End Of Heavens

Chapter 691

End Of Heavens Chapter 691


Chapter 689 The best character template for Luo Su

Black as ink!

Sacred white as light!

Red as fire!

The three of them competed at the same time, urging the energy in their bodies to fight against the other two, the energy frenzy was surging, the ground in Los Angeles rumbled, and several nearby buildings uttered zhi zhi chi cha chi, and a large piece of glass broke. It seemed that the whole building could collapse at any moment.

A little further away, the sea level is turbulent, the waves are as far away as the ebb tide, the sea is cloudy and thunderous, as if a natural disaster is brewing.

I don't know when the TV station helicopter appeared again, filming the confrontation of the gods, realizing that life is more important than overtime and bonuses, and turned around and left, targeting outside Los Angeles.


What are you doing at the TV station at this time?

It can't be called running away, aerial photography of traffic jams, and real-time broadcast of city news.

For a time, the city of Angel became the hardest hit area, and people rushed to escape. Those who had planes flew by planes, and those who didn't have planes drove cars.

Call 911 for help if there is nothing, and find that the line is busy and can't get through.

The army and state police maintained the order of the retreat, while directing the people to retreat, while covering the retreat, they retreated and found themselves at the forefront.

This is embarrassing!

The two groups of people thought about it, and it was too risky to wait in place, so the state police commanded the army, the army commanded the state police, and continued to retreat outside the city.


Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ————

The Central Region where the three confront each other is filled with surging energy, making the air harden like a solid.

Luo Su's forehead gradually fell in cold sweat. The two guys on the opposite side didn't talk about the morality of the rivers and lakes.

Whether it's Gabriel or Mammon, in a one-on-one situation, Luo Su doesn't worry about any of them, give him some time, and he is confident that he can take it down.

It's hard to say one-two-two, at least when it comes to energy, it's completely at a disadvantage.

Mammon's performance really made Luo Su startled. In the movie, when he was possessed by Angela, he was brought down by Constantine's Tortoise Fist, and his battle strength was weaker than Angela when he was not possessed.

At the moment, it is too fierce, and vaguely, it seems to be a little stronger than Gabriel.


The pressure on his body was getting bigger and bigger, Luo Su didn’t dare to sit still, summon pulled out a black flame sword, clenched his hands and struggled to raise upwards.

The strong arm force stirred the substantial energy stand, and the imposing manner burst into the sky. The red, white, and black clouds seemed to be hit by a cannonball, and a large hole was sunk inward in the center.

In an instant, the clouds changed color, and the three colors were all dark and difficult to show, rolling and rolling in all directions, and then splitting and dissipating little by little.

At the same time, Gabriel and Mammon went hand in hand and attacked Luo Su from one left and one right in an unusual tacit understanding.

Gabriel is still the holy spear that judges fate. The Fire Element weapon that Mammon manifests with hot energy is more interesting. Two battle axes attached to red blood glow, one long and one short, one big and one small .

Holding one in each of his hands, it looks extremely uncoordinated, as if taking two steps would cause him to fall due to unbalanced balance.

Mammon loudly shouts, his arm muscles tensed and swelled, and he threw the small hatchet in his hand, and then changed to hold the giant axe with both hands, hitting back and forth twice, going straight to Luo Su and go.

Gabriel seems to be holding the mentality of saving effort in the paddling. At the same time, he starts half a step behind Mammon. The holy spear is ready to go, waiting for Luo Su to reveal the weak spot before giving a fatal blow.

The short axe flew in, and disappeared with the fluctuation of the air, like a poisonous snake, aiming at Luo Su's neck.

Luo Su brows slightly wrinkle, Mammon seems to be a rude and rude, but he can still play such tricks when fighting. Flash to the left.

When the hatchet approached the position where he stood before, he stopped abruptly, the big sword slashed on the hatchet with a heavy force, changing its flight path, and moving towards Gabriel, who was waiting for an opportunity. hit the past.

bang! !

At this time, Mammon approached with the giant axe in hand, the red skin tightened suddenly, and the muscles were entangled in the body, which looked like a twisting red python, giving people the vision of having one's hair stand on end shock.

Luo Su didn't dare to pick it up hard, vibrated three pairs of black wings, and swooped straight into the sky.

Mammon took it lightly, missed a hit and closed in time, flapping the bat wing and rising in place. Seeing how relaxed he was, it was obvious that he had left more power for the blow just now.

Luo Su's mouth twitched slightly, and the distance between the vibrating black wing and Mammon was getting farther and farther. As expected, Mammon's pair of bat wings that looked extremely awkward was not born, he himself fought against the air. It's not good either, it's a ground-flow melee expert, especially with strength as its outstanding advantage.

At this moment, a strong light hit from behind, Luo Su's heart tensed, he hurriedly bent down, lowered his head to hide from the holy light spear stabbed behind his head.

Gabriel's battle EXP is rich, but the sneak attack failed. He immediately changed his move to press the holy spear as a long stick, and fiercely smashed it downward.

