End Of Heavens

Chapter 651

End Of Heavens Chapter 651


Chapter 649 Little Mage Mage Mage grandfather


【Host acquires skill: telepathy】

[Skill: telepathy (simple and complex ability, with a wide range of ways to use, how to use it varies from person to person)]

After the 'intelligence' attribute is over 100, System evaluates Luo Su gains a new permanent skill - Telepathy!

On the attribute 'wisdom', the explanation given by System is that it is not only spiritual force, but also inextricably linked with will, MP, magic resistance, learning ability, etc., even directly. covered relationships.

Among the countless branches of the 'wisdom' attribute, Luo Su's innate talent is reflected in the mind. The emergence of this permanent skill directly replaces the first skill that followed him, the sixth sense.

The sixth sense disappears and is replaced by the upgraded version of telepathy, once again proving Luo Su's innate talent in the mind.

In fact, Luo Su's innate talent has been shown a long time ago, but he didn't pay attention, or he didn't pay attention to it.

When Luo Su first got the System, Luo Su's 'wisdom' attribute point was evaluated by the System, and it was the highest among the three Great Attribute points, 5 points for normal people, 8 points for him.

Different from the two Great Attribute points of 'force' and 'body', normal people can exercise from 5 points to 8 points, or even 10 points.

And the 'wisdom' attribute is difficult to improve, mainly because I don't know how to exercise, what a normal life is like when you are born, and what it is like when you die. The three extra points of Luo Su are very meaningful. .

In addition, when Luo Su got System, he was evaluated as a permanent skill with a 'sixth sense', which is an innate talent.

"No wonder!"

Luo Su suddenly realized that a 'telepathic' Skill Card was issued in lottery before, and he used this card to drag Qin Grey into the In the dream, and asked him to obey his words, he thought it was a Skill Card ox fork, and his feelings had his innate talent bonus.

With 12 free attribute points remaining 6 points, plus 1 'wisdom' attribute point from lottery, Luo Su waved his hand and distributed it rationally according to the most ideal way.

【Host: Luo Su】

【Strength: 102(50+52)】

【Body: 102(71+31)】

[Wisdom: 103 (75+28)]

[Wealth: 190800]

The Mage must have a bucket!

Innate talent is one thing, but it's another thing to apply to combat. He has walked through more than a dozen worlds without incident, relying on the even distribution method.

As for the innate talent of telepathy, the innate talent skills that have just been realized require long-term development and exploration. Simply adding a little bit can't hone the technology, and there is no hurry.

After all, the prerequisite for Luo Su to complete the World Mission and earn reward points is that he can live forever!

"Attribute points have been allocated, it's time to take a trip to Marvel World..."

Luo Su muttered to himself, leaning back on the computer chair, although the current Marvel world There is still a long time before the plot starts. With Shadow Clone to help take care of it, it is the same with him or without him.

But the thought of Dormammu blocking the door at the Marvel world portal makes him feel uncomfortable. OCD sufferers can't stand the feeling of not spitting up, as if having a fish bone stuck in one's throat.

It's so frustrating!

I didn't go because I didn't want to go, not because I was blocked by people.

Dark Dimension!

The barren and dead infinite space circulates endlessly, one after another rotten star drifts by, and there seems to be some creature breathing in the dark, with the rhythm exhaling the deadly breath of decay.

Here, all life forms return to the end!

In a void that was completely corroded by darkness, the magical flames changed irregularly to form a humanoid appearance.

Evil God Dormammu!

"Strange guy, suddenly disappeared and suddenly appeared, how did he do it..."

As the only master of the dark dimension, Dormammu controls everything here, time , space, matter, reality, illusion, etc. are all under his control.

In other words, he is omnipotent here, the God of the dark dimension.

But now, a paradox has arisen, similar to how he made a stone that he couldn't move.

Dormammu couldn't find the reason for Luo Su's disappearance and appearance, there was no sign, there were no rules, the other party came and went as he wanted, which surprised him and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. A heart palpitation.

In his dimension, there is a life that cannot be controlled. Does this mean that... the strength of the other party is far above him.

The longer you live, the more cautious and conceited you become.

As soon as this idea came up, it took root in Dormammu's heart. Thinking of Sorcerer Supreme's strange behavior, this seedling instantly grew into a tree in the sky.

Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One has blocked Dormammu from the Earth dimension many times, and holds the Divine Item Eye of Agamotto, which is regarded as a scourge by Dormammu, and has always wanted to get rid of it quickly.

It can be as powerful as Ancient One. If you want to resist the invasion of the dark dimension, you must also borrow the power of the Ancient God behind the Eye of Agamotto. If you go deep into the dark dimension, you will only lose your life when you encounter Dormammu.

"So, Ancient One must have a deep meaning in sending that little mage to me..."

Dormammu thinks more and more strange, there is no reason for Sorcerer Supreme to fight with him For many years, he specially sent a fleshy body for him to come to Earth.

