End Of Heavens

Chapter 688

End Of Heavens Chapter 688


Chapter 686 Looking Back After Fifty Years

Whether Gabriel's behavior angered God is hard to say, but Luo Su's stinky mouth It must have angered Gabriel.

After the word 'falling out of favor' appeared, Gabriel's mentality exploded in situ, his expression fierce and angry roar, the holy spear turned into a white severe light, and stabbed straight out of Luo Su's ribs. .

A beam of light pierced through the sky, until the rays of light turned into stars twinkling in the sky, and the calm sea kept up with the rhythm, breaking out ten thousand zhang waves.

Is this woman crazy?

Luo Su erected a long sword to resist the flash of light from the sky, and the strong Power of Darkness was suppressed by the light. energy of.

In the past, Luo Su often used words to provoke the enemy in battle, taking the opportunity to find weak spots to destroy them.

Later, I rarely did like this, because it was meaningless. As the strength of the enemy became stronger and stronger, the verbal attack became pale and weak, so I occasionally raised my middle finger to mean it.

Only did't expect Gabriel to have a glass heart, saying 'father doesn't love her', and it collapsed immediately.

Breaking good!

Luo Su was overjoyed, not to look at Gabriel's current majesty, ten thousand zhang rays of light between his gestures, as if he were invincible in battle like a War God.

When the momentum wears off, Luo Su has some tricks to make her cry!

Boom! !

The wind whistled, and a holy light rolled up the stormy sea against the sea.

The moonlight shrouded Gabriel's three pairs of wings, she left a shining brilliance in place, gliding at high speed on the water, long spear along the strange arc, stabbed Luo Su because of raising her sword And open chest.

Luo Su retreated violently, the black long sword ignited sparks, slashing forward continuously, turning into layers of black shadows.

In the blink of an eye, an airtight black net was woven in front of him, blocking Gabriel's crazy offensive.

Under the simultaneous action of the two of them, the sea under their feet stirred its countless vortex like sea eyes, and then was torn to shreds by the densely shuttled sword light gun shadows. Going is no different than turning it upside down.


The holy spear was smashed down by Gabriel as a stick, her eye showed the ominous light, and the attack became more and more ferocious. Every spare no effort attack shook Luo Su back again and again.

And every time Luo Su took a step back, her face became more ferocious.

Solemn killing aura on the sea level was dense, the sea was shattered by Gabriel's steps, and the depression that went deep into his soul made Luo Su deeply uncomfortable.

Gabriel's battery life is too long, it's like eating something, it's ridiculously long.

Continue, until Gabriel's holy light is exhausted, he will not be able to hold it.

"Go to hell!!"

Luo Su's rigidity was noticed by Gabriel, and she immediately saw the enemy who killed her father. The white semicircle of light and shadow split on the black net of Luo Su's bodyguard.

Boom! !

The frenzy caused a tsunami, the two weapons collided, Gabriel leaned down with all his strength, golden's eyes were full of hatred, and his face was about to be attached to Luo Su.

The black flame great sword, which was materialized with energy, was squeezed to the point of bending faintly. Luo Su was in the sunken sea, and the muscles in the arms that raised the sword to block were tense, and it was about to be unable to support it.

Now, there are two paths in front of him. One is to fall into the deep sea and become a bird man.

The second is to pout your mouth and take a sip forward. It is close to like this, and if you suddenly lower your mouth, you will definitely succeed in a sneak attack.

Don't look at Angel's lack of gender, Gabriel is a female figure in the world, essentially a Barbie doll, but if she suddenly likes this, she will definitely not be able to accept it.

Gabriel: (???)|||

Without any hesitation, Luo Su gave up resistance and was shot into the deep sea by Gabriel.

This is also something that can't be helped. Ugly is not ugly. Gabriel's delicate high-level face is not lacking in beauty, and it is amazing at first glance.

But Luo Su said that the Ancient One Mage's face was too immersive, and he couldn't keep his mouth shut, especially when he knew an old fogey version.

In an instant, Luo Su's hole penetrated the bottomless ocean and smashed into the seabed, making the bottom of the sea a mess.

After Gabriel made this attack, his condensed imposing manner plummeted, and even the special effects were dimmed a lot.

Suddenly, she felt a thud in her heart, secretly thinking that she had fallen for Luo Su's trick, and in her rage almost delayed the best moment of Mammon's arrival.

It's too late!

Almost without hesitation, she vibrated the six wings behind her and moved towards Los Angeles at the fastest speed.


At the entrance of the mental hospital, the army rushed to this place to set up a quarantine area, the long spear and short guns were set up, and all idlers were prohibited from approaching.

The police have set up another layer of isolation in the outer area to strictly guard against the people who love to seek death.