Luo Su took a slap on the shoulder, and her entire arm was numb, vibrating wings to stabilize her falling body.

His heart palpitations resumed, he didn't even think about it, the black flame sword in his hand slashed instantly, moved towards the source of danger and slashed straight down.

The sword light is like ink dye, dyeing the air into darkness, sparks blooming, and at the same time attacking, it also spreads the defense sword net.

"Hahaha, it's useless, I was born from flames, your flames can't hurt me." Mammon flapped his wings and accelerated, his heavy and huge body rammed, his elbows slammed into the fire net, and his hands The giant axe hit Luo Su's head.


bang! !

There was no way to avoid it, Luo Su raised his long sword to block, and was shot down by the violent force.

The long-awaited Gabriel threw the light and shadow war gun, made it Myriad Bodies Transformation in mid-air, overlapping and overlapping the area where Luo Su was located.

The light wave of the upside-down jade bowl rose and exploded, and the attack continued, dazzling each time, oppressing the darkness gradually becoming invisible.

"Let me, the Power of Darkness in him is pure, I've never seen such delicious energy." Mammon salivates, preventing Gabriel from doing it himself.

The time and place of his arrival were wrong, which directly caused his strength after his birth to be much lower than before. Although his authority would not be affected, he could still turn the world into hell, but if his strength decreased too much, the follow-up Upgrading can also become insanely cumbersome.

This will lead to a result he does not want to see, Satan is out of hell, and he does not have enough confidence to fight against him.

Mammon wants to be the only king, not the king who is beaten down, so the Power of Darkness in Luo Su is very important to him, it can make him advanced by leaps and bounds like a big tonic .

"In the name of my ****, the graves of the living are dug up from here, the souls of the dead fall into the abyss and die, becoming my ****..." Mammon whispered incantation, because Gabriel By his side, he deliberately downplayed his real name.

A dead aura so thick that Gabriel disgusted rose from the ground, and a cloud of gray mist spread out without warning, blocking her golden eyes. Out of caution, she pulled away. Back away.

The location of the ground was obscured by a thick haze of death, Gabriel's eyes were closed, and when they opened them again, pale-gold rays of light were emitted.

This time, she could see the scene in the fog clearly, it was a huge, bottomless dark crack, which seemed to be a projection from some corner of hell.

Several nearby buildings were corroded into a gel by the thick fog, turned into flowing clay, and slowly moved towards the abyss.

On the surface of the abyss, nameless tombstones slumped, and the corrupted soil was filled with corpses as pale as drowning. The rich Death Qi emanated from these corpses.

Said to be a corpse, but a hapless bastard whose body rots and whose soul is imprisoned, in the hell of all black, no daylight, enduring endless suffering, signed to eternal damnation, constantly producing resentment, Intensify this cemetery into a hell of Devouring All Living Things.

It's not over yet, Gabriel can clearly see that the side wall of the abyss has a narrow passage that spirals downward, one after another, layer by layer, and above each layer are countless. Dead corpses crowded into it.

It is conceivable that if you fall down, you will have to walk through endless dead corpses by yourself if you want to climb out. If this is the case, even the holy Angel will have a hard time resisting the invasion of death energy, and in the end he can only fall. into the abyss and turned into nutrients.

Gabriel's expression didn't change, but he was cautious about Mammon in his heart. Every Angel cherished his feathers very much. .

"Hahaha, unknown dark Angel, I will accept your energy, there must be a tombstone for you in the tomb of the living!" Mammon roared and gathered his bat wings, his whole body was like a cannonball , swooped down toward the entrance to the abyss.

Gabriel is slightly frowned, having played against Luo Su a few times before, who gave him a very weird vibe.

Before the fight, it looked normal, but when I started the fight, it suddenly became very difficult to deal with , and when I played, a lot of hidden cards would pop up...

Very mysterious!

So, Gabriel didn't believe that Luo Su would die because of this.

At this moment, a drop of rain fell on Gabriel's face, cold wind whistling, and the temperature in the air dropped again and again.

She looked up in amazement. Above the sky, a thick and gloomy rain cloud rolled up at some point, as if it appeared out of thin air.


Not only rain clouds, but also frost, hail and snow mixed with rain, dense fog caused by changes in ground moisture, and wind... An endless storm is howling.

"Sure enough, I still have a hole card!"

Gabriel's vest shivered and flew into the distance. She had a premonition that Mammon was going to be unlucky.


Under the abyss, Luo Su's six-wing wraps his body to resist death and resentment, and the wind slowly rises out of thin air under his feet, his dark eyes are covered with pale colors .

[Character Card: Ororo · Monroe (Storm that can control the weather ability)]

Storm's Character Card!

In the infinite flow novel with Luo Su as the final BOSS, the main god evaluation, in addition to Thunder Attribute's magic, super power, Storm is the most suitable character template for Luo Su.

"Control the weather..."

"Not bad..."

(end of chapter)

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