End Of Heavens

Chapter 988

End Of Heavens Chapter 988


Chapter 985 There is a Maserati waiting for you to pick it up, go to

"Officer Luo Su, I have a presumptuous request."

"If you know it's a presumptuous request, don't say it."

Luo Su shook his head speechlessly: "I'm a soldier, you're a thief, make a request to me... Please respect people. Is it okay?"

He thought that his previous attitude was too friendly, which made Leon feel lucky and thought he was good at talking.

“I can see that you are a good person, so I want to ask you for help, because I know very few people.”

Leon said truthfully, as a Occupational assassin, Leon's daily life is very hard, except killing is on the way to kill, without any social activities.

Even the money he has worked so hard to earn is in the hands of his agent and superior how to spend.

In Luo Su's hands today, Tony, his only trusted agent, will also be untrustworthy. In order to protect himself, the other party will try his best to get rid of him.

So, counting back and forth, Leon can only make a request to Luo Su.

Luo Su's face is serious: "What did you just say?"

"I said I know very few people."

"That's not it, then The previous sentence."

"Uh, you're a good guy."

Leon didn't know why, but he said it anyway.

"For the sake of you being an honest person, I am generous to grant you a wish. Let me tell you what a presumptuous request is, and I can help you realize it if you are comfortable."

Luo Su secretly nodded, worthy of being a professional assassin, this pair of tricks is not in vain.

"Matilda is only twelve years old this year, she will be sent to orphanage and adopted by someone who has lost her family."

Lion looked pleading towards Luo Su : "I hope you can help me out, and if that couple sucks, don't let Matilda suffer in the past."

"You don't want to ask yourself something?"

Luo Su rolled her eyes, opened her mouth to loli, closed her mouth, this assassin is useless.


Leon shook his head, his life had never been colorless, until Matilda appeared, his walking corpse felt a touch of warmth, let go No less than Matilda.

“OK, I can contact the family for you and let them adopt Matilda.”

“How is the family, do you have children?”

"Banker, husband Bi is incompetent, wife Bi is cold, and has a ten-year-old son."

Luo Su said that this family is Arnold and Connor mother and son.


"Don't plan to meet him?"

"Can you?"

Leon lightly Out loud, bankers should be busy.

"It should be possible, I'll try to call him. If there's no problem, let him take the Maserati away now."

"Officer Luo Su, it's Matilda ."

"Okay, Maserati."


While Leon was silent, Luo Su took out his phone and contacted Arnold .

The reason why I took the initiative to help Leon was not because of sympathy, although it was somewhat sympathetic, the more important thing was that I didn't want to watch bitter scenes.

Based on Luo Su's many years of film reading EXP, when he took Leon to the first floor, there was a 100% chance that Loli would rush out of Max's door.

Then the snot and tears hugged Leon and howled, and he would pump three times in the middle. Leon would also show the tender side of a tough guy, burst into tears, and burst into a few nose bubbles.

In the end, Loli fell to the ground crying and was carried away by Max and Caroline, while Leon was dragged into the car by Luo Su.

The two hissed and shouted, moved towards each other and reached out to each other, but their fingertips touched.

The picture is so miserable, it hurts to think about it.

"Hello, Arnold, I'm Luo Su."

"Okay, Arnold. No problem, Arnold!"

"I There's a Maserati here waiting for you to pick it up...it's not a car, it's a twelve-year-old girl...she's called Maserati, I didn't pronounce it wrong."

"It's only 80 million USD, If it is less than 100 million yuan, it is not considered money, and the meeting will be postponed and we will discuss it next time!"

"I will wait for you at home, remember it is on the second floor... I will give you half an hour, and take responsibility for the consequences over time. "

Luo Su hung up the phone and shrugged, looking towards Leon: "You are so lucky, Arnold is very busy today and will be there soon."

Leon: "… ..."

To be honest, he couldn't understand Luo Su.

Fifteen minutes later, a helicopter landed in the parking lot in the vicinity, and Arnold in a suit and leather collar rushed into the apartment and went straight to the second floor to appear in front of Luo Su.

There are also two bodyguards in black. Considering Arnold's battle strength, the two bodyguards can only be said to be the identity card of his high society.

"You stand outside the door, you are not allowed to come in without my order."

Arnold closed the door and stood on the edge of the sofa respectfully: "Officer Luo Su, I'm here to receive Maserati ."

"Downstairs, the youngest one is going to take care of her in the future like John, understand?"

"No problem."

Arnold agreed. Seeing Leon next to him, he wondered: "I take the liberty to ask, what is his relationship with the Maserati downstairs."



"Wrong, he is an unlicensed black car driver, bah, he is a former guardian, because of his status as an assassin..."

Luo Su explained briefly After a few words, Arnold took a deep look at Leon: "So you are also an assassin, I understand your sadness, it's not easy."

