End Of Heavens

Chapter 652

End Of Heavens Chapter 652


Chapter 650 From the leader of Nine Headed Snake to the ruler of the dark dimension

The dark chains hide the sky and cover the earth The momentum struck, and the Phoenix phantom was wrapped into a giant black cocoon. After a short while, the inside of the giant black cocoon burst into a blazing fire that burned everything.

red glow Dasheng!

Yanyan red flashed layer by layer in the darkness, igniting the black cocoon from the inside, and burning violently with an unstoppable momentum.

Almost as easy as blowing off dust, the menacing chains were burned by the flames, first swelled and exploded, then all burned.

Phoenix Force is presented in the form of a flame, which doesn't mean it's really a flame, but wipes everything out at its source.

Reckless contact with this destructive force will only make it devour it like a virus, as if the tarsus maggot can't stop its spread even if it cuts off its limbs.

Therefore, the flames of red followed the vine, followed hundreds of black chains, and burned straight into the void.

Luo Su's eyes flashed brightly. Seeing that Phoenix's phantom was so powerful, his confidence surged, and he speeded up and slammed into Dormammu.

It is said to be speed, but in fact this concept does not exist, but a competition based on rules.

Dormammu changed the rules of the dark dimension, pulled out the infinite space distance, isolated himself from the Phoenix phantom, and flew only with wings, and could not reach him in ten thousand years.

Luo Su's fluttering flight is an intuitive performance, but it actually cuts off the Law of Space, knocking down all the blocked arcs, crushing Dormammu's living space all the way.

"Bastard! What the hell is going on?"

Dormammu turned stormy sea in his heart. Ever since the Phoenix phantom appeared, he has been devouring the mysterious power in the dark dimension to strengthen himself .

If it's just swallowing, that's all, the Dormammu family can afford a lot of business, but this guy has no table manners, and he smashes the plate while eating, and he sees that it should be overturning the table if he continues.

Dormammu was originally a wizard. He accidentally discovered and entered the dark dimension, and became the Sovereign of Dark Space. In order to gain more power, he gave up the fleshy body and fused together the dark dimension.

In other words, the table lifted by the Phoenix phantom is not only the dark dimension, but also Dormammu himself.

He is bound to the dark dimension, if one prospers, all prospers, if one suffers, all suffers.

Now the villain is coming, with an irreconcilable posture, but he wants to run and can't run, so he can only fight back, more iron than anyone's head.

"No, this is the dark dimension, and I am the only master here. Even if he relies on the power to devour me to grow himself, he cannot surpass me after all..."

Dormammu Frightened to the extreme, but calmed down, relying on EXP who devoured other dimensions for many years to make the closest judgment to the truth.

The opponent has a quick start, but in fact it looks good, so he can win!

However, Dormammu still misunderstood, Phoenix Force is not to devour, but to obliterate everything it touches.

As for the reason for the gradual expansion and expansion of the Phoenix phantom, Luo Su has become more adapted to this power, and in the constant destruction and creation, it has inspired the deep passion for life in the Phoenix Force.

The cards drawn by the System are quick to get started. In contrast, the perfect Phoenix Force container, Jean Grey, can't do it just in case.

The rules of the dark dimension collapsed rapidly like a Bone Token of Domino. In the induction of its owner Dormammu, it shrank at a speed visible to naked eyes, and he was keenly aware that his power also shrank.

The loss of just a few breaths makes Dormammu heartbroken, and I don't know how long it will take to recover by devouring other dimensions. The hatred for Luo Su exceeds that of Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One, and he vows to destroy his soul. Draw it out and burn it with the fire of darkness for thousands of years.

"Mage, your soul will pay the price for your actions!"

Dormammu dared not keep it, and tried his best to extract the mysterious power in the dark dimension, trying to kill Phoenix's phantom one strike.

Perhaps this will make the dark dimension strength great injury, but there is no other way to do it. It is better to cut off his own arm than to be cut in the middle.

In an instant, the boundless dark dimension suddenly shrank, and the direct manifestation was a surge of energy.

The vast darkness compresses into the Black Sea, rushing towards the Phoenix phantom from all directions, vowing to douse this alien red.

The body size of the two sides is completely disproportionate, but once they come into contact, it is another development trend. The red dot in the dark rides the wind and waves, and wins with the trend of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. Black all disappeared in an instant, no matter how many came, it was accepted.

"Damn, I don't believe you can eat it all the time."

Dormammu fully controls the dark dimension, folds the space and stirs the energy vortex, making the huge energy torrent at a faster speed , moved towards Phoenix phantom hit.

At the same time, he activates the mysterious power in the darkness, transforming it into magical attacks, applying layers of negativity.

Fall! anger! Evil desire! greedy! Crazy! hatred!

The dual role of reality and mind, through Dormammu's control of the dimension do as one pleases, formed a dead-end attack all over the space.

Whether it is a destructive energy frenzy that can be touched, or an invisible negative factor, there is a terrifying lethality that can destroy a planet with a light touch.

Luo Su can't hide, in fact, he has nowhere to hide. All around are rotten stars that are engulfed by the frenzy. The chaotic energy changes the basic rules of gravity, electromagnetism, etc., upside down. The concept of upper and lower space, along with the time before and after, became contradictory, preventing him from finding the exact location of Dormammu.

That's nothing to talk about, let's go!

Luo Su thoughts move , Phoenix's phantom stretches infinitely, zooming to the size of a galaxy in an instant, flapping its wings and soaring recklessly in the energy frenzy.

Like when the buff is turned on, Phoenix phantom is prioritized and any attack will not work on it. Whether it's an energy frenzy or an astral shock, including the negative factors that directly hit the mind, they all come back in vain...

No, it's thoroughly erased!

If you dare to touch me, I will make you disappear from this world!

