End Of Heavens

Chapter 692

End Of Heavens Chapter 692


Chapter 690 Archangel, our plan was dismantled

[Host equipped 'Ororo · Monroe', countdown 380 seconds, the timer starts]

Storm's Character Card was drawn in the [X-Men] world. Because it is a movie version, its strength is not strong, and it cannot bring Luo Su intuitive bonuses in various attributes.

Storm's Character Card, the only thing that Luo Su can bring is the super power to control the weather.

That's enough!

Weather like wind, frost, rain, snow, etc., he can't use it, and it can't be of great use. What he wants is thunder and lightning, and regards killing as the output of normal attacks.

Storm Ororo didn't dare to play like this because the constitution could not handle it. Luo Su was not afraid. The two passive skills of lightning rod and power storage were close to him. He couldn't turn the car over.

The Mammon elated land fell from the sky, plunged into the abyss and prepared to concoct Luo Su, extracting dark energy for its own use.

As a result, when the body was reduced to half, he saw a large cocoon wrapped by three pairs of black wings, flying high into the sky from his eyes.

"Hey, this guy still has superpowers?" Mammon was stunned for a moment. It wasn't magic, and there was no use of dark energy. It could only be explained by superpowers and other abilities.

"Unbelievable, to be able to perfectly resist the invasion of undead resentment, this dark energy is too pure." Mammon regretted, but his heart was ecstatic, and the greed in his eyes was even more intense.

I really want it!


The flash of light flashed across the eyes, the sound of thunder roaring like the roar of the sea followed closely from behind.

Mammon woke up from a beautiful dream, looked up in surprise, looked towards the sky, the city of Los Angeles was rising winds, scudding clouds, and the whole sky was bleak.

The light wind on his face turned into a knife-like piercing. He didn't feel the fluctuations of magic, but he didn't think it was a natural Celestial Phenomenon.

Amid the gust of wind, a thunderstorm flashed across the sky, and a torrential rain fell suddenly.

Mammon raised his hand and waved, and the flame curtain stopped the rain pouring down his face, wondering why Luo Su used his superpower to create a big movement like this.

Are you having fun?

The ink-dyed sky slowly twists, and the clouds rotate clockwise, creating holes as deep as vortex in the deep sea.

The clouds are low, the vortex is spinning faster and faster, and it is pitch black between Heaven and Earth. The thunder snakes that danced wildly in the sky spread, hurried across the surface of the clouds, and also followed a clockwise trajectory, quickly converging toward the center.

Occasionally flashes of light illuminate the world, and along with a constant screeching noise, the dark hole suddenly lights up with a mass of pale white, bringing light to the dark ground again.

Mammon's face was contemptuous and restrained, and an inexplicable fear raised. I don't know if it was an illusion. He always felt that the thunderbolt condensed in the black cloud vortex, like a huge eyeball, was not blinking. Blink at him.

There is a warning in his heart, which means that the amount of lightning stored in the clouds is enough to threaten him, Mammon will not doubt his intuition, the devil's innate talent, no doubt.

Luo Su's first attack began just as Mammon was clutching his battle axe, ready to slash the one eye of thunder that made him extremely uneasy.

The incoming hurricane from all directions became extremely violent, high-rise buildings shook slightly, the naked eye visible cyclone really turned into a knife, whistled past in an amazing imposing manner, scraping criss on the walls and ground -Crossed cut marks.

"A boring trick, how can wind and rain in the mortal world hurt God?"

Mammon swung his battle axe, severing the hurricane of assaults the senses, red skin flames Surrounding, the high-temperature heat wave distorted the air, burning the incoming gust of wind into red, and from a distance, I thought he had ignited the air.

Just then, the wind slowed and the air around Mammon changed from red to white at a speed visible to naked eyes.

Bone-biting frozen white!

The rain turned into ice chips, crystal snowflakes flew in all directions, then ice particles, and finally hail of various sizes.

The temperature dropped rapidly, the rain-covered area on the surface of the abyss froze into blocks, Heaven and Earth changed color in the blink of an eye, and even the devil born in flames like Mammon couldn't help shivering.

A thunderstorm sounded, and ice shards exploded on the thick ice.

The next second, the storm hit again, the dazzling ice edges turned into bayonets and moved laterally.

"roar roar roar————"

The devil in the flames can't stand the cold, Mammon hates the white world, he roars to disperse the ice chips on his body, The body turned into a human-shaped torch, and the hands pushed outwards to open the high-temperature fire wall that melted everything.

Like the effect of boiling oil and adding water, once the cold and the heat collide, there will be a violent conflict immediately, and the sound of popping beans in the air is continuous.

Mammon was amazed by Luo Su's powerful innate talent. It was not easy to control such a wide range of weather, but he did not forget the shining eyeballs in the sky.

The battle axe in his hand is reshaped, and Mammon continuously injects his own flame, magnifying it to a length of 100 meters, and the energy contained in it is even more terrifying.

He vibrated his wings violently, opened a passage in the bone-chilling white world, and moved towards the thunder eye in the sky.

