End Of Heavens

Chapter 913

End Of Heavens Chapter 913


Chapter 910 Don't talk, bear with


After the Nebuchadnezzar and Icarus left one after another, cutting off one's means of retreat to execute the beheading plan, Zion's defense monitoring system began to have problems.

This is normal, in terms of information warfare, humans are impossible to be the opponents of machines, even more how the technological level of Zion and Machine City are far from each other.

Zion's self-confident surveillance network was deliberately preserved by Mechanic City.

As in the matrix matrix, what the machine wants humans to see can only be seen by humans.

Commander Locke is not a fool who can only compete for love, and he is not a slobber to maintain the majesty of his superiors. He can sit in this position because he has extraordinary strategic vision and command. talent.

After the surveillance network continuously conveyed contradictory information, Locke immediately realized that the surveillance network was controlled by robots, and immediately ordered the armed forces of the Tin Security Department to enter a state of wartime defense.

Armed mecha troops, infantry, suspended ships, which are the most important defensive power in Zion, are all gathered in the dock to frame the fortifications at the moment.

Apart from this, volunteers were also recruited to participate in the war, who were responsible for transporting ammunition, and when necessary, each handed a stun gun to act as a Suicide Squad.

All civilians are transferred and enter the deepest part of the underground, which is the underground karst cave where Luo Su and Neo went before.

The area is very large and is generally not open to the public, except when holding assemblies and voting for members.

At this moment, the soldiers were on guard at the dock, which was the first line of defense, and it could also be said to be the last line of defense.

The armed mecha troops raised their machine guns and aimed at the top wall of the dock. The sound of burrowing into the ground became clearer and clearer. Even if there was no bullshit monitoring system, the soldiers knew that the enemy was coming.

Under the gaze of a pair of eyes, the thick walls cracked and rubble, one after another cracks spread.

As the main force in the main force, Quake turned its cannons to aim at the crack position, and there were two other hovercraft in synchronization.

After the command issued the return order, all the hovercraft returned to Zion. Due to the distance problem, only the two hovercraft returned before the outbreak of the war, the others...

The captain is still on his way home!

The EMP on the spaceship is the last resort of the dock defenders, enough to knock down all the squid in the entire dock with one blow.

Correspondingly, the weapons of the Zion defenders will also become firestarters, the defense system will be paralyzed, and the entire Zion will be in an undefended state.

The picture is too beautiful, like an infantry army ordered by the Prime Minister not to shoot arrows, allowing a certain Knight to enter and exit seven times.

Therefore, EMP is the last defensive measure of Zion's defenders. It can only be used once, and this time will also determine the future of Zion.

crash-bang ————

The crack at the top of the wall spread, and then a metal drill the size of a locomotive appeared, drilled out a spiral-patterned tunnel, and fell to the bottom of the dock.

The quality of the industrial products of the machine civilization cannot be said. The drill bit fell from a height of 100 meters, and the internal precision parts were not deformed. The four mechanical feet were opened according to the program, and the drill bit was restarted and moved to the bottom of the dock. Residential area excavation.

No one cares about the giant drill, except the infantry, whose mission is to destroy the drill.

"For Zion! Fire!"

The loud hum in the borehole in the top of the wall is getting closer, under the orders of the commander of the armed mecha force, Miffni , all mecha pull the trigger at the same time, strikes out metal bullets comparable to adult fist-sized.

Da! clatter! clatter! Da————

red tongues of fire spit out a metal frenzy. Before the mechanical squid emerged, they were blocked at the entrance by the firepower like a shower. They opened the way with their bodies, rushed down by fierce and unafraid of death, and then were Torn into deformed pieces.

crash-bang! !

The sound of a drill sounded again, and the captain of Thor's Hammer received an order to transfer all the machine guns of the ship. When the second drill drilled through the top of the dock wall, poured firepower to resist the squid invasion. .

Immediately afterwards, the third and fourth drills fell, and the remaining two suspended ships and the dock defense artillery participated in the battle. The fierce firepower prevented the squid from stepping into the dock.

It seems to be blocked, but everyone knows that when the bullets are full, the real test is during the exchange of bullets.

The headquarter of Locke snorted. The previous information was that the squid army carried three drills to open the way, and now four have appeared. Does that mean there are fifth and sixth ones? , and even more...

Locke's prayers were useless, the fifth and sixth drills fell one after another, and the peng peng hit him hard to breathe.

The six drill bits represent six passages, and the firepower in the dock is evenly divided, which immediately seems a little underwhelming.

The black squid had red electronic eyes on its face, the locusts generally advanced to the entrance, and the fire suppression could not be formed. More and more a fish that escaped the net covered the top of the arc-shaped wall.

The armed mecha troops are deployed to snipe the squid that are scattered. In a vicious circle, more and more squid are pouring into the dock.

"Commander, there is a major error in intelligence, there are too many squids..."

The staff officer reported the battle situation in a cold sweat, saying it was the battle situation, but it was all bad news: "Armed mecha More than half of the loss, except for Thor's Hammer, the remaining two have been dismantled by squid, and the dock defense system has been invaded... We can't hold it anymore."


