End Of Heavens

Chapter 912

End Of Heavens Chapter 912


Chapter 909 No one left under the atmosphere

The arc jumps, the giant battleship moves slowly in the closed coil, adjusted with Luo Su The current increases the initial speed and rushes out of the muzzle.

High temperature friction, the red and blue super shells are dazzling, and the giant battleship that melted into a plasma state from the outside hit the ruins of the mechanical city, instantly blasting the ground, leaving a red-hot crater.

Ten giant shells fell, leaving mottled wounds on the ground. The mechanical city defense all around aimed at Luo Su, and started to fight back like crazy.

Luo Su raised his hand and summoned a giant battleship as a shield to change the direction of the mid-air missile. Because of its internal program self-adjustment, the ability of the Iron King had little effect.

After these missiles changed direction, they either automatically extinguished their thrusters, stopped detonating System and fell to the ground, or after flying for a while, they arced towards him again.

Luo Su didn't care either, raised his hand and waved, and ten giant battleships were wrapped in coils.

This time, instead of attacking the ruins of the city, he changed the target to the defense system of the Mechanic City. Previously, he only broke through one side of the defense. The potential for war is increasing instead of decreasing.

The rain of bullets fell from the sky, Luo Su picked up the battleship or the steel ruins in the city and blasted it with electromagnetic cannons.

Where the beam travels, there is no decent resistance, and it plows out a straight line with one shot, burning the air red, leaving a cylindrical orbit and blasting the surrounding defensive power.

One to one army!

Looking down from a high altitude, you can see that on one side of the mechanical city, there are giant battleships hanging in the air on three sides.

On the other side, the ruins of the city were thrown into the air by invisible force, and then surrounded by electromagnetism, turning into astonishing projectiles of destructive power, and a large area of open space was cleared out with one shot.

The style changes from the Demon God invasion to a battle of caliber and quantity.

Luo Su's caliber is very large, but the number of opponents is too large. After a round of focus, the battleship shield he used for defense couldn't hold up for even a second, and was blown into pieces. scum.

Then get a stronger shield!

The ability acts on the ruins of the city, the smaller half of the city is bent, and in the creaky metal twisting sound, the surface that spreads for more than ten kilometers is folded into 90 degrees, blocking the hiding the sky and covering the Earth's beam cannon fire.

Luo Su hid behind the invincible defense, tilted the devastated city little by little, and dropped battleship railguns to destroy the defense net.


【Host contacts the plot character Sentry (mechanical squid), lottery section triggered, would you like to pull now? ]

The prompt sound suddenly sounded, Luo Su looked towards his feet in surprise, only to see the mechanical squid swarming out from a pipe under the raised steel ground.

The black torrent swirled, suddenly spread into four, moved towards Luo Su and surrounded it.


Luo Su's eyes turned black, the body of Demon God rose into the sky, the black flame of the great sword slashed through the air, under the impact of the violent sound , forming a semicircular black shock wave.

The strong wind swept and ravaged, and the squid army collapsed on the first encounter, first wrapped in black flame, and then swept up by the strong wind, turning into twisted scrap iron when it landed.

“Where do you like this squid?”

Looking at the squid gushing out from the underground pipe, Luo Su raised his brows, black mud flowing from the feet of Demon God, spreading to the ground Diffusion, turning into big black hands that twisted, rushing down the mouth of the pipe.

The squid army struggled to resist, but it was corroded into residue by the dark hand and still did not retreat. If one was lost, ten would fill its vacant position.

At this time, the defense system of the mechanical city has a ferocious and abnormal frequency of attacks, like a wild beast that has been cornered, trying to tear off a piece of the enemy's flesh and blood.

Luo Su looked thoughtful, the body of Demon God crouched down, ignoring the suicidal charge of the surrounding squids, picked up the black flame sword and stabbed the underground pipe.

It's a bit like stabbing an ant's nest with a wooden stick when I was a child. Luo Su went back and forth twice, and the sword edge turned into a flowing black muddy water and poured into it.

The squid army exploded the nest, densely packed the body of Demon God, and released the red laser to cut into it.

Luo Su refused to come, and the body of Demon God was slightly trembled, and the squid on the body suddenly seemed to have fallen into a swamp and was engulfed thoroughly.

Then, with the wave of Demon God's body, a large piece of black slag fell to the ground.

Ignoring the remaining squid, they continued to charge. Luo Su was so annoyed that he gathered up the body of Demon God and landed at the entrance of the pipeline.

A black curtain opened, blocking the entrance and keeping the squid out.

The deep and dark pipes are like tunnels. Because of Luo Su's previous violent construction, most of them collapsed and fractured, and the broken walls remained. There was a sense of civilization being destroyed.

Luo Su walked, following the trajectory of the influx of black mud, chopping open a passage with his sword, and a faint light came from the front, pulling his shadow into a grinning demon face.

The black mud spreads all over the underground tunnel. As Luo Su walked, it converged to his feet little by little, and finally pointed to the end of the road.

A hollowed-out underground air-raid shelter, with an alloy wall whose thickness cannot be measured, is like a stone blocking the way.

all around is the stairs and elevators leading to the city above, where the gate is located, and the defense system is submerged in black mud, leaving only a pile of mechanical residues.

Not the scraps of squid, but robots in humanoid form.

Luo Su glanced at it and ignored it, the electric arc entwined between his five fingers, and a large piece of steel wall in the ruins detached and floated above his head.


The arc jumps, the current accelerates, and the railgun is loaded.


A robotic arm with a remnant body held Luo Su's ankle, he looked down, it was a robot corroded by black mud, with only half of its head and right hand left. .

