End Of Heavens

Chapter 592

End Of Heavens Chapter 592


Chapter 590 The concave shape is the first step on the road of heroes

ding Ding!

ding ding dong dong ! !

In the basement of the second layer, Luo Su dismantled the operating table and knocked on a set of armor with the existing materials.

The helmet visor, breastplate, shoulder pads, hand guards, leg armor, 360 degrees without dead ends, all-round protection of every corner of the body protection body.

Then sprayed with black and red matte spray paint, a set of full-body armor imitating Deathstroke was successfully accomplished. On the helmet, because Luo Su has sound eyes, it is different from Deathstroke. There are two ventilation skylights.

With his own abilities, the decorative significance of this set of armor is greater than its practicality. But Deadpool likes to play, and he also finds it interesting, so he built a set on the spot.

Don't say, two Sand Eagle · Heavenly God on both sides of the thigh, Adamantium knife on the back, really has several points of Deadpool cousin's ruthless demeanor.

Originally, according to Deadpool's meaning, superhero uniforms only need to be prominent and eye-catching, without being too complicated, such as tight clothes, but Luo Su decisively refused.

Tight clothes are too shameful, no matter if they wear four corners or triangles, they are easy to show traces. If you don't wear it, you can't do it. First, you are not used to it, and you lack a sense of security. Second, you will hit others because of your huge size.

“Luo Su, how did you do it?”

Deadpool looked bewildered, because he watched the whole process and found that Luo Su only used a hammer to build his armor.

"Isn't that a superhero class skill?"


"In any case, there's a whole new set of uniforms."


Deadpool was speechless, bowed his head silently, and sewed his headgear with a needle and thread.

Too bad, the new members are talented and can create a world with a hammer. As a Captain, he is under a lot of pressure. But he can't say it, and he has to pretend to be him, but the armor is heresy, he just likes the arrogant appearance of tight clothes.

Seeing Deadpool sewing uniform hard, poking his fingers with needles from time to time, and trembling all over his body, Luo Su hehe sneered, smelling the pleasant citric acid smell in the air, and turned from the bookcase. Take out a bottle of red wine.

"Wade, do you want a glass of 82 Lafite?" Luo Su Dangdang knocked two goblets.

"Of course, to celebrate the X-Force set sail again, a drink has to be made."

Deadpool filled a glass and gulped it down, smacking his tongue as it didn't taste right. He didn't show it, for fear that he drank fake wine before, and doubting it would appear that he was not strong enough.

"Wade, how does it taste?"

"It's okay, it's similar to what I used to drink."

"Is that so, then I'll try it too. ..." Luo Su took a sip, frowned: "82USD Lafite, just so-so, I don't think it's worth the price."

"Wait, you just said...82 Lafite. ..."

"Yeah, 82USD Lafite!"


Deadpool gnashing teeth stitched uniformly and put on the body , shows that there is no personal clothing in the tight uniform of superheroes.

“Now, superhero trainee, let Deadpool senior teach you. You have successfully taken the first foot on the road of professional hero, and the second step is next, as a collective action. Team hero organization, we have to have our own exclusive appearance pose."

"Uh, let's not use it."

Luo Su was cold, and intuitively told him that Deadpool The so-called pose must be very pitiful. The Ginuit team and the top-notch JOJO stand flashed in his mind, and his eyes instantly became vigilant.

"No, this is the only way for heroes."

"Then I'm not a hero, I want to be a villain!"

"... ”

Two minutes later, on the rooftop of the second layer building, a camera was set up, and two silhouettes with nine dandruffs were facing the morning sun, seriously concave.

Deadpool one-knee kneels on the ground, raising both hands diagonally behind the back, like a bird spreading its wings. Luo Su stood behind him with his head held high, one hand clenched in his abdomen and the other held high.

"Luo Su, how are you feeling?"

"I feel like my IQ is going down!"

"Relax, man, I'm pulling it up Average."

"No, my IQ was lowered by you." Luo Su put down his fisted hand and covered his face.


“Wade, is this really good, isn’t it too shameful? I even heard someone laughing!”

"That's the laughter of the stupid audience. I can hear it all the time. It'll be fine after a while. I'm sure you won't feel well if you don't listen to it a few times a day."

Deadpool said, stopping what he was doing. posture, walked in front of the camera, admired his heroic appearance, and soon became dissatisfied.

Because he only showed two hands in the photo, he was shooting Luo Su almost all the time.

"Hey man, that's not right! I got the position wrong, as Captain, the soul of the X-Force team, I should be in position C."

"hehe , Green Lantern can't even stand in the C position!"

"I don't care, I just want to stand in the C position, I will do the same posture again, this time I will stand behind you."

"No, absolutely no later."

"I'm Captain!!!"

"Captain, it's almost done. Neighbors should get up and go to work. Call the police."

Luo Su put away the camera and pushed Deadpool back to the second floor, where the latter vented his dissatisfaction loudly. After a while, he closed his mouth and stopped talking. He took the photo and looked at it for half an hour.

A normal person is a zodiac sign plus Virgo, but Deadpool is different, he is a neurotic. Therefore, when he exudes the temperament of being lonely and seeking comfort, he must not ignore him, otherwise he will take advantage of the topic and often get out of hand.

Luo Su knew that he would leave Deadpool for a while, no one would take care of him, he would be fine.

Deadpool pretended to be deep for half an hour, making fun of himself, sneaking up to Luo Su, holding the photo and saying, "Man, I finally know what's wrong."

"That's right, it's your brain."

"I know, but that's not what I'm saying..." Deadpool poked at the photo: "Two people can't pose well, because triangles It's the most stable structure, the X-Agents need Parker!"

Luo Su: "..."

"Just do it, we'll go find Parker now, as far as I'm concerned. According to Wild Parker's understanding, apart from newspapers and schools, the only places he haunts are the singles' dormitory."

"Do you know where his dormitory is?"

" Of course, everything about him is under my control. I lurked in it two days ago, but unfortunately he was not at home at that time, and I only found one original flavor..."

"cough cough!"

"An original Spider-Man uniform..."



The walls are broken In the apartment building, Peter Parker, a financially strapped man with hanging silk, sat slumped at the head of the bed, his beard sighed, his hair messed up, and his bloodshot eyes lost their brilliance.

It has been more than 40 hours since Mary Jane was captured by Doctor Octopus. Parker tried his best to search for Doctor Octopus' whereabouts.

After that, Doctor Octopus never appeared again. Parker searched the streets of New York all night, thieves and robbers caught a lot, but he didn't even find the shadow of Doctor Octopus.

Parker is depressed, after all, it's 40 hours, and God knows what happens during that time.

Although Doctor Octopus is a scientific madman, he loved his wife deeply before going crazy, and he was dismissive of other women, but he is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, after all, Mary Jane is so good, so Perfect.


The door was kicked down!

That's right, the whole door fell to the ground, one big foot was slowly retracted, and Deadpool walked into the room with an angry stride.

"Spider-Man Peter Parker, I read your resume, congratulations, you've been accepted to the Secret Service!"


(end of chapter)

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