End Of Heavens

Chapter 650

End Of Heavens Chapter 650


Chapter 648 The lottery and attribute point of innate talent

"Luo Su, what does bitterness mean, I don't understand very well You know, I don't read much!" Deadpool spread his hands innocently, took two steps back silently, and pulled out the two knives behind his back at the same time.


Adamantium pulled out the scabbard, Luo Su sneered and said, "Wade, stop pretending, you old bird, you know what I mean."

Deadpool shook his head again and again: "No, I don't understand what you mean when you say I understand what you mean!"

"No, you understand what I mean when you say you understand me, otherwise What are you doing with the knife?"

Luo Su persuaded with cold blooded and emotionless words: "Wade, let me slash! Just one slash, make sure you won't feel pain, I will edit it then The script of a Superman is perfect, your sacrifice is worth it. Besides, you can't beat me, give it up!"

"No, superheroes will never give up."

"Suddenly appeared in the bank vault with cash still on your body, you said you were a superhero, who would believe it?"

"The Superman's script is even more absurd, and Don't forget, your fingerprints are on the USD, if you die together, don't let me take the blame alone."

"hmph!" X2

Stupid ended the conversation, The two, who had been more affectionate than the sky just a second ago, drew their knives to face each other, and slashed at each other in the safe.

The narcotic mist from the vent kept releasing, but it did nothing to the two perverts in the house.

Deadpool has a self-healing factor, and its self-healing ability is more exaggerated than that of the genuine Wolverine. Poisons, anesthetics and him are nothing.

Luo Su's 'body' attribute point that is about to break 100 is not a decoration. After two breaths, he adapts to the anesthetic, and generates antibodies to ignore it directly.

After a while, the turnstile was pushed open and a group of SWAT officers wearing gas masks rushed in. Luo Su and Deadpool stopped the knife at the same time, forced their way through the gate and ran out of the bank gate, explaining that it was impossible to explain, and the explanation was unclear when Huang Ni dropped his crotch.

Not long after the two left, the balding hair + belly boss and the female secretary rushed to the vault. The boss took out a handkerchief to wipe off the sweat, and asked nervously, "How is it, how is the loss? , how many precious items are missing?"

"Uh, there is no loss, and there is an extra 150,000 USD."

"Are you kidding me?"

Under the gesture of the female secretary, the president lifted the crotch zipper without a trace, and yelled at the staff: "The bank vault was robbed, but you told me not only that the money is not less, but also more?"

"It's true, we've made a deal several times." The staff member said aggrieved, he also knew it was fantastic, but it was the truth.

"..." The head of the line was silent.

"President, we have made a fortune, do we still need to cooperate with the police to issue a wanted notice?"

"Of course we will, don't make a noise about the 150,000 USD, take it out When making a bounty, it is said to be our own pockets." The president said fiercely, this is not a question of whether or not something is lost, but a matter of nature.


On the other side, Deadpool who ran away didn't know yet. He spent 150,000 USD and offered himself and Luo Su a reward.

"It's really unfortunate, the location after these crossings has become more and more unreliable, why is it?" Deadpool stood on the third floor rooftop and looked into the street.

"Perhaps the will of the world is rejecting you. Your stupid virus is extremely harmful. The world cannot stop you from entering. It can only use this method to let you retreat. The next time it should be the president. The office is over." Luo Su analyzed the reason.

"Impossible, if you want to reject it, it's already rejected. It used to be fine until I took you with me..." Deadpool stopped halfway, and the black gun on his forehead persuaded him to be kind: "Luo Su, you are right, it's the world's fault, and it has nothing to do with us."

Luo Su put away the sand eagle: "Let's go, since we are here, there must be plot characters nearby."

Deadpool reached out: "If you're talking about plot characters, I think I've found Charles..."


Luo Su Shun Looking at it, it is very eye-catching, there is a light pollution in the coffee shop on the street.

Not only bald Charles, but also his good friend Eric, two middle-aged and old men talking and laughing, playing chess while blowing the wind, and watching the beautiful waiter being blown by the wind up skirt.

Luo Su raised his hand and pinched his chin. He was unfamiliar with the plot of the movie and asked, "Wade, what time is it now, and where is Qin?"

"Charles and Eric are playing chess... Well, based on what I know about the plot, it's already the Grand Finale, Jean's words... It's hard to find her, she seems to be dead."

"... ..."

"What's the matter, man, why don't you talk?"

"There's nothing to say."

The Grand Finale came, Luo Su could Say what.

Deadpool didn't understand Luo Su's grief, stood on the rooftop and looked around, suddenly his eyes lit up: "Man, there is a bar there, according to my many years of EXP, that store is not formal, it must be inside There's something, let's go check it out."

"Let's go to the next world..."



24 hours is very short, especially for Luo Su who is in desperate need of a 'Phoenix Force' Character Card. Under his hard and soft actions, Deadpool took him through three more worlds. During this time, he encountered Qin who turned into a runaway. Unfortunately, there was no prompt to trigger lottery.

