End Of Heavens

Chapter 591

End Of Heavens Chapter 591


Chapter 589 I'm Batman

"Boss, I have a dream."

"No, you No!"

Luo Su gave a cold face. Although he didn't know what Deadpool's dream was, he was definitely preparing to make up some idiots, which must be strangled in the cradle.

“No, I have!” Deadpool insisted.

"You! No! Yes!"

Luo Su gritted his voice, glared at Deadpool, and then said, "Don't mention your dreams to me, illusory things will eventually succumb to Reality, and reality is that I am the Boss, and I have the final say."

"But I was originally a virtual comic character..."

"No, you are not like everyone else. , you can break the fourth wall, you can communicate with the audience, and you can even threaten the comic editor with a knife to change the script."

Deadpool blinked: "But I can break the fourth wall, which is also the editor. Means, I remember his name is Rob Liefeld, a stupid cartoonist who can't always draw leg proportions."

Luo Su: "..."

What qualifications do you have Say someone else is stupid?

Seeing that Luo Su didn't speak, Deadpool rubbed his hands and leaned forward: "Boss, this dream is really important to me. I'm here to realize it."

" Say it and listen." Luo Su had an idea, if Deadpool's dream does not conflict with crossing the world, help him, maybe it will make him work harder.

Deadpool clenched his fists, looked up at the chandelier at a forty-five degree angle, and solemnly said: "I want to form a superhero squad!"

Luo Su: "..."

"Boss, what do you think of this dream?"

"Not so good."


"I've seen [Deadpool] ] 2, the X agent you formed...the stupid agent team was wiped out, not even Brad Pitt's big cheeks."

Deadpool shrugged: "This is what the plot needs. , and the Big Cheek Gang is just a friendly cameo, he can come because he has a secret deal with the director."

Luo Su: "..."

"Boss , you look at the easter eggs very carefully, but you must not have noticed that there is also a cameo of Matt Damon in [Deadpool] 2... Wait, tell me the truth, you must not see it as a pirated copy, right?"


Discussing the plot with a plot character is really painful, and what's even more painful is that you can't tell him!

Luo Su sighed: "Wade, don't divert the topic, go on, what does your coming to this world have to do with your dreams?"

"After my deliberation, I found that The reason why the X-agent team failed is that the members were too weak. If they were Wolverine, Storm, Cyclops, the results would definitely be different, so I will recruit strong partners to join the team."

Deadpool said At this point, he added: "But it's not all about who, strength is only one aspect, and I have to look at it."

"So you came to Spider-Man and wanted to bring him in. "Luo Su generally felt that he understood.

"Yeah, that's it, I love Parker!" Deadpool looked shy at the mention of Spider-Man.

Unfortunate Peter Parker, you could have been worse!

Luo Su sighed silently: "You think too much, this Spider-Man is not a talker, you two can't get along. Besides, his sense of responsibility as a good neighbor of New York City will not allow him to follow you to other places. World waves."

"I know!"

"You know that you dare to be whimsical, why don't you go to the world of the extraordinary Spider-Man, Garfield's version of Spider-Man may like you Broken mouth." Luo Su remembered that there was a villain Electro-Man in The Amazing Spider-Man, and his abilities suited him well.

"No, that Parker is too handsome, I don't like him!" Deadpool decisively refused: "Besides, I'm not whimsical. In order to correct Parker, who is not a talker, I brought Venom here too. After copying my character, Peter will definitely..."

Luo Su made a final decision: "It will definitely become a super villain!"

"Boss, I think you are targeting me."

"Yes, that's right!"

Deadpool was furious when he heard this, his eyes widened and he was about to squirt. Suddenly, he thought of something and started to surround Luo Su Rotating in circles, there is still tsk tsk sound in the mouth.

Luo Su was uncomfortable with his strange eyes: "What's wrong?"

"I've decided, from today onwards, we will be brothers."


Luo Su put his hand on his forehead, he was already thinking jumping enough, but even so, he still couldn’t keep up with Deadpool’s rhythm. There's no logic at all, no idea what Deadpool will do in the next second.

"Luo Su, since you don't object, then we are brother. Now brother, I want to form a superhero squad, you should help me and become my team member."

"I refuse!"


"The X-Force sounded too stupid."

"It's okay, change the name now , how about the bomb squad?"

"Not good."

"Why, we would be the best combination! Don't you think you're not hot enough to deserve this name? ?"

