End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 227 Li Mochou: Could It Be That Junior Sister Is Secretly Practicing......

Tomb of the living dead.

It was dark and difficult to see, Fang Han walked slowly in it, listening to the subtle, indistinct voices, with a suspicious expression on his face.

At this time, his five senses are extremely sensitive, and he can perceive the general situation by himself.

In the ancient tomb, it stands to reason that there should only be two people, that is, Xiao Longnv and Grandma Sun.

But for some reason, there are now two strangers.

With slight footsteps, the figure leaped and moved, turned into a blurred shadow, and came to the depths of the ancient tomb in an instant.

Glancing at the scene in the practice room, at this moment there is a Taoist nun in apricot-yellow Taoist robe, with a face like peaches and plums, who is practicing martial arts.

Fang Han frowned slightly, thoughtfully.

Although he had a lot of experience in the second round of life simulation, not everyone had seen it.

He had never seen this Taoist nun before.

But the Taoist nun was added to the ancient tomb, and she was born extremely beautiful...

You can guess who it is.

Li Mochou......

Fang Han was somewhat surprised that she would appear here.

If only 24 appeared in the ancient tomb, it would be understandable, but the direct appearance in the darkroom of the ancient tomb depicting martial arts already shows that it was approved by Xiaolongnv.

However, Fang Han didn't pay much attention to this, and quietly passed by the kitchen of the ancient tomb, where Grandma Sun was cooking food, and there was a cute little Taoist nun helping out.

But looking at Grandma Sun's helpless expression, it is probably not helping her.

It should be Li Mochou's disciple Hong Lingbo

Fang Han thought to himself that his figure had reached the depths of the ancient tomb, and he stood still quietly, feeling the continuous and even sound of breathing in the room, through the slightly opened door, under the candlelight, the swaying exquisite figure, He couldn't help but smiled, and knocked on the door lightly.

"Is it Limbo?"

Somewhat cold and flat, Fang Han called softly with a slightly surprised voice, "Longer, it's me."

I could clearly hear the voice of the little dragon girl inside, there was no longer any coldness or innocence, the door opened instantly, Fang Han opened his arms, and a beautiful figure threw himself into his arms, stroking the slender waist covered in white gauze , The clear and faint fragrance bursts.

"Fang Lang~"

Xiao Longnv gently raised her slender jade neck, her cool and beautiful eyes turned into soft water, full of surprise and love: "You came so fast."

This was really beyond her expectation.

I thought it would take five years before I could see Fang Han again, but I didn't expect to meet again so soon.


He still remembers himself!

super happy~

Fang Han lightly touched Xiao Longnu's head, and said in a clear voice: "If you don't come here sooner, there might be a silly girl waiting in the ancient tomb."

Xiao Longnu's face blushed slightly when she heard the words, and her cold as a fairy face was gently buried in Fang Han's arms, and she whispered: "Fang Lang, I didn't know you could only wait here for KRO... ..."

Fang Han smiled, kissed her on the cheek, and said softly: "So, I'm here to pick you up.


In the darkroom, Li Mochou slowly stopped practicing.

Staring silently at the martial arts engraved on the wall.

All the martial arts of the Ancient Tomb Sect are depicted on it, and the "Jade Heart Sutra" she is most looking forward to is also on it. After practicing for this period of time, I feel that my martial arts have improved a lot!

But despite the joy, it is inevitable to have deep doubts.

One is the unique knowledge of the [Jade Heart Sutra], which needs to be supplemented by the martial arts of the Quanzhen Sect as the foundation. This tomb of the living dead was originally cast by Wang Chongyang. There are also martial arts taught, and there are many exquisite and high-quality martial arts. Li Mochou was secretly happy when she saw it, but at the same time she frowned because it was all external skills and lacked the most important inner skills. [Jade Heart Sutra] Even the pre-foundation is not enough, it is difficult to practice!


She roughly read the following content, and found that this martial art needs to be practiced by two people together, the inner force circulates, and the yin advances and the yang retreats to be successful.

Then how did her little junior sister cultivate successfully!?

One is that there is no Quanzhen sect's inner strength mentality, and the other is that there are no fellow practitioners.

She didn't consider Grandma Sun, because Grandma Sun is not actually from the Ancient Tomb Sect. Although she has been taught a lot of martial arts by her master, it is definitely impossible to teach her the unique skills of the sect.

The key point is that according to the situation recorded above, it is difficult for Grandma Sun to meet the cultivation requirements.

Could it be that the little junior sister has not actually practiced [Jade Heart Sutra]?

But it's impossible!

If she hadn't practiced divine skills, how could her martial arts be so powerful! How could she be so amazing!


The most important thing is that she found that in the martial arts described above, it seems that there is no exquisite acupressure kung fu performed by her before, and there is also the peerless lightness kung fu that is as graceful as a dragon and a fairy!

Could it be...

What is she secretly hiding?

Where did she learn such a unique skill!?

Li Mochou frowned silently, thinking secretly.

Suddenly heard footsteps outside.

"Master, let's have lunch~" Hong Lingbo hurriedly called out.

Li Mochou regained her composure slightly, responded, and left the practice dark room, seeing Hong Lingbo peeking into it secretly, coldly reached out and patted her small head: "What are you looking at!"

I thought that your master didn't learn the martial arts in it, you little guy who is an apprentice, is it possible that you still want to learn it secretly!?

950 is quite beautiful!


Hong Lingbo was a little aggrieved, but seeing Master's stern expression, he could only withdraw his gaze sincerely.

Li Mochou turned her eyes slightly and said: "Ling Bo, if you behave better, I will teach you the inner martial arts.

[Jade Heart Sutra] It takes two fellow practitioners to practice, and she is also preparing for it.

Although there is no [Quanzhen method], she is not helpless. She can either try to find out the method of cultivation of the junior sister, or go to the Quanzhen sect to steal it, or set out the inner strength method.

Anyway, Chongyang Palace is nearby.

But doing so has a high degree of risk.

She is more inclined to find the cultivation method from the little dragon girl.

After thinking about it, he arrived at the place, but he didn't see Xiao Longnu's figure.

Grandma Sun didn't care about this, she explained: "Girls often do this too, it should be practicing kung fu."

Li Mochou's eyes flickered slightly, could it be that Junior Sister Xindao is secretly practicing those subtle martial arts that she never knew about?

Thinking so far, Li Mochou stopped eating after a few mouthfuls, and went to the depths of the ancient tomb for the reason of cultivation, ready to go to find the location of the little junior sister.

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