End Of Heavens

Chapter 520

End Of Heavens Chapter 520


Chapter 518 This is all a coincidence

Umbrella Corporation temporary base, Ashford Academician looking at the silly beep in the surveillance screen, Both eyes are spiritless, I don't know what to say.

Academician Ashford is the inventor of the T virus. The original intention of developing the virus is because of family genetic diseases. As people in their family grow older, they cannot escape the fate of paralysis.

Academician Ashford was paralyzed, but he didn't want his daughter Angela to repeat the tragedy, so he overcame many difficulties and found a way to strengthen the human body - the T virus.

My daughter was cured and the Umbrella Corporation came to my door, and Ashford Academician has since become an important property of the Umbrella Corporation.

The T virus is rampant, Ashford Academician and other scientists are taken out of Raccoon City first, and his daughter Angela is left behind in the blockade due to an accident.

Academician loves his daughter into a madness, and is a standard daughter slave. Asking for help from the Chief-In-Charge Cain director was refused, so he found a way to contact the survivors in the city through monitoring equipment.

He knows that Alice is a special individual infected by the virus, with a very strong battle strength, and is the person most likely to rescue his daughter, just the person who didn't expect to answer the phone...

Ashford Academician patted his face, dialed the number again, he was going to contact Alice anyway.


The weapon store, Alice frowned and answered the phone. The caller asked for her by name, so let's listen to what the other party wants to say.

"I'm Ashford and I can help you get out of Raccoon City, but first we have to make a deal." Ashford's Academician leads the pack, giving Alice a bargaining chip she can't refuse.

"What deal?"

"Go to Raccoon City Middle School and take my daughter with me..."


A moment later, Alice hung up the phone and said solemnly, "Everyone, we're in trouble!"

The virus spread in Raccoon City was uncontrollable. In order to cover up the truth, Umbrella Corporation maintained its integrity. The image, decided to come to a nuclear gas to make a fortune.

A highly accurate tactical nuclear warhead will arrive at dawn to stop the spread of the virus and destroy all evidence along the way. The reasons are well thought out. It is said that the nuclear power plant reactor leaked, and an accident led to the tragedy.

Luo Su nominated: "Ai, let the nuclear power plant take the blame again, don't they know that the nuclear reactor is super stable?"

His complaints were ignored by everyone, Alice continued: " Ashford also brought us bad news, he checked the surveillance cameras nearby and there were at least four Lickers following us, so be careful when you move."

Hearing the name Licker, Jill Both Peyton and Peyton felt a chill in their hearts, only Luo Su didn't care, the M4A1 on patted's shoulder: "It's okay, we have automatic firepower, so don't be afraid of Licker anymore."

Jill and Peyton looked at each other. When things got better, Alice looked at Luo Su suspiciously: "Father, forgive me to speak bluntly, are you carrying something strange on you?"

"Why like this?"


Alice frowned, strode forward and raised Luo Su's hands up, then patted him from head to toe, nothing suspicious.

Luo Su blushed when touched, blamed sorry, and said shyly: "Then what, do you want to check it carefully?"

Alice suddenly had black lines all over her face, rolled the eyes Turning to leave the weapons store, Jill helped Terri follow closely from behind, the rear of the wretched duo.

After the wound on Peyton's body was simply bandaged, he was able to move on his own. Although he couldn't run fast, he no longer needed Luo Su's help. It was barely a battle strength.

A few people found a car with keys on the road, the strong woman duo sat in the front and the weak chicken trio sat in the back, driven by local tyrant Jill to Raccoon City Middle School .

"Man, you may not believe it when you say it, I feel that the wound doesn't hurt anymore..."

Peyton's face had the sad expression of a dead father, and was bitten by Zombie The wound doesn't hurt, this is not something to be happy about, it only shows that he is not far from becoming a Zombie.

Luo Su looked at Peyton for three seconds and said solemnly: "But sorry, you are too dark, I can't see any change in your face."

Peton: "..."

The speaker was not interested in the listener, and Alice in the co-pilot heard the words and looked back at Peyton.

The closer to the lesion Zombie, the more obvious the lesion characteristics of the infected person.

First, the infected face pale, like a gray corpse; second, the eye bags are black, and a large amount of congestion cannot be dissipated; third, the neck arteries are varicose, and the backlog of blood vessels can be clearly seen to be black; In the end, I was mentally exhausted and lethargic, and I rolled my eyes several times from time to time.

Alice looked at Payton carefully, the latter was so black and shiny, the first three symptoms could not be identified with naked eyes, as for the fourth...

Peton was chattering and popping out from time to time Two black slang words, IQ is online, and the spirit is more than anyone else.

It was the female reporter Terri, who had all symptoms to varying degrees, collapsed in the back row and was drowsy.

The female reporter was only bitten, and it was not long before she died. And Peyton had been infected with the virus three or four hours ago, and he was given a few more bites after passing through the cemetery. There was no reason why his symptoms were milder than Terri's.

Alice's pupils constricted, and he sensed the infection in Peyton, but the infection was waning in reverse compared to when it first started.

In other words, Payton defeated the T virus and produced antibodies in his body.

A miracle or man-made?

Suddenly, Alice thought of Licker who was following them, and combed through clues in her mind. The eyes looking towards Luo Su were extremely strange, and the whole person was not well.


The calling sound woke Alice up, Luo Su with a shy face in front of him, he said coyly: "Alice, your eyes are too red. Now, I understand, it's all my fault for attracting women too much, but people like this are watching, you should be more reserved."

Alice: "..."

"Or else ...the hotel parked for two hours, let's go in for a private chat?"

"No need!"

Alice sat back in the co-pilot with a dark face, secretly thinking that she was thinking too much, all this It's all coincidence!


The vehicle traveled for 20 minutes, and the road of the viaduct was congested and could not continue to move forward. Several people took their weapons and got off the car instead of walking.

Walking, Alice in the front suddenly stretched out her hand to signal to stop, the feeling of heart palpitations came from under the bridge, and hurriedly called everyone to find cover to avoid.

"Damn, I didn't see anything." Payton complained to Luo Su and Jill as he hid behind a taxi with Terri on his back.

Luo Su shook his head: "I didn't see anything either, but Alice like this is amazing, she must have found something."

As he was talking, a tall figure appeared under the bridge. Over two meters, an extremely strong mutant Zombie, with exposed fangs, folded skin, and artificial sutures on the face.

The most exaggerated thing is that both of his hands hold thermal weapons, multi-barrel revolving machine guns in the left hand, Rocket barrels in the right hand, loaded with live ammunition, and the firepower is extremely powerful.

"It's Pursuer! Run, get out of here!"

Alice shouted and jumped off the viaduct, buying time for everyone to escape. Jill and Peyton were not hypocritical either. Seeing that Pursuer was carrying a Rocket, they turned around and ran away without a word.

At the Umbrella Corporation temporary base on the other side, the director of Cain was overwhelmed by emotions. After waiting for most of the night, the good show was finally about to be staged.

"Everyone, we've been waiting for this moment, the Nemesis project has been fully launched!"

"Sir, we have detected seven Licker activities nearby, which may affect the plan. "..." A monitor looked strange: "Licker's behavior is strange, they shouldn't be here!" The monitoring personnel reported again: "Sir, Licker has left, and their target is the four who escaped."

"Four people?"

"Yes, two special tactics. And the elite police officers of the rescue team, a female reporter, and a priest... However, according to the information, he should be a homeless person."

"hehe, just a small role, don't worry about them, Let Licker have a good meal!"

Director Cain didn't think much about it, there were few living people in Raccoon City, and it was normal for Lickers to chase them.

(end of this chapter)

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