Well done!

Luo Su silently praised Mammon's head iron. Any disagreement is reckless. It's windy and snowy, but he finally hooked up this guy.

"System, use...wait a minute!"

In the corner of the strong wind, Luo Su sensed a certain Gabriel who did not want to be named, sou sou around. To his back, waiting for the opportunity to start sneak attack.

"System, use 'Skill Card: King of Fire Element'."

【Skill Card: King of Fire Element (fire is your most trusted weapon)]

Luo Su waved away the Blizzard in front of him, and charged straight towards Mammon. Gabriel, unaware of the oriole behind, held a holy spear, and seeing an opportunity, he accelerated his charge.

Mammon's first attack target was originally the eye of the thunderstorm. Suddenly, he saw Luo Su appear undefended, and immediately changed the attack target. He controlled the Fire Element battle axe, which was flaming and flaming, and threw it violently.

The two are close, but Mammon is so confident in his ability that even if Luo Su smashes the giant axe to pieces, the flames won't hurt him.

Luo Su raised one hand, a golden flame vortex burning in front of the palm, the wind assisted the fire, the scorching vortex high-speed rotation, at the moment of touching the tomahawk, it shrank and compressed in one fell swoop into vortex.


Mammon maintained the handsome shape of throwing an axe in midair, and suddenly the flame disappeared out of thin air, and Luo Su’s wings covered his face in blackness.

When he reacted, he was kicked in the back of his butt, and he accelerated forward and flew out.

On the other side, Gabriel held the holy spear firmly in both hands, and the moment Luo Su touched the giant flame battle axe, he fluttered his wings to increase the speed to the fastest.

As a result, saw a flash, the flame tomahawk was disappeared, and replaced by a stunned Mammon, who foolishly rushed towards her.

To be punished!

Gabriel woke up from the daze, it was already a step too late, even though she tried her best to twist the tip of the spear, Longinus Spear still penetrated Mammon, piercing the shoulder bone of his energy body projection, and the rest of the force was more than cut off. Attached right arm.


Mammon eye socket cracked with the stinging pain of the soul, why didn't expect Gabriel to give him something like this , I still use the Longinus gun. If it stabs the heart or head, wouldn't it be breathe one's last on the spot!

It was a short time, almost an instant, but Mammon had a lot to think about.

For example, a conspiracy, a conspiracy against him, a big conspiracy against him for a long time.

So, Angel and the devil have a huge drawback in their cooperation, they don't trust each other.

Luo Su's impromptu intention, not mixed with any long-planned tricks, turned the two of them on the spot.


The car crashed suddenly, and Gabriel didn't know what to say, and told Mammon that this was a misunderstanding. The person she wanted to stab was actually Luo Su?

She decided not to say anything, she knew from the look in Mammon's eyes as if she was going to eat people, and she wouldn't believe it if she said it.

"Why, there is no explanation, it's acquiescence, right?"

Mammon said angrily: "This is all a conspiracy in your heaven, everything is designed! Plus! Bailie, you tempted me to come from hell to the world, then prepared your helper, lied to me that he was the enemy, and finally waited for a sneak attack to kill me in one fell swoop, right?"

"... ”

Gabriel was speechless, thinking Mammon had a point.


Infighting, infighting!

Luo Su, who was eating melon on the side, laughed happily. He tried to endure, but couldn't hold back.

"I knew, as a big Archangel, how could you cooperate with the devil and solemnly vowed to turn the world into hell..." Mammon raised his finger to Luo Su and said furiously: "Look , he laughed!"

Luo Su restrained his smile, lightly coughed with a fist to his mouth: "I didn't, I just thought... um, well, I laughed!"

Gabriel: "..."

Mammon was even more angry: "This makes sense! I felt something was wrong before, saying that the plan was seamless and would never leak. As a result, my As soon as the ceremony began, this black-winged guy appeared, how could it be like this, it was clearly negotiated in advance!"

Luo Su: (????)?

Mammon glared: "You're still laughing!?"

"Sorry, I can't help it!"

"Both of them treat me as a fool, very good, I fought today. If you don't want to die, I will pull you both together." Mammon disregarded the consequences of the backlash, and the bat wings spread, setting off a violent hurricane, sending Luo Su and Gabriel flying away.

"Look, today is the end of you two!"

Mammon flustered and exasperated, IQ instantly dropped from touching level to distressing level, jumping into the dark of projection Among the Abyss.

The death energy boiled, the wailing of the undead sounded, and the boundless resentment moved towards Mammon's body, in exchange for an indescribably powerful imposing manner, hiding the sky and covering the earth swept out. From Mammon exudes an extremely strong and hot oppression, which is as different as heaven and earth compared to before, and it is not at the same level at all.


Luo Su and Gabriel stared at each other for a few seconds, Luo Su lightly coughed: "Justice Archangel, since the plan has been debunked, we Stop acting, just kill him, what do you think?"

Gabriel nodded, said indifferently: "It should have been this way, I didn't agree with this plan at the beginning."

"Well, he's stupid after all."


(end of chapter)

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