Suzhou, above Taihu Lake.

A small boat sailed slowly towards Manduo Villa.

There are several people on it, all men.

The leader was an aristocratic young man in his early twenties, handsome and unrestrained, standing with a folding fan behind his back, and behind him were several middle-aged men.

It was Murong Fu of Shenhe Village, and his four retainers, Deng Baichuan, Bao Budong, Feng Bo E, and Gong Zhigan!

Looking at the approaching Mantuo Villa from a distance, Murong Fu's expression was slightly concentrated.

When they reached the shore, Murong Fu said to the four retainers: "My aunt never likes others to come to her village, even my nephew dare not approach her if there is nothing to do, you wait here first.

Everyone knows the nature of Mrs. Wang of Mantuo Mountain Villa, so she doesn't take it seriously, and said with a wicked smile: "Young master, just go!"

Murong Fu stepped slightly on the shore, and walked slowly inside.

When I met an old servant who talked about visiting Mrs. Wang, the old servant also knew the relatives of Mrs. Wang, and told him: "Mrs. has traveled a long way with Miss some time ago and has not returned yet."

Murong Fu was shocked when he heard this.

If only his aunt went out, that's all right, it's not like it didn't happen before, but this time even cousin Yuyan went out with her!?

This is a bit unusual. In the past, my aunt took good care of my cousin and never let her go out. Why...

Murong Fu narrowed his eyes slightly, and a thought suddenly rose in his heart.

He came here this time, in fact, he had some calculations.

He knew that in the Mantuo Mountain Villa, there was a book collection pavilion similar to his family's [Huanshishui Pavilion], which stored martial arts secret books of many sects in the world.

It's just that I didn't have the chance to meet her in the past, but now my aunt is out, and there is no one in the Mantuo Villa......

Murong Fu changed his mind, quickly restrained his mind, and asked another question: "The two little girls A Zhu and A Bi in Canhe Village, have you ever seen them?"

This is also one of the reasons why he came to Manduo Villa.

Some time ago, for some reason, A'Zhu and A'Bi were both missing. I heard from people in the village that they had seen them go boating down Taihu Lake, but Murong Fu thought to himself that he had never ordered them around at all. , why did they suddenly leave the village?

He didn't return for a few days, and there was no news, so Murong Fu called people to search everywhere, first around Taihu Lake, then in Suzhou and the neighboring city of Wuxi, but unfortunately there was no news.

Ordinarily, there were only two little maidservants, and if they disappeared, they would disappear, but it didn't matter.

But it should be noted that although Azhu and Abi are maidservants of the Murong family in name, their status is not considered low, and they can even be said to be relatively core members. Tingxiangxi Pavilion, Abi's Qinyun Xiaozhu, and each has many servants, servants, and maidservants at their disposal.

She is obviously a maidservant, but she is actually raised by a young lady.

At the beginning Murong Bo had made it clear that if Azhu Abi had a home sometime and wanted to leave Shenhezhuang, the Murong family would treat them as half daughters and marry them off as a doctor in a glorious manner.

Of course, such generous treatment is not without request.

An ambitious family like the Murong family, who have been striving for the great cause of the country's restoration for generations, raised two very good-looking, clever girls,

Over the years, there is no shortage of food and clothing, and the two of them will be taught by famous teachers for piano, chess, calligraphy, painting and martial arts.

It may not be that there is no use of this as a bargaining chip to send out to marry and marry, and to increase one's own power.

This is a relatively common method among aristocratic families.

So with the disappearance of the two of them, the Murong family will naturally not be indifferent.

When Murong Fu asked about this matter, he actually didn't think the old servant knew anything, he just asked casually.

Unexpectedly, when the old servant heard it, he thought about it: "Miss Azhu Abi, I saw it a few days ago." "

Murong Fu was slightly startled, and hurriedly asked about the situation.

The old servant said respectfully: "I don't know too much, but I have seen these two girls serve by Madam's side."

When it comes to the latter, she is actually a little uncertain.

Looking at it from a distance at that time, it didn't look like a servant, but rather like a joke between friends?

But this is too strange, although the two little girls have quite a status in Canhezhuang, but in this Mantuo Villa, the wife is the sky, so they are not allowed to be presumptuous, so the old servant feels that he must be blind and misjudged.

When describing it to Murong Fu, it means serving him.

Suddenly another old woman came from a distance, it was Granny Rui, seeing Murong Fu respectfully said: "Mr. Murong, please come inside!"

Murong Fu frowned slightly, knowing that this was his aunt's left arm and right arm, he nodded slightly, and followed into the room together.

A servant served tea, Grandma Rui said: "Mr. Murong, my wife has something to tell."

Murong Fu took a deep breath and asked, "I don't know what orders my aunt has?"

Granny Rui said: "The two little girls, A'Zhu and A'Bi, Madam likes them very much, and have taken them to serve by her side."

Murong Fu looked suspicious, not knowing why.

My aunt has always been very polite to the people he joined the village. It's not that I haven't met Azhu Abi before, but I didn't show how much I like it. How can it be now...

While thinking about it, Granny Rui continued: "Ma'am, she likes Azhu and Abi very much. As a thank you, I let Mr. Murong go in to read for three days in the library pavilion in the village."

Murong Fu's eyes sparkled when he heard this, he said silently for a moment: "It's their good fortune that A'Zhu and Abi are so loved by their aunt."

The Book Collection Pavilion in Mantuo Villa!?

Is it the place where the martial arts secrets of the world's sects are collected?

If so, it's not bad.

Murong Fu spoke, then asked again: "~I heard that my aunt and cousin went far away? I don't know where?"

Granny Rui shook her head slightly and said, "I don't know where Madam and the others have gone."

She really didn't lie, Li Qingluo didn't mention where she was going to at all, but only told her to take care of the affairs of the village.

As for what happened just now, there are actually some problems.

Moreover, Li Qingluo didn't have a good opinion of Murong's family at all, how could he be so easy to talk to, and it was impossible for him to take the initiative to let Murong Fu read the martial arts secrets.

That was actually requested by Azhu and Abi. They hoped to set up a book library outside the Langhuan Jade Cave. The two of them put some martial arts secret books in there, and let Mr. Murong go in and read them. It is a kind of repayment to the Murong family Kindness.

The two girls, Azhu and Abi, said so, Li Qingluo naturally did not refute their reasoning, agreed, and even found some secret books in the Langhuan Jade Cave to fill them in, just for appearance.

Granny Rui got up and said, "Master Murong, do you want to go to Zangshu Pavilion now?"

Murong Fu said with a reserved expression: "Forget it, since my aunt ordered it, then I will refuse Li De's lie!"

Followed Granny Rui to the depths of the villa.

Murong Fu looked slightly suspicious, although he didn't come to Mantuo Villa much, he also remembered that there used to be a large area of ​​camellias here, but now they are all gone, instead they have been transplanted with other flowers and plants.

It always felt as if something happened that he didn't know about.

But although Murong Fu was puzzled by this, he didn't really care about it, he secretly remembered the route.

In fact, he didn't know exactly where the collection of secret books in Mantuo Mountain Villa was, but he had heard his father and mother mention it before, and later he also inquired with Wang Yuyan himself, so he was sure that there was one, but he didn't know exactly where it was. Clear.

After a detour, Granny Rui took him to a hidden attic, Granny Rui said: "Mr. Murong, old people will not go in here."

Murong Fu nodded, pushed the door open and entered.

(ps: Ask for custom order, ask for full order, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly pass, ask for comments~)


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