Finally, with only 15 minutes left until the 24-hour countdown, Luo Su gave up the idea of continuing on the road and dragged Deadpool, who was exhausted, to the most expensive local nightclub.

Private room!

The credit card swiped the deposit, Luo Su generously packaged one day and one night, let Deadpool let go of eating and drinking merrily, and he paid for all the consumption.

"Man, you're so handsome, I used to... I misunderstood you..." Deadpool got a brick in his eyes and wept his mask.

He made up his mind that after this one day and one night, he would quit women, and his relationship with Luo Su would go further, and he would live a peaceful life in the future.

"Wade, don't say like this, let's play with whoever is our brother, you play first, and I'll go to the bathroom."

"Go slowly, go back slowly..." Deadpool waved a small handkerchief, and secretly said that it is best to come back and forth for 24 hours, so that the girls are all his.

Luo Su satisfied him generously and never appeared again...


In the real world, Luo Su closed his eyes and sat quietly at the computer desk.

"System, open all the lottery of this World Mission."


[Host confirms lottery, 5 lottery in progress...]

4 times out of 5 lottery is the reward for completing the World Mission, it seems very few, but it is not.

During the mission, Luo Su came into contact with Ororo, Qin, Apocalypse and the others, triggering a total of 10 lottery, almost on the spot, only the Juggernaut one is left to now.

[Host gets the following rewards...]

[Intelligence attribute point X1]

[Skill Card: Photosynthesis (bask in the sun can survive) , but don't forget to drink water and take two more breaths of carbon dioxide)]

[Item Card: Self-healing factor (as long as the spirit is not extinguished, it is difficult to be killed)]

【 Item Card: Green Goblin set (a super luxurious gift pack of items such as Green Goblin armor, vertical propulsion glider, Green Goblin flying knife, pumpkin bomb, etc.)]

[Skill Card: One hundred thousand volts (Pikachu, just It's up to you)]]

"It's weird, I don't even have a Character Card, is it because I smoked too much in the world of [X-Men]?" Luo Su didn't know why, After muttering, he looked at the three cards.

The skill of 100,000 volts makes people complain, especially the comment of 'Pikachu', which makes Luo Su feel that the system skin is itchy again, but I have to say that this Skill Card is a perfect match for him.

Counting several permanent skills that Luo Su has, passive skills: lightning rod, power storage, active skills: steel tail, and now another 100,000 volts...

"This fuck It's moved towards the development rhythm of cute things!"

Thinking about the person who dubbed the cute things, Luo Su refused.

The skill card of photosynthesis has too many slots, just ignore it. The self-healing factor and the Item Card of the Green Goblin suit seem practical, but they don't mean much to him.

Let's talk about the self-healing factor first, Luo Su's constitution has a certain recovery ability, plus the Gray Wolf tattoo, although it is not as bad as the self-healing factor, it is also one that is difficult to kill. one type.

After transplanting the self-healing factor, it will become an acquired mutant like Deadpool. Although the self-healing ability has been strengthened, it also has a mutant identity, which is equivalent to adding a weakness to oneself, which is not worth the loss.

For a fast-traveling party like Luo Su, it is possible to enter any kind of world in the future. Ability is very important, and avoiding his own weaknesses is more important, so he will not use the self-healing factor on himself.

The final Green Goblin suit... all I can say is, the pumpkin bomb is pretty cool!

【Host: Luo Su】

【Strength: 100(50+50)】

【Body: 99(71+28)】

[Wisdom: 95 (75+20)]

[Wealth: 190800]

The Wealth value was recorded, Luo Su glanced at the newly refreshed attribute panel, took a deep breath, start adding points.

The addition of points this time is very important. If a single attribute point exceeds 100 points, there is a small probability of breaking through the bottleneck, stimulating potential, and awakening the corresponding super power.

'Physical' attribute points at 99 points, which is just one step away from breaking a hundred. May be able to light up two of their own innate talent.

But it is also possible that, like the 'force' attribute, due to the lack of innate talent, after breaking 100, the speed, strength, and agility are only greatly enhanced, and the corresponding superpowers cannot be stimulated.

"A business that is sure to make a profit without losing money, no loss, no loss..."

Luo Su licked his lower lip and warned himself not to be too greedy. Don't report too much hope, or you will be more disappointed: "First of all, the value of 'body' attribute point +1breakthrough 100."

[body: 100 (71+29)]


Nothing has changed, Luo Su is still the same Luo Su, and System has not commented.

"I'm a mage, 'body' and 'strength' have nothing to do with each other, do you expect the 'wisdom' attribute?" Luo Su's egg hurts so much, complaining is complaining, but the body is still very honest and draws 5 points Added to the 'Chi' attribute.

Just in case!

【Intelligence: 100 (75+25)】

Almost when the attribute hits 100, the System prompt sound follows...

(End of this chapter)

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