The enemy is impossible and can only be explained by conspiracy!

Dormammu suddenly realized that the little mage he despised must have some unknown terrifying ability, and the Ancient One had full confidence in terrifying it.

"What kind of ability can he ignore the rules and be above the dark dimension?"


Dormammu is thinking, Luo Su appeared on the spot where he had disappeared in an instant, and Dormammu also immediately sensed his appearance.

“Little Mage!”

Dormammu’s Fire Elementalized face subconsciously revealed a dignified expression. He saw the change in Luo Su. Although it was still insignificant, Luo Su is indeed stronger than before disappearing.

"Dormammu, I'm here to negotiate, let me go, I'll help you trick Sorcerer Supreme into it."


Dormammu is silent Without a word, calculating the profit and loss in his heart, he finally chose to start a tentative attack on Luo Su.

If Luo Su's displayed strength is fragile, he immediately seizes his body for his own use, and uses this body to come to Earth. If Luo Su really has hidden powerful abilities, it is not too late to negotiate.

The so-called tentative attack is a disaster on the level of destroying heaven and extinguishing earth for Dormammu himself and in Luo Su's eyes.

A cold black flame burns in the void. Dormammu extracts the mysterious energy in the dark dimension to create a unique elemental magic. In addition to flames, there are torrents, storms, and lightning, all without exception. Dark color.

Dormammu didn't move himself, narrowed his eyes to lock on Luo Su, as long as he revealed a little weakness, he immediately started to grab his body.

The elemental magic is not yet near, Luo Su's heart bursts, the ominous and gloomy aura assumes the senses, wantonly pervades the oppression of evil and destruction, without using Angel's power, he Can't take a single move.

"System, use 'Skill Card: Phoenix Force'!"

[Skill Card: Phoenix Force (Power of the Primitive Universe)]

Enter the Dark Dimension Before, Luo Su called out this card separately and was fully prepared.

In all fairness, watching Black Phoenix Jyn and Logan's bitterness drama, he was hesitant about this card, because no matter from which point of view, even if it is thinking with ass, Dormammu is better than Luo Root panties are stronger.

But Luo Su decided to try it anyway, in case... in case Logan's pants are really difficult to deal with!


The torrent of dark elements drowned Luo Su's location, the silent explosion caused the space to collapse, and the twisting darkness shattered under random changes.

Dormammu facial expression grave, looked at Darkness Domain, he felt a mysterious power full of infinite vitality.

That powerful force is terrifying, carrying destruction and creation, as if it is the incarnation of the most fundamental concept of life, the rules of the dark dimension cannot withstand a single blow in front of it, and it will be disturbed with a wave of the hand. Broken into a mess of disordered lines.

"What power is this, and who are you?"

The enchanting red flame ignites a little candle in the dark, swallowing up the mysterious ability in the dark dimension. The rays of light reflected on Dormammu's face, making his features glowy and uncertain.

The red glow rises into the sky, the fiery red light illuminates the dark dimension that has not been seen for a long time, with the growth of the fire, a pair of huge wings covering the heavens, shielding the sun slowly spread open.

The dark void rays of light are released, the wings are completely stretched out, and the surging energy sweeps all the way to the surrounding.

Wherever he passed, the dark dimension trembled violently, black disappeared without a trace, and was reborn after being destroyed, and a new world was born.

It was only then that Dormammu could see the power released by Luo Su. It was a Phoenix phantom manifested by unknown energy, not pure flame magic, but a… …


Or rather, he couldn't comprehend, an extremely primordial power.


Dormammu was silent for a moment, looked at Luo Su in Phoenix's phantom, and said nodded: "Master, you just said, you are here to negotiate?"

This is the advantage of being strong. When Luo Su was weak, Dormammu called him a 'little mage' and released Phoenix Force, which was enough to shake the foundation of the dark dimension. Dormammu immediately became polite and made friends with him.

"Yeah, but I've changed my mind now!"

Luo Su opened his hands and flapped twice like a bird, and the Phoenix phantom immediately followed suit. Action, after he got used to it a little, he fluttered his wings and slammed into Dormammu.

It has nothing to do with the little eye, Phoenix Force is a Skill Card, and it is a one-time use. Instead of becoming a little mage after today, it is better to be promoted to a mage grandfather, so that Dormammu dare not fight Earth again. idea.

To put it bluntly, cut weeds and eliminate the roots while you are awesome!

"Mage, you are too impudent, don't forget that this is the dark dimension, the domain of my Dormammu Sovereign."

Dormammu stood in the void, and the face constructed of flame elements was violently angry Burning, the dark eyes loomed with strong murderous intention.

There was no movement from him either, the infinite space stretched out, and hundreds of black chains carved with rune protruded from the void, entangling the flying Phoenix phantom.

(end of this chapter)

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