End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 202 Cheng Lingsu: Why Not Combine Medicine And Martial Arts...

Zhong Ling felt relieved after hearing this.

Blinking his eyes, he couldn't help touching it again. The extremely warm and warm feeling started from the palm of his hand again, and then swept across his whole body. Said: "The big brother is so powerful~"

Mu Wanqing on the side also tried to touch it, with a slightly pleasant expression on her face, obviously feeling the miraculous effect, [Small Formless Internal Force] was affected and improved.

Fang Han gently grasped the delicate little hands of the two girls, and with a surge of true energy, Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling instantly felt the warmth and nurturing feeling become more obvious, and...

The whole body is crispy and numb, but the flesh, tendons, and meridians are all indistinctly strengthened!

This is the magic of [I Ching Washing Marrow]!

In fact, the real effect is far more than that, but the two girls' bodies are relatively weak now, and their internal strength is also shallow, so it is difficult for them to withstand too strong training.

Fang Han didn't intend to do anything, just let them experience a little bit, and gradually improve their physique.

Zhong Ling narrowed her eyes comfortably, bent her crescent moon, and snuggled into Fang Han's arms. Mu Wanqing also took advantage of the situation and sat beside Fang Han leaning against him. They all gradually breathed evenly and fell asleep.

Fang Han looked at Zhong Ling who was sleeping soundly in his arms and Mu Wanqing who was leaning beside him, and laughed a little in his heart. He and Cheng Lingsu looked at each other, and both saw the smile in each other's eyes.

It was the afternoon right now, the sunlight was not too hot, it was just right, and there was a sense of warmth in the small courtyard.

Fang Han thought about Miss Cheng's medical ability, so he taught her some of the essence of "Shenzhao Guiyuan" in the "Bei Ming Han Hai Jing".

It's not that he doesn't want to spread more, but Fang Han's [North Ming Han Hai Jing] is too broad and profound, obscure and mysterious.

Fang Han directly added points to [Lingyun], and was in a mysterious and mysterious state, so he created it through deduction, and was in a state of perfection, but the girls did not have this condition. The [Small Wuxiang Gong] taught a few days ago The essentials have to be pondered over slowly, too much to teach them, and it will be difficult for them to comprehend it in a short time.

That's why I specially taught them the essence of the main cultivation specialization.

Cheng Lingsu and Mu Wanqing are the essence of [Small Wuxiang Gong], while Zhong Ling's is the essence of [Nine Yin Magic Art].

Part of the subtlety of imparting "Shenzhao Guiyuan" is to see Miss Cheng's medical skills, and this part of the essence should be relatively easy to understand.

Later, Mu Wan woke up and listened to some, while Zhong Ling was still sleeping soundly, she was indeed in Fang Han's arms, she slept warmly and comfortably.

He gently carried her back to the room, and did not see her come out for dinner at night.

Mu Wanqing muttered: "She slept comfortably~"

Somewhat hot-eyed, his eyes secretly looked at Fang Han.

Miss Cheng lightly covered her bare hands, laughed lightly, and said, "Brother Fang, do you smell vinegar?"

Mu Wanqing blushed slightly, and said coquettishly, "Sister Cheng~"

The two girls spent the longest time together, and they had a good relationship. They chatted and laughed for a while, and then they talked about themselves again.

After the meal, the three of them sat together, Cheng Lingsu frowned slightly and said, "Brother Fang, Wanqing, you say they...why haven't they come here yet? It stands to reason that although their journey is far away, they are all here now." It's going to be a month."

In less than a month, it is naturally impossible for everyone to catch up.

For example, the Tianshan Mountains are very far away, the fastest and fastest, and it will take at least two or three months.

But not everyone is that far away.

Besides Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling, there are...

Mu Wanqing also frowned: "That bad girl in Suzhou...she's not too far away from here, half a month should be enough."

Although the two don't deal with each other, but after all, they have been friends for more than a hundred years, how could it be possible to really turn a blind eye, ignore them, and don't care about them.

Fang Han pondered for a while and said: "You don't have to worry, with their abilities, nothing will happen, just wait a while."

It's not easy for him to move lightly now, it's better to stay quiet than anything else.

The two of them nodded slightly when they heard the words.

Compared with their own situation, it is actually easy to understand.

It's all about a hundred years of life experience, knowledge and martial arts realm, what can't be dealt with?

Especially Wu Xingyun, who is a great master of martial arts! And her skill at this time is as terrifying as more than 80 years!

Who else in the world can do nothing to get her?

Worrying is unnecessary.

It's just that I haven't seen you for a long time, but after all, I feel that I miss you so much.

"Sister Yun..."

Cheng Lingsu was thoughtful, as if thinking of something, suddenly chuckled, Fang Han asked her why she was laughing, and Miss Cheng didn't answer, just smiled and said: "It's nothing, you will know when the time comes."

Fang Han smiled and shook his head, stretched his body, seeing that it was getting late, he said: "Girls, it's late at night, let's rest.

Miss Cheng glanced at Mu Wanqing, covered her mouth and smiled, "Brother Fang, I have to practice today, so I won't accompany you~"

After all, Shi Shiran left.

Fang Han said in his heart that you want to practice, how can two practice better alone than two people, but he glanced at Mu Wanqing who was blushing beside him, coughed dryly, and said in a clear voice: "Wanqing, let's go.

Mu Wanqing's face was flushed, she agreed with yes, and followed Fang Han eagerly.

The figures of the two gradually disappeared into the night and returned to a guest room adjacent to the master bedroom.

It wasn't long before Mu Wanqing arrived in the small courtyard, but after staying there for a few days, a faint fragrance has already accumulated in it.

This girl's body fragrance is indeed the sweetest among the girls Fang Han knows, refreshing!

Gently blow out the candle, the room was dark for a while.

In the master bedroom.

Miss Cheng sat on the bed, blushed slightly, said a few words in a low voice, then sat cross-legged, practicing breathing slowly!

What I told Fang Han earlier that she wanted to cultivate was indeed not a lie.

The gradually filling and pure [Small Formless Internal Force] in her body gave her the idea of ​​cultivating well.

Nowadays, Miss Cheng also attaches great importance to the practice of inner strength.

The reason why she was able to live so long in her previous life, and kept her face as before, was thanks to the magic of [Small Wuxiang Gong]!

Now that she has come back to the next life, she also wants to cultivate her internal strength well, so as to save 817 and live longer.

Knowing that Fang Han was alone in his late life and had spent decades alone, Miss Cheng didn't say anything, but her heart ached deeply, thinking that in this life, how could she stay with Big Brother Fang for a longer period of time? .


Miss Cheng's thoughts drifted away. She experienced a life and death, which was a very rare opportunity for her who is proficient in medical skills. Although she didn't put her mind on these things at the time, but looking back now, she still has some understanding.

A thought inevitably arises in my mind:

Why not combine medicine and martial arts?

Miss Cheng's mind was nothing else, she just felt that there was a similarity between the two. Although she had had such thoughts in her previous life, she didn't take it to heart. A part of Ming Han Hai Jing [Shen Zhao Gui Yuan] is exquisite, but it benefits a lot. If you realize something, you will have this thought again.

The reason why she was able to live longer than Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling in her previous life was actually due to her own medical knowledge. If she can combine it with internal strength, it may not be able to prolong her life even more.

Thinking of this, Miss Cheng began to think about it while using her internal strength. She is a person with medical skills, and in Fang Han's eyes, she is an extraordinary super god. The corners of the mouth are slightly raised.

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