End Of Heavens

Chapter 987

End Of Heavens Chapter 987


Chapter 984 Coincidentally, I will live upstairs with you

"Hello, my name is Luo Su, this is my police ID card ."

Luo Su greeted him with a smile, opened his shirt, took out a cigarette and handed it to Leon, because the movement was too large, inadvertently revealing the holster under his arm, with an M9 inserted in it.

"Dude, do you want one?"

"No, I don't smoke, thank you!"

A drop of cold sweat dripped from Leon's forehead, shaking his head in rejection .

There is an old saying: there are ghosts in the heart, and the house is full of guests!

As an assassin, Leon was extremely guilty in front of Luo Su, and an inadvertent action of the latter made Leon think about it and think it has a lot of meaning.

For example, Luo Su inadvertently revealed his gun holster, which made Leon feel like a formidable enemy. He made up many possibilities and suspected that his identity was seen through.

Leon's intuition is very accurate, someone did it on purpose, but it's hard to say if it's not a warning.

"Really don't smoke?"

"Don't smoke!"

"Well, I don't actually smoke either. Taking out cigarettes is an occupational disease."

Luo Su smiled and pressed the cigarette in his hand against the wall: "You know, I'm a policeman, and I'll take things out in the face of strangers, especially those who are suspected of assassin. Action. If he draws the gun, I'll kill him right away, and if he doesn't respond, I'll pull out the cigarette."


Leon's face was expressionless , He panicked a lot, and he felt that he might have been exposed.

No, removing the possibility is really exposed.

"But it seems that I'm thinking too much. Although you give me the feeling of first-class assassin, you may have a Beretta 92 series in your arms, but obviously you are not."

"Ha, ha, ha!"

Leon didn't know what to make, grinned dryly three times, extremely reluctantly.

“Let’s get down to business, this is how it is.”

Luo Su pointed to Max and Caroline and said, “I received reports from two enthusiastic citizens who suspected You kidnapped the ignorant girl and imprisoned her in the house, can I go in and take a look?"

Failed to trigger lottery on Leon, Luo Su turned his thoughts on Loli, no matter what the situation was , see each other first.

"Yes, yes."

Leon opened the door with difficulty, showing a stiff smile that was embarrassed and guilty: "Officer, I just saw a report about you on TV. , some reporters said that you were a SWAT tactical team commander, and that you were an instructor of the New York Training Agency's firearms tactical team. Why...why did you show up in Brooklyn?"

"Call me Luo Just Su, the police officer is too unfamiliar."

Luo Su walked into the house with a smile: "frankly, I work in the sub-bureau in this area, and I'm already off work, and I'm currently on my way home."

"On the way home?"

"Yes, I live upstairs with you, third floor, we are only separated by One Layer Heaven."

Luo Su friendly patted Leon's shoulder: "Fate is so wonderful, you say it's a coincidence?"


Leon didn't want to talk, just wanted to pinch fate die.

"Mr. Mark, what do you mean when you just said you saw Officer Luo Su on TV? He's on TV?"

"You don't know?"

"I don't know!"x2

Leon looked towards Max and Caroline with a silly look in his eyes. He didn't know anything, so he recruited the killer, except fate , he also wanted to strangle these two pit bulls to death.

"Wait a minute, what are you two doing in here? Hurry out."

Luo Su looked at the hapless combination speechlessly. Although he could ensure the safety of the two of them, ignorance was Fu, some things are better not to know.

He could imagine that Max and Caroline knew that they had knocked on the door of a professional assassin, and they would definitely not be able to fall asleep to knock on his bedroom door at night.

He is a soft-hearted person, and he will definitely not be able to refuse at that time. He will only suffer a big loss if he evolves, and he has no reason to reason.

Especially Max, Luo Su knew that female perverts covet his body, and wanted to occupy his jacuzzi, oven, TV, air purifier, T-1000 US short through the way of fitting etc.

It has been deliberate and planned for a long time!

As a tall, rich and handsome man who lives alone, he is dangerous lurks on every side, and must be strictly guarded, and he must not give a female satyr any chance to take advantage of.

"It's okay, Officer Luo Su, I like these two new neighbors very much. They are very warm and the little cakes are delicious."

Leon laughed dryly and tried his best to make Max and Caroline stayed because he knew his odds of survival were better if the two hapless people stayed in the house.

As a last resort, he could still have a hostage.

Leon swears that the brain-damaging behavior of the Brother Xi gang members who pushed the hostages away will never happen to him.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Mark, you haven't said why Officer Luo Su is on TV, he is hiding the magic fire of the arsenal in his clothes?"

Max Excited, the unlucky guy's focus is always different from that of normal people, completely unaware that Leon is struggling for his life.

"Officer Luo Su he..., forget it, watch it for yourself!"

Leon said, turned on the TV, and randomly picked a news channel about the street. Continued coverage of the Rush.

