End Of Heavens

Chapter 593

End Of Heavens Chapter 593


Chapter 591 I have a plan

Who is this stupid?

The moment he saw Deadpool, Parker's first thought was not that his identity was exposed, but that he was shocked by Deadpool's stupid temperament, which was dazzling. No one dared to be first when he was second.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Wade Wilson, Captain of the superhero team 'X-Force', and fans call me Lord Deadpool. Parker, from From the moment you are bitten by a spider, we are watching you, congratulations, you are a qualified hero and qualified to be one of us."

Deadpool awesome said, from He pulled out a chair from the desk and sat in front of Parker with Erlang's legs crossed, shaking it.

"Uh, this chair..."

"I know, it's your property, don't worry, we're a superhero team, and no one's going to take your chair." Deadpool said, shaking his ass vigorously. "I've never seen a chair worse than this, but I like, creak creak, as if I've conquered it."

"No, I mean this chair can't..."

"Can't what? Push? Sorry, I just like push! Cack, I can push harder!"


"Ah!! Help, help me! My ass, I can't feel my ass anymore! Ahhh ———" Sitting broke, a chair leg was stuck straight on his butt, causing him to roll around in pain and let out a heart-piercing scream.


Parker shrugged, and his depression has improved a lot.

"Hey, good neighbors of New Yorkers, what are you giggling about, come and help me." Deadpool turned his butt to Parker, groaning and crying for help.


Parker's face was dignified, and he was caught in a tangle and struggle. His sense of justice made him unable to ignore the victim, and he extended a helping hand and held it tightly. Live on chair legs.

"Hey, Parker, what's going on, how did you make the door like this?" The landlord rushed in angrily, and was stunned when he saw the scene inside the house.

(//?//) X1

( ̄□ ̄;) X2

"Sorry to bother you! Parker, the maintenance fee will be paid from your The rent is deducted from the deposit, and...you don't have to worry about me saying it, in fact, I don't discriminate, really, the next time it will be quieter."

The landlord complexion slightly changed, embarrassedly laughed, He pretended to be calm and covered his vital parts, kept a high degree of vigilance as if to prevent thieves, and retreated out of the house little by little.

"No need, I'll pay for the maintenance fee." At this moment, Luo Su appeared at the door, took out a roll of Franklin from his pocket, ordered five sheets and threw them in the corridor.

"God bless you, Mr. Generosity, you can do whatever you want with this room!" The landlord swooped and picked up the five bills, for fear that Luo Su would regret it, he disappeared at the end of the corridor with a swish .

In terms of speed, he has the potential to be a superhero!

"I remember you, you were the one on the train..."

Seeing Luo Su, Parker immediately smiled and tried to organize the language but didn't know how to speak, because he has not yet It is not known who Luo Su's last name is.

"Help, come and help me." Deadpool put his hands on the ground, turned his butt, and moved towards Luo Su.

"No problem, I like to help others." Luo Su hehe smiled, accelerated his run, left an afterimage on the spot, and kicked his leg on the leg of the chair.

pu chi!

The picture is too beautiful, Parker covered his weak and helpless eyes, and heard a mournful scream in his ear, after that, the room was completely quiet.


In the room, Deadpool was leaning over on the ground, his whole head stuck in the wooden wall, silently saying nothing, maybe dead.

Luo Su chatted with Parker, and the atmosphere was not bad. Ignoring a certain stupid, it was very harmonious.

"The so-called X-agent team is a heroic squad composed of superpowers. The one who is bleeding in the corner is Captain, you can call him Deadpool, or Wade, or stupid. ."

Parker scratched his head: "Uh, what should I call you?"

"Didn't I say so?"


"Forget it, I'll say it again, my name is Luo Su. Forgetful Spider-Man, did you remember this time?"


Parker was silent for a moment. To be honest, he had no interest in this so-called X-agent team. The strength of the other party persuaded him to quit, which made him think it would be better not to touch it.

"Our X-Force team is different from other superhero organizations. There is no fixed site, but we travel through various universes. Where there is evil, we will appear. Yes, we are justice... cough cough, Watcher of Justice!"

"Forget it, I don't want to leave New York." Parker shook his head and refused, it was nonsense to travel around the world, but he believed: "Also, it's just a city in New York, that's all Makes me exhausted, not to mention other places."

"It's okay, we don't force it. When you figure it out one day, you can call me and I'll be waiting for you at any time."

Luo Su said, grabbed Deadpool by both legs, forcibly dragged his head out of the wall, waved at Parker, and dragged Deadpool into the corridor like this.

Two minutes later, Parker was relieved, and his face was dumbfounded: "Damn, you left the phone with me!"