However, it is of no use. If you are afraid of death, the USA will not shoot hundreds of documentary series.

The people who heard the news were so enthusiastic that they surrounded the quarantine zone, holding up banners of 'truth' and 'freedom', and tried to enter the quarantine zone several times.

For a time, the square and several nearby blocks were overcrowded, and it was useless to fire warning shots.

People's thinking is very simple. Los Angeles, the city of Angels, was almost destroyed by two Angels. Like this big event, it must be closer.

Just like in a super long car commercial, fifty years from now, when I look back, I won't regret buying this car.

They also don't hope that, looking back on tonight in fifty years, they lost the opportunity to take pictures because they were short of money.

That's right, in just ten minutes, people with a heart have discovered business opportunities, and more than ten new photo spots have been added on the streets and alleys.

For example, the ruins of the building where Luo Su was crushed by Gabriel's chest were seized by two groups of gang members, and a group photo was charged 10USD.

People are foul-mouthed and shouting that Angel is everyone's, while they take money from their wallets, and they are always happy to take pictures.

USA people: I didn't say it, or the Angels went to fight elsewhere, otherwise I would dare to take a photo with them!

Different from these heartless masses, the soldiers in the central area of martial law were on guard, and their guns were aimed at the mental hospital.

They got very important information. The place where the children of hell came is in the mental hospital. When the battle between the two Angels is over, the victor will return here.

If Gabriel wins, the summon will continue, and if the unknown black six-winged Angel wins, he will come back and wipe out all traces of the Son of Hell.

The source of intelligence is said to be a certain superhuman who participated in the battle, whose face was as swollen as a pig's head, claiming to be Midnight Dad.

Sounds like a nickname, and the executives are already investigating this person!

Of course, it doesn't matter to the soldiers because a large group of psychics rushed into the place where the ceremony was held dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety in order to stop the summon.

The soldiers weren't just standing there, they tried shelling, or called air strikes, but the mental hospital was casted with hell magic Formation, and all technological weapons were blocked by invisible transparent diaphragms.

There's nothing they can do!


In the mental hospital, at midnight, he brought his teammates with him, and fought fiercely with hundreds of hybrid devils who came to pay tribute, and entered the white-hot stage.

These devils include men and women. Depending on their clothes, they range from officials and capitalists to beggar homeless people. There are elites from all walks of life, and there is no lack of experts with good strength.

For example, the female devil who held the sacrifice ceremony is far stronger than Baldasa. Only Midnight Dad can fight against her, and everyone else is free.

But in contrast, the human forces on the side of midnight are even more powerful, and there are not many powerful demons in the world.

Secondly, when Luo Su and Gabriel appeared, they released powerful holy light energy successively, scaring away many demons.

Not all devils are willing to sacrifice their lives for the children of hell, most only believe in Satan.

In the lobby in front of the swimming pool, more than ten devils struggled to support, resisting the attacks of Midnight Dad and the others, and guarding the mother of Satan's son with their lives, that is, Angela, who was chosen as the carrier of descent.

Angela looked very bad, delirious, struggling with nightmares, her body floating on the water, her pale skin with some edema, white like a dead person.

In Angela's exposed abdomen, a large hand was propped up from under the skin, as if it would burst out of the body in the next second.

The arrival of Mammon has been prepared. Because of the rules, he cannot be born. Gabriel must come with Longinus Spear and open Angela's abdomen before he is truly born in the world.


In the screams, one devil after another was killed, and at midnight, holding a machete covered with holy water, chasing the female devil Starting from the entrance of the corridor, the knife fell, and finally beheaded at the end of the corridor.

The death of the female devil became the last straw that broke the devil's team, but after a while, all the devils were killed, and midnight and the others also walked into the pool behind the hall.

"Son of hell, the world can't bear your sins, please come back a long way!" Midnight held up the machete and moved towards Angela in the center of the pool.

The position of the knife is the abdomen!

It is conceivable that when this blade falls, Mammon will return to hell because of the loss of the carrier of descent, and Angela will also die in pain due to excessive blood loss.

Boom! !

The water exploded, and the tyrannical shock wave swept the entire room. Midnight, which jumped into the air, was knocked into the wall, and the rest of the people were also knocked to the ground.

Angela slowly floated up from the pool, her pale eyes could not find pupils, she grinned and let out a weird laugh, swept through the crowd, looked towards the pig-headed man with the cat outside the door.

"Constantine, you have the guts to come here?"

I don't want to!

After being discovered, Constantine stopped shrinking her head and walked in from the door with a stance that she had just dealt with a few devils, taking time to light a cigarette halfway through.

"Have a discussion and get out of that woman's body, otherwise..."

Constantine coldly snorted: "Don't say I scare you, if you don't agree, I'll die for you immediately Look!"

(end of chapter)

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