"No, you're not worthy of the name, the lead is too short to be called a bomb."


Finally, Luo Su still joined the so-called X-agent team, and currently he is the only one in addition to Captain Deadpool.

Very stupid, but for the sake of Deadpool willingly taking him across the other world, he could only choose to wrong himself.

"Listen, Luo Su, as a superhero trainee, I have some EXP to pass on to you." Deadpool patted Luo Su on the shoulder, looking like someone from the past: "First of all, you You have to have your own uniform, and you have to have a nickname that is stupid enough."

About uniform, Luo Su can only think of his black robe, pondering for a moment: "In terms of nickname, I have a comparison. I like it."

"Let's hear it."

Luo Su lowered his voice: "I'm Batman!"

Have come and go with female Superman Go, call yourself Batman no problem.


Deadpool was silent for three seconds, and put an X on his chest with both hands: "No, DC will sue us for infringement, we won't win the lawsuit, we will also pay I can't afford the money."

Luo Su was speechless: "This...it really makes sense."

"So, do you have another nickname? For example Deadpool Brother, Deadpool fan, Deadpool licking dogs or something!"

"Then I'll be Deathstroke."

"No, Deathstroke is also from DC!" Deadpool scratched his head frantically: "Dude, are you targeting me, why are you mentioning my cousin?"

Deathstroke, the supervillain of DCworld, whose real name is Slade Wilson, and Deadpool's name is Wade Wilson.

In addition to their names, the two are also very similar in shape. Not only that, but their weapons are both double knives, and they are both mercenaries and good at fighting.

Deadpool once said that he has a cousin named Slade, and Deathstroke also said that he has a half-younger brother named Wade, which is a mutual tribute between Marvel and DC.

But Deathstroke predates Deadpool by eleven years in comics history.

That's right, Deathstroke is the prototype of Deadpool, Luo Su like this is purely to disgust him.

"Wade, I don't mean to disgust you, I just think my weapon is very similar to Deathstroke. Although it is very similar to you, I can't take the nickname Deadpool, after all, we are brothers."


"Come on, my good brother, you just want to disgust me."

Deadpool coldly snorted: "But you don't match the character of Deathstroke, my cousin is 1.93 meters , and you... hehe, don't think I can't see it, you don't even have 1.8 meters after taking off your shoes."


Luo Su sucked in a breath Of cold air, he said furiously: "I have 1 meter 79.5, rounded up to 1 meter 8."


"Don't learn to bark, reality and comics have It's normal to go in and out, just like your [Deadpool] 2, the Cable in the movie is 1.79 meters, in the comics he exceeds 2 meters, you even spit this slot."

"So what, in In Avengers, he's Thanos!!"

"Thanos is just, I can kill one with one punch. You may not be able to say it, I have one-on-one duel over 200 Thanos, One snap of fingers killed them all."

"Wow, then I can hit a thousand!"

"I can hit ten thousand!"

"Then I'll be one million!"


Unconsciously, the two of them were head-to-head and angered together. After came back to his senses, Luo Su stepped back, lightly coughed to hide the embarrassment.

Deadpool looked smug, Luo Su couldn't mention him on equal terms in terms of shameless. And he doesn't care about meat and vegetables. The scene just now was a small scene, and he didn't care about mouth to mouth.

"Listen, Luo Su, any nickname will do, except Deathstroke."

"hmph, you pirated copy of Deathstroke!" Luo Su ran on. .

Deadpool's face was so angry: "Again, I'm not a pirate, how can you call a comic pirate, that's a tribute!"

"Plagiarism! Piracy!"

"Whatever you say, my cousin was only born a few years earlier than me, but then... my cousin's popularity is so bad, I have two independent films, he has nothing." said At this point, Deadpool starts to feel complacent again.

That's right, he was only born a few years late. As for comics, whoever is popular is the prototype!

Luo Su couldn't see such an arrogant villain, and retorted: "Yes, Deathstroke has made a cameo appearance in a TV series, and he has an Easter egg in the Justice League. He will play against Batman in the future."

"Hahaha, so what, I'm a superhero, he's a villain!"

"Yes, yes, you are a superhero, in the DC studio next door, you still have A superhero movie with a green body! By the way, why didn't you appear in [Justice League]?" Luo Su asked himself, and suddenly realized: "Oh, by the way, I remembered it, because you are a bust and a box office poison! "

Deadpool: "..."

Damn Canadians! Damn Green Lantern!

(end of this chapter)

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