In the picture, Luo Su stepped down from the Camaro sports car carrying the M4A1 on his shoulders and walked to the front battlefield without haste. The four letters of 'NYPD' behind him made him feel very safe.

As soon as the camera turns, Luo Su shoots fifteen mosaics with his gun and saves a hostage by the way.

The slow motion shows him pulling out the M9 and shooting the headshot. The hand speed is so fast that it makes Max lose his mind.


Max and Caroline looked towards Luo Su full of admiration, the difference is that Caroline only adores, while Max adores, On the other hand, he crossed out his 'after borrowing the bathroom' attack plan.

She's young and doesn't want to be a mosaic.

"Le...Mark, can you come over, I have something to tell you."

Matilda stuck her head out of the bedroom and swept over Luo Su in a panic. , with uneasy eyes looking towards Leon.

"Okay, I'll come here."

Leon gently relaxed and silently gave a compliment to Matilda's wisdom.

Just as he was walking towards the bedroom, Luo Su's big hand pressed his shoulders, and he froze in place, unable to move even a little bit.

"Mr. Mark, I also have something to tell you, why don't you let the girls go outside, let's talk alone first, what do you think?"

Luo Su asked in a questioning tone , speaking indisputably.


Leon was nodded with difficulty, knowing that he could not escape the disaster, he handed a faint smile to Matilda: "You and the two elder sisters Taste the cake on the first floor, I'll pick you up soon."

"Mark, I'm in a hurry, please."

Matilda had tears in her eyes, her hands behind her back. From the bedroom to the living room.

Leon's eyes shrank suddenly, and he quickly stepped forward to carry Matilda out, and snatched a Colt revolver from her and secretly stuffed it into his arms.

"Don't worry, I'll be talking to the officer soon, he's a good guy."

Leon held Matilda and pushed her to Caroline's side, The two idiots finally saw that the atmosphere in the room was wrong, and dragged Matilda, who was gritted and sobbing, out of the room, and tightly closed the door before leaving.

"Mr. Mark, is that really your daughter, doesn't she look very similar!"

Luo Su raised her eyebrows, sat down on the sofa, took out the M9 and A pair of handcuffs were placed on the coffee table in front of him: "So, what's your choice?"

"She's not my daughter, she doesn't know anything."

Lion looks Glancing at the handcuffs, he struggled and looked towards M9: "Officer Luo Su, you are a very powerful policeman and a good policeman, thank you for letting Matilda leave."

"So, Do you want to resist?"

Luo Su looked towards Leon in confusion: "Tell me, why do you want to kill yourself, is it bad to live?"

"I can't be caught yet. , I have a sum of money that I have saved over the years, and I want to ask a client to help transfer it to Matilda."

Leon regained his composure and continued: "Apart from this, I have to pay for Matilda killed a person, her whole family died at the hands of that bastard, and if she was found by that bastard, she would also be killed."

Luo Su looked at Leon with a strange look on his face. After three seconds, he said, "Don't tell me that you fell in love with that girl. She's not as old as you multiplied by three. It's against the law."

"I, I didn't."

Leon squatted on his neck, his face flushed: "No, no, I'm not a pervert."

"Well, Mr. pervert, although you are a lover, the reason is also It's very touching, but...I'm a policeman and won't let you go out to kill."

"I understand!"

Leon took a deep breath and reached out to his arms suddenly pistol in the .

In the next second, his stature stopped, only because Luo Su took out a Remington M870 from his trouser pocket, and the black muzzle was facing his chest.

WTF! !

Leon didn't know why, Max's complaints flashed in his mind, Luo Su hid an arsenal in his clothes, he thought it was a joke at the time.

"You won..."

Leon sat down on the sofa, took out the Beretta 92F and Colt revolver with mufflers in his arms, on the coffee table, waiting for Luo Su to arrive.

"You are lucky, pervert Mr. Assassin, you will be the first criminal to ride in my sports car."

Luo Su picked up the handcuffs and put Leon's hands behind his back .

"Officer Luo Su, can't you be lenient, the bastard I want to kill is a bad cop..."

"No, and Sheriff Steinfeld is my mission target. , I already have a lot of evidence of his crimes, and I can't help but kill you."

Luo Su said something that surprised Leon, he was stunned for a while before slowly saying: "I Not a pervert, I just feel happy with Matilda, I need her, she needs me, we're family."

"That's more perverted!"

Luo Su twitched his lips and continued: "Don't worry about that girl, I can tell you for sure that Sheriff Steinfeld is finished, she will be a witness to avenge her family."

"many thanks!"

Leon sighed and then asked, "Can I make a call, I want to transfer the money to Matilda immediately, because of my status, I May die in prison."

"I understand, your superiors won't let you go, but that's okay, I'll take them in together and let you have company."

Luo Su grinned, lowered his head and whispered: "Mr. Leon, I can read minds, you have already told me the address of your superior."

Leon: "..."

"Just kidding, I found it, hahaha!!"

Leon: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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