End Of Heavens

Chapter 689

End Of Heavens Chapter 689


Chapter 687 Babies, I have terminal lung cancer, what can you do?

"Go back to hell, or I will die. Look!"

Constantine said, took a blade out of his pocket and put it on his wrist, thinking that it was too slow to die and put it on the aorta of the neck instead.

"Constantine, this is the weakest threat I've ever heard, what does your death have to do with me?"

Mammon, who possessed Angela, smiled: "Do you think I Will you feel pity, for your little life, give up the chance to rule the world?"

"Of course you won't have pity, but you must think clearly, what will happen if I die? Consequences!"

Mammon was stunned, yes, he really couldn't bear the consequences of Constantine's death.

Until now, Constantine's soul has been regarded as a possession by the lord of hell, his neurotic father Satan, and has received long-term attention.

If Constantine were to die, his father Satan would immediately come out of hell and personally go to the world to take away the scum's soul.

At that time, father and son meet, embarrassed big eyes staring at small eyes, angry Satan may save him some face, and won't beat him to roll on the floor in public.

But once he returns to hell, back to Satan's home ground, what awaits him will be an all black, no daylight beating, a kind of beating to death.

Mammon wasn't afraid of being beaten to death by Satan. As a child of hell, it was hard for him to die. To put it mildly, even if it is Satan, it is not so easy to kill him.

But not dying is the worst thing, because Satan can use his talents to his fullest and use countless tricks to beat him.

After 10,000 years of beatings, hundreds of thousands of tortures have appeared in hell!

Thinking of this, Mammon shuddered, and his body suspended in mid-air stepped back two steps away. Constantine couldn't die, at least not until he successfully descended into the world.

"he he he..."

Seeing Mammon figured it out, Constantine gave Midnight a sullen look and waved them to get out of the way, Mammon would kill them later. Don't blame him.

Then, he threw the cigarette butt on the ground with his orchid finger, and fiercely stomped it out with one foot, walking at a pace that he did not recognize, and came to Mammon's side.

In the past, Constantine would never do like this, but now it is different, he is sure that Mammon will not only dare not kill him, but will take the initiative to protect him.

"Little Mammon, do you know that the mother you chose to come to the world is my girlfriend?" Constantine said kindly and kindly: "If you are born, I will take over Satan's plate and become your father! "

Mammon was furious, he couldn't kill Constantine, but that doesn't mean he couldn't beat Constantine. Seeing the arrogant face below, it suits his hand shape very well. Without saying a word, he raised his hand and slapped it.

No way!

Constantine put the blade on her neck and hooked Mammon with the other hand: "Come down, what are you doing standing like this high, Angela is wearing trousers, not a skirt, no matter how high you stand, I will I can't see it, and I've seen enough."

Mammon was deeply humiliated, lowered his body slowly, made up his mind, and when he got close to Constantine, he broke his hands and washed the shame with his pained wailing. .

Constantine laughed , just tossing the blade and pulling up her khaki trench coat. Under Mammon's astonished gaze, he unbuttoned his shirt, drawing crude magical patterns on his chest with unknown paint.

"The magic of suicide can only be used on myself. Once I get hurt or feel pain, the magic stored in my heart will explode 'BOOM' and spray you in the face Blood."

Constantine said, triumphantly making an explosive gesture: "I advise you not to play tricks, the only way to make this magic invalid, or make me lose control of it, is to Killing me, knocking me out, or extracting my soul won't work, that's just another way to activate the magic and it will take effect immediately."

When Mammon heard this, he was as disgusting as eating a fly.

And this kind of fly just flew out of the public toilet, and he was fed with yellow soup before, and when he passed a part of it, he was forced to collapse!

Too bad!

Mammon looked at Constantine coldly, and if ceremony hadn't been in the pool, he promised to leave immediately.

Constantine didn't intend to let Mammon go. Laughed leaned over and hugged his shoulder, which was Angela's shoulder: "Cub, I have advanced lung cancer, what can you do?"


"Impossible, if you think about it, there must be."

Mammon said ill-humoredly: "I have, but why should I Help you?"

"Because if you don't help me, I will die!" Constantine as it should be by rights finished, the complexion changed: "Aiya, my heart hurts so much, I feel like I'm going to die soon. It exploded, spit blood on your face!"

Mammon was about to explode with anger: "Bastard, even if I have the ability to cure your lung cancer, the process will be very painful, and you will still immediately trigger the magic. Die!"

"Stupid cub, treat it with painless methods, otherwise it will be OK."


"Be confident. , I believe in you, you can!"


Constantine made a lot of sense, and Mammon was speechless for a moment, at his urging , Mammon reluctantly put his hand on his ribs, restoring the cancerous nicotine lung, and involved a large amount of foul-smelling black viscous liquid.

During the period, Mammon also tried to destroy the magic pattern, but Constantine was already prepared, and the paint to describe the formation diagram was very magical, and it was directly smeared into the flesh and blood.

Sick and light, and her handsome appearance returned to her face, Constantine closed her eyes and enjoyed it.

This is a breath of unfettered freedom, a precursor to returning to the road of scum!

After learning about Mammon's arrival, he lowered Luo Su's holy light healing technique by one rank as a backup plan, silently waiting for the opportunity to come.