Phoenix's phantom flutters its wings in the sky, and its flame wings so huge that it cannot be observed, sweep out the shock wave that destroys everything, regenerates life in the destruction, reverses the rules of the dark dimension in one fell swoop, and makes most of the dark dimension collapse, The rest is no longer fit to be called darkness.

"No! !!"

From the void, there was an angry roar.

Immediately afterwards, extremely corrosive black flames poured down from the sky. In this darkness, there was also evil energy similar to spiritual pollution. It seemed that... it was specially designed to make Phoenix phantom gorge oneself.

It can be seen that Dormammu never returned on the crooked road of Phoenix phantom being a foodie, determined that he could use energy to kill it, and believed in his own judgment and EXP.

The power of Phoenix Force is far from being resisted by black Flame Energy, and the dark magic with spiritual pollution is even more unbearable, and it is scattered by Phoenix's phantom wings before it gets close.

Luo Su drove the Phoenix phantom straight up. Due to the limitation of his personal realm, Phoenix Force was used a bit LOW by him. Fortunately, the imposing manner is still invincible, rampaging in the black flames of the sky, breaking through heavy shackles, and crushing all the way to invincible.

Boom! !

With a loud roar, I saw that in the black flames of the sky, the sudden rise of red turned the world around, rushing from left to right, changing the entire world into its own color.

The dark dimension is no longer the shape of Dormammu, his power is gradually declining, and the plummeting trend makes his heart bleed.

"roar roar roar————"

The dark dimension changed again, and in the space that had shrunk by half, a huge hand pressed down, shrouded in the phantom of Phoenix. overhead.

"I found you!"

Luo Su vision freezes, Phoenix's phantom burst into a red light far stronger than before, smashing the big hand that covered the sky in one fell swoop, and after escaping into the void, Sweep off boundless and irregular lines and arcs.

The dark dimension trembled, like a dehydrated SpongeBob, shrinking into a ball.

In terms of the size that can be described, it was a big star just now, but now it is a small snail.

No, it's a ruffian boss.

The sudden contraction of the dark dimension, along with Dormammu's diminished power, made his heart ache. You know, when he just became the master of the dark dimension, he was much stronger than now when he hadn't merged and devoured other dimensions.

Innumerable years of hard work have come to nothing, Dormammu lost his sanity, turned into a black hole of Devouring All Living Things, and concentrated all the energies of the dark dimension together.

A black sun is suspended in the void, with a twisted black vortex in the center, and a halo of deeper darkness at the edge.

Filled with the tyrannical dark bloom of Destruction Aura, it instantly penetrates the endless void, locking time and space and all matter, and pulls an unstoppable gravitational pull over the Phoenix phantom.

Faced with Dormammu's desperate counterattack, Luo Su fluttered with his 'either you die or I live' tough guy spirit.

Speed up!

Speed up!

Speed up again!

Phoenix's phantom accelerates continuously, streaking across the red streamer and dazzling shadow where it travels. Every time it moves forward, its figure is enlarged by a point, and the imposing manner is also happening Heaven and Earth turning. Changes upside down.

Creation stops, only destruction!

Before the violent energy changed, the aroused shock wave annihilated all possibilities, the distorted space was closed, and it was transformed into the initial chaos.

Finally, when Luo Su drove the Phoenix phantom to the front of Dormammu, the imposing manner of hiding the sky and covering the earth broke out completely, sweeping the entire dimension in one fell swoop.

Dormammu, who was transformed into a huge black hole like a galaxy, was stunned. The size of the Phoenix phantom rushing towards him was incalculable, and one eye was bigger than him.

Phoenix phantom widened the front beak and swallowed the black hole in one bite, and the Evil God named Dormammu disappeared like a bubble.

The speed of death was so fast that it was almost melts in the mouth, without touching Phoenix's phantom's throat.


Phoenix's phantom flutters its wings, and the surging energy released stirs the dimension, and the vast and immeasurable body shrinks with the entire dimension until it finally becomes A little flame dissipated.

"Bah, chicken!"

Luo Su stood in the void and spat in disdain.

What dimension Evil God, before he exerted any force, the opposite side died.

Dormammu, who blocked the door, is dead, and Luo Su doesn't plan to stay for long. He is ready to take the invincible posture of beheading the dimension Demon God and go to Kamar-Taj and the old fogey Sorcerer Supreme to fight to the death...

cough cough , what a big deal, it's great everyone sit down for he he tea.

Luo Su is the most open-minded person. After all, Sorcerer Supreme is so old, why should he be serious about trivial matters. In case the anger hurts the liver and makes Sorcerer Supreme mad, wouldn't it make the relatives hurt the enemy faster.

Luo Su carefreely smiled, letting go of her hatred, only to feel that her spirit realm broke through a few bottlenecks in an instant.

like this Thinking about it, Luo Su didn't even want to go to Kamar-Taj. He hadn't seen Natasha for a while, so he was a little greedy for her.

Just as Luo Su stepped out of the dark dimension in front of him, a series of lines shot out of the void and wrapped around his back foot.


In Luo Su's horrified expression, the lines tightened, dragging him to the ground and pulling him into the void.

Ten minutes...ten days...ten years...a century...

I don't know how long it took, Luo Su slackjawed walked out from inside the Void and came back after a while to his senses.

He looked down at the golden stigmata on the back of his right hand, which stored the power of Angel, and then looked at the extra black stigmata on his left hand, which stored the Power of Darkness, which was also turned on. The key to the gate of the dark dimension.

Luo Su: (one `'one)

fuck, from the Nine Headed Snake leader to the ruler of the dark dimension, this is going further and further on the road of the villain Far, go straight to the rhythm of the final boss!

"Damn, what the hell happened, what about the evil nemesis?"

(end of chapter)

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