not in conflict.”

“Too Profound, I don't understand!"

"Then let me give a simple one, no matter whether it is a virus or a curse, holy light can expel it!"

"I hope..."

"Don't make a bitter face, as a human being, the most important thing is to be happy. If you don't laugh, I don't even know where you are! I have good news for you, I secretly released holy light to you. Hit, you won't become a Zombie."

"You discriminate against me!"

"No, you are already black..."

The voice fell, Luo Su frowned, perhaps sensing the breath of the living, the dead buried in the cemetery became active. Dozens of rotting Zombies burst out of the ground, rushing towards Luo Su and the others.


Payton jumped up on one foot and stomped on the dead head that came out of the ground. Hopeless, he stood up to protect the 'weak chicken' Luo Su, helped block Zombie's attack, and was bitten several times.

Compared to the miserable and wretched duo, the scene of the strong female duo is much better. Alice and Jill show off their bodies in various ways, and a dozen slow-moving Zombies are surrounded by them, and they are all twisted. neck.


The female reporter Terri screamed in horror, her calf was bloody, she was caught by Zombie who emerged from the ground and bit off a piece of flesh .

The screams cut through the night sky, Alice secretly thought that she was going to suffer, hurriedly rushed over to help Terri up, and greeted a few people to run for their lives.

Zombie moved slowly, Luo Su hopped on one foot with Peyton on his back, and left the cemetery without a hitch.

The five people helped each other and came to the destination weapon store. Terri suppressed his voice and sobbed. Two of the five were bitten, and the atmosphere in the square dropped to freezing point.

Alice and Jill were silent, stuffing bullets into the magazines to prevent the guns from getting too heavy and they didn't have too many weapons. Two submachine guns, two pistols, sabers and some tactical supplies.

"Luo Su, why don't you take a weapon and can't shoot?" Peyton hung two bullet belts on his body.

“I have a gun!”

Luo Su said, and stretched out two sand eagle · Heavenly God from his cuffs. The whole body was made of gold and silver, and it was expensive to make at first glance.

Peton's corner of mouth twitching, looked at Sand Eagle · Heavenly God, and looked at the starlight sapphire Cross necklace on Luo Su's chest, foul-mouthed: "MD, if there is a next life, I will He must be a priest!"

While scolding, Peyton grabbed the sand eagle from Luo Su's hand, took off the clip and found nothing, and was speechless again: "You modified sand eagle. What is the caliber of the eagle, I'll help you find the bullet."

Luo Su shook his head with a smile, and put the two sand eagles back into his sleeves: "No, before my magic power runs out, these two sand eagles will It's unlimited bullets."

"Don't brag, decorations are just decorations, and unlimited bullets, why don't you say it's a cannon? Come and load up some clips, or you'll cry. Time." Payton was too lazy to listen to Luo Su talk nonsense, and took out two M4A1s from the cabinet, one for himself and one for Luo Su.

Luo Su laughed, the M4A1 was on his shoulders, and there was no movement after two magazines were inserted.

dīng líng líng ! dīng líng líng ————

The phone landline on the cashier suddenly rang, and everyone was stiff. Jill gave Alice a wink, indicating that there was a camera in the corner.

There is still the ability to monitor Raccoon City in real time, only Umbrella Corporation, Alice knows that the visitor is not good, and warns: "Don't pay attention to it, hurry up and organize the equipment, we will take a small road to leave..."


"Hey, hello, this is the 'Super Hard' weapon store."

Alice: (ノへ ̄、)

Luo Su picked up the microphone: " The owner doesn't go home at night, so he probably wanders the streets looking for food. I'm Luo Su, a temporary clerk, can I help you?"

The other end of the phone was silent for a long time, and after a while, he said, "Put the phone down. To Alice."

"Okay, please leave a message after hearing the 'di', and I will help you pass it on to Alice! Di~~~"

Luo Su decisively Hanging up the phone, he said solemnly to the confused crowd: "We are in trouble. If you guessed correctly, it should be someone from Umbrella Corporation."

Jill:( ̄_, ̄ )

Payton pulled Luo Su to his side with a sullen face: "Dude, don't make trouble now, don't answer the phone, we all know it's from Umbrella Corporation."

"True or false!?"

Luo Su's face was full of remorse: "Damn, it's all my fault, I'm just too honest!"

Peyton: "..."

(end of this chapter)

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