"The infantry reported the military situation, and the six drills were guarded by the squid. They were too numerous to destroy with firepower."


Locke complexion ashen , It's been less than 3 minutes since the first drill bit entered the dock, and the troops said they couldn't hold it.

Is his soldiers too bad, or the enemy's offensive is too strong?

Locke knew very well that the soldiers had done their best. There were so many squids that once they stopped pulling the trigger, they would be torn apart at the point of reloading.

"Commander, the armor of Thor's Hammer is broken. Captain Roland requested to order the use of EMP, and the last means of defense will be torn apart by squid."

"... "

Using EMP can kill all the squid in the dock, but what the consequences are, Locke is very clear.

"Let Captain Roland use the EMP, and before sending this message, order all the soldiers in the dock to retreat into the Second Layer and rebuild the fortifications."

Locke was unable to issue an order, Using EMP is to give the dock to the squid army, but he has no choice, the dock has been lost.

And, without action, the Second Layer fortifications will also be pierced by drills.

"Understood, sir!"

Two orders arrived one after another. In the squid-infested dock, a mass of squid wrapped thousands of squid, like a port position coiled by countless poisonous snakes, Suddenly, a blue arc lighted up.

The electromagnetic pulse expands and spreads, penetrates the squid's body, and instantly fills the entire dock, and the radiated shock waves radiate upward along the six channels, destroying all the squid that have not yet stepped into the battlefield.

You can hear the needle falling in the command room. EMP kills 1,000 enemies and loses 800. The bad thing is that the number of enemies is still 10,000, and they really only have 800.

Despair turned into a dark cloud, hanging over everyone's heart. They all knew that Zion couldn't hold back, and it was only a matter of time before its demise.


Locke slapped the table and roared: "What are you doing, go out to repair the circuit, I want to see the new fortifications before the squid attack again."

"Commander, what about the wounded in the dock?"


Locke was silent, took a deep breath and said coldly: "There are no wounded, the dock is lost, except Those who can shoot, the others are already dead."

"Clear, understand, sir."


Dock, steel burning flames , dark and red become the main theme, and the despair scene is like Asura hell.

The corpses of the squid were staggered layer by layer, covering the bottom layer of the dock. The soldiers who received the retreat mission rushed to the gate and entered the Second Layer on foot.

The immobile wounded refused to receive treatment, did not want to be a drag, and looked up to the sky to die.

I didn't expect bullets to end their lives, because bullets still have their uses...

There was a squeaky noise from the six channels, and the squid regrouped for the second time. The offensive spree was about to arrive, and the wounded closed their eyes, reluctant to see Zion being destroyed.

Suddenly, the noisy sound was intermittent, and the rhythm of the squid army's attack was chaotic. The soldiers opened their eyes in confusion and saw the squid corpses falling like raindrops.

Arcs surged through the six channels, and a silver white giant wolf probe roared a few times in a low voice.

What's going on?

Six strands of black mist gushed out from the passage. It was a group of ominous black red-eyed bats, zhi zhi ya ya huddled at the top of the dock, bloodthirsty eyes Divine token The wounded breathed stagnant, their brains stagnant. Make up for your own painful death.

The shadow fell, and countless bats rushed towards it, turning into black six-wings and spreading out above the dock.

Luo Su frowned and swept across the court. He had tried his best to make holes, but he was still a step late.

Fortunately, it's not the latest!

The six wings converged, and a pair of holy wings spread out behind him. Luo Su fully released the magic power in his body, continuously transformed it into holy light, and flew around the entire dock at high speed.

Bright ribbons are scattered, and the half-dead wounded are resurrected with full blood, even if the heart is pierced, as long as the brain is still active, the 'dead' has completed the resurrection ceremony.

The consumption of mana was a bit too much. Luo Su took two deep breaths and landed on the port. Next to him was the armed mecha troop commander Miffni who stood up slowly. One arm was cut off by a squid. One-armed man.

"Mr. Luo Su, you...you..."

Luo Su picked up the amputated limb on the ground and raised his eyebrows: "Don't talk, bear it, it will hurt a little bit. ."




The white brilliance flashed, and Miffney looked at the severed hand he was connected to, and kept MMP in his heart.

"You're welcome, it should be."

Luo Su felt pain when he looked at it, but something was better than nothing, and his eyes swept over the few people who were missing arms and legs. : "Where are the hands and feet, bring them here, and I'll connect them for you."


"Ahhh ————"

Human beings are like this. When they die, they don't frown, but they shout like killing pigs when they take over.

Luo Su took care of the wounded in the dock, and a thick and cold darkness flowed from his feet, spreading over the walls of the dock, turning into big black hands.

"Thank you, Mr. Luo Su, Morpheus is right, you are the savior."

Just as Luo Su was about to leave, Miffney stepped forward and looked His eyes were full of steadfastness, except for his right hand that trembled a little.

The connection is done, but the psychological shadow is still there!

"Don't listen to Morpheus's nonsense, there is no savior..."

Luo Su frowned: "If you give up instead of sticking to the present, then I can't save anyone ."

Besides, if there is a savior, the person who should be saved the most should be me.

(end of this chapter)

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