End Of Heavens

Chapter 687

End Of Heavens Chapter 687


Chapter 685 Gabriel: Water, My Authority

Over Los Angeles, black clouds surged violently like a tide, on the opposite side , is the flawless rays of light.

Black and white divide the sky, and while constantly spreading to the periphery, they collide violently at the intersection at the center, creating an unprecedented natural phenomenon.

That visual shock, as if black and white drove out all other colors and dominated the entire world.

The boiling energy rolls out different-colored lightning, along with the sound of thunder resounding through the sky, sending a heavy oppression to the world.

The citizens of Los Angeles can see the abnormal Celestial Phenomenon caused by the collision of two energies without live broadcast on TV.

In just a few seconds, black clouds and white light occupied the sky over the entire city, and the imminent crisis of the apocalypse made everyone feel hesitant and fearful.

"Degenerate... No, this is what you really look like, right?" The playful smile on Gabriel's face gradually solidified, and finally turned into endless indifference.

aloof and remote are not mixed with the slightest emotion, although indifference is very real, judging from her arrogance that she does not take human beings seriously, the fake smiles before are used to cover up the cold heart. .

"No, I'm indeed fallen!"

Luo Su waved summon out a black flame sword, and said decisively: "Gabriel, as long as the world can be prevented from becoming the first Two hells, I am willing to give up the light, even if I fall into the darkness alone."

He was talking very seriously, and Gabriel was also listening very seriously. As for believing or not, it is estimated that Both were in disbelief.

"Fallen, I will judge you on behalf of the Lord!"

The holy radiance covers Gabriel's body, turning into a pure white Battle Armor, and the radiance that circulates is faint Burning flames, she raised her spear and threw it at Luo Su again.

This time, Luo Su is no longer as helpless as before, the black flame sword is raised horizontally at the tip of the spear, and it is easily knocked out.

He fixed his gaze on the golden rays of light at the head of the gun, and asked slowly, "Longinus gun?"

"Yes, the legend of stabbing Death God, and bathing the diver The past of blood makes this gun there is no stronghold one cannot overcome, and it has the power to kill all things." Gabriel took back the holy spear, and the holy brilliance around him became even more surging.

"Then you have to be careful, this gun has its own curse, once lost or stolen, the owner is dead."

"Hold this gun , then I have the ability to control the fate of the world, and I will be invincible." Gabriel responded with a blank face, and after finishing speaking, he fluttered his wings and flew towards Luo Su.

"The premise is that you don't stand on the opposite side of the world."

Luo Su fluttered forward, one after another black flame on his body, wrapping his body into armor, together with With his imposing manner, he skyrocketed rapidly and became equal to Gabriel.


The black long sword collided with the pure white holy spear, and a fierce shock wave shot out, with a bright rays of light piercing the sky and slashing the sky. black clouds and white light on.

The two diametrically opposed and restrained energies were criss-crossed, and between in a flash, a loud noise like mountains burst and ground split erupted.

Luo Su's eyes widened, and he fluttered his wings into the sky. The level of battle was too high, and he was destroying heaven and extinguishing earth at every turn. He didn't want to be involved in the innocent people below.

Gabriel followed closely, and had the same plan as Luo Su. Judgment is one thing, but slaughtering with her own hands is another. Although she doesn't care about stepping on ants, she doesn't want to. Make your feathers black.

Besides, Mammon's summon ceremony was in the mental hospital, the site was destroyed, and it was extremely time-consuming to build again.

One black one white The two light and shadows are like lightning, Gabriel came up behind, raised his spear and stabbed at Luo Su, the spear's tip rays of light ten thousand zhang, dazzling like the stars.

Luo Su froze abruptly, turned sideways to avoid the stab of the holy spear, swung the swords into a semi-circle with both hands, moved towards Gabriel's head and chopped off.

Gabriel was expressionless, raised his hands holding the holy spear, and the sound of gunshots constructed with holy light blocked the pitch-black great sword of the black flames assaults the senses.


The majestic sound made the two of them stagnate slightly, Luo Su's mouth twitched, loudly shouted and pressed down.

The darkness rolling around him shrunk crazily, condensed in the blink of an eye, and turned into a dark and deep ball of light like a black hole.

Then, this condensed energy burst out in one breath, rushing towards Gabriel below.

Gabriel was groaned, his body was pressed down a thousand meters, wrapped by six wings, the holy light turned into a small sun, and the dazzling white light illuminated the darkness of thousands of miles into a pale white.

The energy collided and hooked into a series of changes, howling wind and torrential rain, lightning and thunder, and the space around the two contracted and split open, constantly swallowing energy storms.

On the ground, California and the adjacent Pacific Ocean were ravaged by the aftermath, as hurricanes ravaged the land and oceans, dust covering the heavens, shielding the sun, and tidal currents.

As soon as people look up, they can see the alternating black and white light and shadow between the high-altitude clouds.

At this time, the live TV has lost the footage of the two of them. Thousands of people look up at the starry sky and pray to God to take away the two demons.