Leon: "..."

Why use 'also'?

He looked at Arnold speechlessly. The expensive suit on the latter's body was bulged by his muscles. It was hard to believe that he was a banker.

Bodybuilders are more likely.

Arnold pushed the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, put his hand on Leon's shoulder and patted it twice: "Don't worry, since it was requested by Officer Luo Su, I'll help you out. I'll do it for you. You look for the best division team in New York, and you can come out in a few days, I still need a reliable driver, are you interested?"

Leon: "..."

To be honest, he couldn't understand Arnold a bit.

"Hey, don't talk nonsense, I didn't ask you to find a lawyer to help him cleanse."

Luo Su frowned, he did not have such thoughts.

“Officer Luo Su, although it’s inappropriate to say like this in front of you, the law in USA is the same as politics. If I have money, I will have a good lawyer, and the law will protect me.”

Arnold unbuttons his collar: "Also, this is not called absolution, it is a legal procedure."

"I can't see it, you learn very fast, and you are already qualified. Capitalist."

"Money corrupts people, but I'm the devil's servant, so I'm not afraid to fall."

"It's up to you..."

Luo Su rolled his eyes and waved his hand to let Arno go down and lead the people.

At this moment, there was a commotion outside the door, and Max's loud voice could be heard clearly through the door.

“Officer Luo Su?”

“Let them in!”

Luo Su nodded, walked past Leon, stood in front of the window, and passed by Shi said, "Don't say I'm cold-blooded, I'll give you five minutes to say goodbye to Maserati."

The two bodyguards let them go. Matilda rushed into the house and saw Leon being tortured. She burst into tears, plunged her head into his arms, and wiped her snot and tears on his collar.

Arnold left consciously and came to Luo Su's side: "Officer Luo Su, I have always remembered what you have given me. I don't know how to repay you. Please accept it with a smile."

Luo Su ignored the check handed by Arnold: "If you read it right, you are bribing the police officers and want to come with me?"

"No, it's our personal relationship. ."

"No, I have a million pocket money every month, and I don't lack you."

"si si sizzle!"

Max and Caroline left alone space for the year-end love, just walked to Luo Su's side, heard his words, Max sucked in a breath of cold air, and naturally fell into Caroline's arms inside.

Before she fell into a coma, her only thought was to restart the crossed-out 'after borrowing the bathroom' attack plan. For the sake of a lazy future, she decided not to die.

"Max, Max, wake up!"

Caroline is ashamed, she can't stand it with only one million, and...Luo Su has a Million has a half-money relationship with her. Are you excited to like this?

"Officer Luo Su, who are these two beauties?"

Anora took off her sunglasses, one with big breasts and one with long legs, and then think about the scene when Luo Su and Satan met , showing a surprised expression.

He got it!

"You know the shit, don't think about it, they are just passersby." Luo Su said ill-humoredly.

"Yes, it's just a passerby."

Arnold nodded, handed the check to Caroline, nodded and said: "This is Mr. Luo Su's check, please Help me collect it."

"si si sizzle!!"

Seeing the series of zeros on the check, Caroline sucked in a breath of cold air, and went along with Max. It fell to the floor naturally.

But even if she fainted, she still clenched her hand tightly, and if she wanted to take it out intact, she could only chop off her hand.

Luo Su pouted slightly: "These two are Top Grade unlucky bastards with outstanding strength and unparalleled strength. No matter how much money you give, they can spend it all overnight, no, it's a loss. Light!"

He has no doubts about the strength of the bankrupt sisters.

The five-minute farewell is over.

Leon showed the potential of top-notch lolicon control, successfully made Matilda burst into laughter, and then consciously came to Luo Su's side: "Officer, let's go."

Besides, Arnold stood in front of Matilda with a self-kind smile: "Let's go, Maserati."

Matilda: "..."

"Don't be afraid, Maserati, I can assure you that it won't be long before you see Leon in the manor."

Matilda: "..."

"What's wrong?"

"My name is Matilda, not Maserati."

Arnold: "..."

He knew that was the case, and Luo Su had deliberately said the wrong name again.

As a successful person, Arnold is very proficient in Luo Su and her superiors leading Satan's stunts, showing a smile that is close to billions: "Okay, Maserati."


Matilda was speechless and didn't want to pay attention to Arnold, but Leon said that Arnold had the ability to fish him out. For the sake of her own ineffective man, she could only endure it first endured.

The matter was settled, Luo Su took Leon, Arnold took Matilda, and the bankrupt sisters lay on the floor and continued to comatose.

After a long while, the two woke up at the same time, saw the check in their hands, sucked two pounds of cold air and continued to fall into a coma.

Looking at the posture, they can cycle many times.

(end of this chapter)

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