"The intruder..."

On half of his head, blue's electronic eyes lit up from time to time, as if he had entered some kind of self-destruct countdown.

Luo Su said nothing, pulled out his feet, and stepped on the broken robot head.


The metal was deformed and broken, and the blue electronic eye was dim. After a crisp sound, the electronic eye was squeezed and popped out, and it landed with a crisp sound of ding ding dong dong.

"Don't do this, it makes me look like a bad guy..."

Luo Su looked towards the metal door in front of him, the electromagnetic cannon was fired, and the sound of breaking the air just remembered, the huge projectile dropped In the middle of the door, a deep depression was smashed.

Failed to break enemy armor!

Luo Su is not surprised. If you guessed correctly, opposite the door is the air-raid shelter of the Mechanic City, where all the evacuated robots are hiding.

Full of human thoughts, how deep the hole should be, how thick the wall should be.

His eyes flashed blue light, and the alloy door trembled violently. After the zhi zhi la la sound of deformation, a pair of invisible hands tore the door from the center, and the light inside the door illuminated the entire tunnel.

Luo Su stepped forward and rushed out three rows of loaded robots, the front row was lying down, the middle was half-squatting, the back row was straight, and the laser weapon in his hand released firepower.


A pair of black wings spread out on Luo Su's back, one shielded it defensively, and the other extended out, turning into big black hands, pinching all the robots in the way.

Five fingers tightened, zhi zhi cha cha cha, after loosening, a mass of twisted scrap iron fell to the ground.

Stepping into the gate, Luo Su glanced through his eyes and saw the circular zenith blocking impact and radiation. Densely packed about tens of thousands of robots hidden in the air-raid shelter, all robots with their own will .

Mechanical City collects human chaotic emotions through the matrix matrix, simulates programming, and makes batches of robots have 'emotions', but these are the only ones that really meet the standard, or break through 0 and 1.

Or maybe they are still hovering between 0 and 1, but the program is too complicated to tell whether it has actually acquired the ability to think for itself.

Luo Su's eyes turned black, he drew out his black flame sword, and without a word, he swiped with a slash.

The black half-moon swept across, slicing the large robot in half, followed by a torrent of black flames, which burned their bodies like tarsal maggots.

"Wait a minute!"

Just as Luo Su swung down his second sword, a android who looked very similar to a human came out of the robot, with flesh and blood, but not a real human being , with metal internal organs in the body.

"Mechanical City is defeated, we surrender and ask for negotiation!"

Luo Su heard the words, his sword-wielding hand slammed, and a black line shot out from under his feet, It turned into a big black hand and grabbed the android's neck and lifted it in the air.

Thousands of robots scrambled, hundreds rushed forward, baring fangs and brandishing claws pounced on Luo Su.


With a sword cry, black flames rolled down, burning the hundreds of robots into molten iron.

"You seem to have a lot of status, report your name?"

Ignoring the strong anger of the robots, Luo Su pulled the android in front of him and said with great interest: "Don't tell me that you are the Great Mechanical Emperor. In that case, you are too weak."

"I am the Great Mechanical Emperor, a robot that awakens his personality."

The android's eyes glowed red, and he was still not arrogant when captured by Luo Su: "Please tell me, if you are a god, why do you treat machines and humans unequally? You have given humans countless opportunities, why don't you want to give a machine once? "

I don't know!

Luo Su touched his chin, too lazy to make up a reason, the dark hand tightened: "boring question, I don't want to explain, is this your last word?"

See Luo Su didn't even bother to say the answer, the mechanical Great Emperor was desperate, the red electronic eyes looked at Luo Su, and calmly said: "I am willing to exchange the lives of 250,000 human beings in Zion for the lives of my compatriots."

Luo Su scratched his ears: "Sorry, I didn't understand! Is it because my attitude of beheading is not obvious enough, or is there something wrong with your procedure, do you think you are qualified to negotiate?"


The mechanical Great Emperor said grimly: "There are more than 250,000 squids attacking Zion, and there are more than three drills digging underground. Because of your appearance, the number has doubled. , the time for the army to arrive in Zion is not 12 hours as seen by humans, but 6 hours."

Luo Su's eyes narrowed when he heard the words, and the dark hand pinched the neck of the mechanical Great Emperor. Carrying its head hanging in the air: "Very good, is this your bargaining chip?"

"Yes, there are only ten minutes left before the squid army rushes into Zion."


The mechanical Great Emperor has only one head left, and the red light in his eyes is still bright: "Let us go, I will order the squid army to retreat..."

"Sorry, I don't accept it! "

Luo Su took the half-human, half-mechanical head in his hand: "I'll give you a choice, now I'll rush to Zion to destroy all the squids, one back and forth for twenty minutes, etc. When I come back, I will kill all the robots here."


"Don't panic, I'll show you the way."

Luo Su pointed to the top of his head: "Earth is too small, you are strong like this, the stars and the sea are your destination."

The mechanical Great Emperor was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "Yes, we will Leave Earth and never return."


The negotiation was reached, Luo Su raised his hand and threw the mechanical Great Emperor's head into the air, a sword light swept across, Corrode it into residue.

In an instant, tens of thousands of robots rioted and rushed towards him like a tide.

Three sword lights swept across, and the nearly four-digit robot was wrapped in black flames and burned, Luo Su ignored it all: "Any life wants to live, your leader has exchanged a chance for you to survive. , I will also give you a chance, cherish it..."

"Twenty minutes! When I come back, none of the robots below the atmosphere will be left!"

(end of this chapter)

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