Wait until Parker rushed out of the apartment building like a wind, Luo Su and Deadpool can't be found anymore, he still wants to ask each other for help and find Mary Jane together!

"I'm so stupid..."


"I'm so stupid!"

Deadpool sat with his butt over his head. On the rooftop of the building, he frantically sprayed at Luo Su: "You used your poor acting skills to tell Parker that the Captain of the X-spec team is a stupid, and he will join us when he is crazy!"

"But you originally It's a stupid!"

"That's my illusion to confuse the enemy. Normally, I'm not a stupid..." Deadpool said, covering his face and sobbing: "My favorite Parker is gone. , without him joining, and forming a shitty X-spec team. I don't play anymore, I want to go home!"


Luo Su held it down Deadpool's shoulder: "Dude, you misunderstood, I did everything on purpose just now, to get Parker to join us."

"You made me a stupid on purpose?"

"Yes, stupid!"

Before Deadpool could react, Luo Su said ill-humoredly: "Wade, you are a stupid yourself, instead of pretending to hide, tricking Parker into joining the team, It's better to show it directly. The more useless the X-agent team is, and the more Parker looks down on you, the better the future plan will be."

"Sorry, I didn't understand."

" It's not your fault, you're a stupid after all."

"Wow, I understand that."


See Deadpool, who is proud of the unfathomable mystery, Luo Su twitched the corner of his eye, and I don't know if he is really stupid, or if he is pretending to be crazy and selling stupid, and directly ignore the topic: "Human nature can't stand the stain on beautiful things, but if at first it is all black. ?"

"Man, I understand."

Deadpool slapped Luo Su's thigh and cried out excitedly, "Because we suck, it's better than pretending to be perfect. , it is better to let Park Park despair of us at first, and then gradually show a bright side. In this way, he will change the first impression, think that the X special team is actually not bad, and then change his opinion of us little by little, and finally accept us completely. "

"That's right!"

"Luo Su, my good brother, you're a genius!"

"Well, so are you!"

“ Oh la la~~~"

Deadpool felt that the plan was feasible, danced and sang excitedly, and after a while he came back to his senses, with a confused look: "No way! Dude, do we have a bright side? "

"Uh...except you, everything." "


"Don't worry! Luo Su endowed with extraordinary intelligence, calmly said: "Park is looking for Doctor Octopus, because his Goddess Mary Jane was..."

"Wait, where did that Mary Jane come from Bi Chi?" , Parker's Goddess should be me! "

"Wade, you have to face it, Parker's orientation is normal, he's impossible to fall in love with you." "

"I don't care! "

Luo Su rolled the eyes, too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and continued: "Parker and Doctor Octopus have the same strength, and Doctor Octopus has Mary Jane as a hostage, Parker refrain from shooting at the rat for The fear of breaking the vases is sure to beat him, and when the time comes we both come on stage to help him out of the crisis. "

Deadpool is crazy nodded: "Staging a hero saving the beauty, Parker will fall in love with me madly, when I invite him to join the team, he agrees with love and tweaking twice. "


Luo Su took a deep breath: "Wade, if you dare to interrupt again, I will stuff Doctor Octopus into your body." "

Deadpool sat down obediently with his hands on his knees, raised his hand to his mouth and made a zipper motion, indicating that he was not talking nonsense.

"We helped Parker rescue Mary Jane , let him owe a favor, but this can only make it difficult for him to refuse us, and it is still a long way from a successful invitation. "

Luo Su said this with a yin smile: "This needs the help of Mary Jane. The woman is very professional and eager to become a well-known actress." She needed flowers, applause, flashing lights, and a whole lot of compliments, and none of that… hum, Parker couldn't give her. "

"In fact, as a busy superhero, Parker can't even give Mary Jane the least time for the two of them. The two of them will be finished sooner or later. Parker is disheartened..."

"This is the perfect moment for us to show up and invite him to the team! "

Deadpool fell into the beautiful fantasy woven by Luo Su, sighed and snorted, and applauded desperately: "Luo Su, I love you!" "

Luo Su pressed his hand, motioned Deadpool don't be impatient, and calmly added: "In order to prevent the plan from deviating, I also prepared a second plan, that is... venom!" "

Deadpool raised his hand to answer: "Luo Su teacher, I know, I know. Putting Parker on Venom as an anti-hero with no moral constraints could fit into us even more perfectly. "

Luo Su nods, showing the gratified smile of a student that can be taught: "Wade, you have grown up." "

"Uh, but that's my plan at first!" "


Luo Su lightly coughed: "Stop talking nonsense, take out the venom, and start the second plan now. "

"Wait, man, isn't Venom with you?" "

"Hey, when are you here?" "


"Fuck! ! ”X2

(end of this chapter)

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