Yes, Luo Su is included too!

Angel with white six-wing wants to summon hell and bring disaster signed to eternal damnation to the world, but Angel with black six-wing wants to stop her.

Forgive the people who have not turned their minds around yet, it is too unimaginable, after all, that is Gabriel, the high-ranking Angel with a name in the Bible, the saint who leads all Angels to resist Satan's invasion.

And Luo Su's three pairs of dark wings, no matter how you look at it, they all just ran out of hell...

This is like, the US Secretary of Defense surrendered to the enemy and opened the country's door. He let the enemy army go straight in, but the general of the enemy country stood up to stop him and said he was an undercover agent.

The most annoying person is the current three sects religion. Believers blow up the phone in the church and ask who Angel is fighting Gabriel, and why can't it be found in the Bible.

Religion is also very puzzled. When Luo Su first appeared, he only had a pair of shiny little wings, which can be explained by any name of Angel. But as soon as he turned around, he turned into a fluff with three pairs of black. Can this fuck put a name on it casually?

Certainly not!

Although Luo Su's brief dialogue with Gabriel shows that he is a human being, religion refuses to admit it, and believers also have illusions. He must be an Angel, and at worst it is the reincarnation of some Angel with a surname, or where will the authority of God go.


Above the sky, Luo Su and Gabriel exchanged thousands of times on offense and defense, and the surrounding Space Crack kept opening and collapsing to heal. The energy storm of destructive breath erupted again and again, raging back and forth again and again.

ka-cha! ka ka ————

The weapons in their hands were both broken, Luo Su’s eyes flashed lightly, and he reached out to grab Longinus Spear.

Gabriel took a quick step, grabbed the tip of the gun that was closer to him, used holy light to recast the gun body, and stabbed straight down with his backhand.

Luo Su turned around, stepped on the gun body with one foot, summoned out a black flame sword with both hands, and slashed heavily at Gabriel's head.

The sword body was frozen in mid-air, Luo Su took a step slow in surprise, was slapped on the chest by Gabriel, and flew out several hundred meters before stopping.

crash-bang! ! !

The water vapor condensed above the sky, and Gabriel stood on it with the water current, and the dazzling streamer shone from the light wings behind it. Under the deflection of the sky-covering water curtain, a magnificent aurora was formed.

Seeing Luo Su stunned, Gabriel answered his doubts coldly: "Shizhushui, my authority."

Luo Su blinked, he knew this, just because He does too, so it feels weird.


Gabriel didn't know the meaning of Luo Su's emotion, pointed the holy spear, and controlled the surrounding water curtain to suppress it.

The holy light condensed into it and turned it into an invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable cage. After Luo Su was imprisoned, he was exiled from high altitude to the Pacific Ocean below 10,000 meters.


Gabriel followed closely from behind, watching the silent position of the water, overlooking the vast sea polluted by darkness, and suddenly frowned.

She folded her wings and landed on the surface of the sea with her clean feet, combining her divinity with the sea. Facial expression grave upside down Longinus Spear, after a moment of silence, she stabbed the tip of her spear sharply.

With the strength shown by Luo Su, Gabriel knew that unless he used a critical strike with Longinus Spear, it would be difficult to kill him.

Moreover, now is the critical moment when summon Mammon comes to the world, time cannot be delayed, and sealing is the best choice.

Wait until Mammon comes to the world, she will retire, a matter of no concern to oneself, let the two dogs bite the dog.

On the sea, the calm water flowed up quickly without the slightest fireworks, turning into a giant Cross that was thousands of meters high.

Holy and solemn! Admirable!

In the middle of Cross, the water prison where Luo Su was imprisoned was impressively located.

The water waves crystal clear and near-transparent, under the holy light poured in by Gabriel, exudes a dazzling brilliance, echoing the moonlight hanging high in the sky, like a bright light dotted on the sea.

After the seal was completed, Gabriel glanced at Luo Su lightly, then turned to leave.

Each of the four Archangels is responsible for one element. These four elements are the basis for building the entire world framework. She is confident that without her own permission, even if the other three Archangels are gathered together, they will not be able to solve it. The seal on Luo Su.

A mist of water filled the air, Gabriel fluttered his wings and flew away, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked at the water droplets floating in front of him in disbelief.

The moment she turned around in shock, a large Water Element hand rose from the sea and grabbed her in the palm of her hand.

The Cross constructed by the water curtain twisted and split, leaving Gabriel's holy light frame in place, Luo Su jumped out of it, stepped on the water and came to Gabriel, facing her and stiffened with shock "Talk nonsense!"

Yes , indeed talk nonsense!

Gabriel fluttered his wings, spread the big hand of the Water Element beside him, and suppressed the suspicion in his eyes: "This is magic, right?"

"Don't be stupid, You can see that this is not magic!"

Luo Su grinned and spread out his hands innocently: "You are too old, you must learn to face the reality, your self-assured rebellious behavior has angered God... ..."

"You're out of favor!"

(end of chapter)

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