Constantine knew very well that Luo Su was unreliable because they both had the same eyes, 'Sell teammates' in the left eye and 'Fuck you' in the right.

Only by relying on his own mind and taking a risk, the probability of success will be greater.

Obviously, he succeeded, at least 50 years of cigarettes!


Against the background of Mammon’s body trembling with anger, Constantine laughed unbridled, touched her pocket to take out her favorite cigarette, and lightly smiled with her thin lips. He took it lightly, then handed the lighter to Mammon.


"Look at how stupid you are, you don't have any eyesight, how can you be a son in hell, and you don't hurry up and give your father on earth a spot."


Mammon was furious, he dignified the son of hell, he was equal to Jesus in terms of status and status, and enjoyed countless devil worship in hell, when did he suffer such humiliation.

At this moment, anger arises from his heart, and evil turns to courage. He holds the lighter tightly, squinting his eyes to hide the killing intent, and sneering...

Lighting up for Constantine cigarette!

Mammon silently tasted the bitter fruit of humiliation, and warned himself that those who have achieved great things must endure it.

It's only for a while, bear with it!

"Hahahaha, well ordered! Well ordered!"

Constantine laughed, patted Mammon's shoulder, took a deep puff of cigarette, filtered through the refreshing lungs After one more time, it all blows on Mammon's face.



Mammon had had enough, roared at Constantine, waved and shattered the beside him. On the walls, the black mist turned into pitch-black bat wings, fluttering and disappearing into the night.

Mammon can't wait any longer, he's going to find Gabriel, he's going to come to the world immediately, even if the time and place are wrong, he will recognize it.

He will kill Constantine, forever torturing Constantine's soul!


Constantine pointed his middle finger to Mammon's disappearing back, stood proudly where he was smoking a cigarette, and took out a paintbrush from his pocket.

He painted a complicated and complicated magic array around the pool, and then mutter incantations in his mouth, after a burst of sublimated blue rays of light lit up, completely destroyed the best place for Mammon to come to the world.

The bridge between life and death is interrupted!

"Luo Su, I'll leave it to you next, I'm sure you won't let me down." Constantine scolded 'stupid Mammon' in her heart with her cigarette in both hands.

He is like this person who is afraid of death, how could he plant suicide curse magic on his body, little child will not believe it!

Clap! pat!

There was a sound of footsteps, and at midnight and the others went back and forth, a group of people looked at the magic array on the ground, all of them were fiercely relaxed.

In the middle of the night, he stepped forward with a smile, pulled out the cigarette from Constantine's mouth, took out a cigar from his pocket, and lit it for Constantine himself: "John, well done, as for deception, you Always the best."

"Of course, I'm John Constantine!"

Nodded at midnight, took off his fur coat and put it on Constantine, his face hanging Unexplainable smile: "I heard it just now, Mammon is afraid that you will die, and Satan will come, right?" It was he himself who lied to himself, and he believed what I said because he was afraid of Satan. In fact, it was all a lie."

In the middle of the night, Constantine didn't seem to hear Constantine's explanation, said with a cold laugh: "Once Satan comes, he will You will find that the son who is ready to start a new life, if Mammon successfully turns the world into hell, Satan has to be equal to his own son, he will not allow this to happen, only one hell is enough.”

“ At midnight, what you said makes sense..."

Constantine nodded to me, agreeing deeply, as if thinking of something, and threw the cigar on the ground: "Suddenly I remembered that I was in your bar. A bomb, I have to dismantle it immediately, your bar will be gone."

shua~ shua~ shua~!

A group of people brought by midnight blocked all the passages of the front, back, left, and right, and surrounded Constantine, making his face turn white with fright.

"Midnight, what are you doing, we just fought off the devil together, we are comrades in arms that are born and die." Constantine looked around, there was no way to escape, this was to kill His rhythm!

He has just been cured of lung cancer, and there are a lot of girls waiting for him, he can't die yet!

"John, the crisis is not over yet, we can't pin our hopes on a black-winged Angel, after all, even Bacarie wants to destroy the world, what else is impossible..."

Midnight's eyes glowed red like a devil: "But as long as you die, Satan will take Mammon away, and the world will be safe."

Constantine exclaimed: "Midnight, you don't want to believe in my brother, but you are willing to believe in Satan, what's the reason?"

"John, don't say it, if you kill one, you can save 6 billion, you will meet Heavenly!"

"Yes, die now and you will be a hero and your life will be full of meaning."

"Think about it, John, There will be no more meaningful sacrifices in your shit-like life!"


Not only at midnight, but a group of people around also persuaded speaking of which, probably feeling unconvincing, they took out their weapons and prepared to do it.

It was obviously a tragedy that made the sacrifice of their companions, but the faces of the big guys were full of impulsive smiles. Constantine died, and they would not be afraid of being sold in the future.

Sacrificing one person, benefiting the whole world, and they are also double beneficiaries, it is perfect!

"Shit, don't think about it! Satan can't make me give in, even more how it's you!"

Constantine took a deep breath, screaming into the cracked wall Shouting: "Mammon, Gabriel, hurry up and save me——"

At the critical moment, he still has to rely on his teammates!

(end of this chapter)

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