End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 228 Li Mochou: I Was Greatly Shocked...

Li Mochou's footsteps stopped, and she heard some faint voices.

His expression was slightly condensed, and he was secretly shocked.

Little Junior Sister, she is really practicing martial arts!

Quietly approaching the room, the voice became clearer and clearer, looking through the crack of the door, her delicate body froze, her pupils trembled, as if struck by thunder!

Her charming face was flushed red like blood!

#BA …

who is it!?

Little Junior Sister, why was she...

Li Mochou felt dry mouth for a while, dizzy, her heart was pounding, her hands and feet were weak, and she hurriedly ran away.

Inside the room, Xiao Longnv glanced at the door and muttered to herself: "Senior Sister...wh...why are you here?"

During the conversation, some intermittent.

Fang Han frowned, and asked her curiously, "Why is Li Mochou here? I heard you said before that she always had conflicts with you."

Xiaolongnv replied: "Yes... Senior Sister, she always wants the "Jade Heart Sutra"...but the master has explained, so I can't give the "Jade Heart Sutra" to her, so she often finds ways to come to the ancient tomb Make up your mind."

In her previous life, she followed Fang Lang to the Vulture Palace, so she no longer knew about her senior sister.

Xiao Longnu took a breath and continued: "Senior Sister, this time, she is finally willing to return to the Ancient Tomb Sect according to Master's will."

Fang Han laughed and said: "She is going to learn martial arts in the name of returning to the ancient tomb sect, she has impure thoughts, and you let her return to the ancient tomb?"

Xiao Longnv hugged him for a while, then said: "I know what she thinks, it's okay, as long as she didn't disobey the master's words, and didn't disobey the rules of the ancient tomb, I wouldn't take her seriously. If she wants to learn martial arts, she can learn it.

Fang Han didn't find it strange what Xiao Longnu said, this girl is so pure in her actions.

No longer mentioning others, talking to each other, and rubbing each other's ears.

Li Mochou returned to her room as if fleeing, with a dazed expression.

The scene just now was too shocking for her.

Although Li Mochou is a person who has been hurt by love, but when it comes to the matter of husband and wife, she has eight orifices and seven orifices - all the way is not clear!

When falling in love with Lu Zhanyuan, they always abide by etiquette.

I have never seen such a scene before.

After a while, he gradually came back to his senses.

I just feel a little sweaty.

"That person...could it be the Fang that my junior sister mentioned earlier...々"."

Li Mochou covered her forehead, speechless.

turn out to be...………

The little junior sister never lied to her from the beginning to the end, she did spend her whole life with a man, and with him...

Li Mochou wondered secretly: "Wu this person entered the ancient tomb? Why didn't I notice it at all?"

Just as he was thinking, Hong Lingbo's voice came from outside the door.

"Master~ What's the matter with you?"

Li Mochou frowned and asked, "Come in and talk, what's the matter?"

Hong Lingbo let out an oh, followed his words, saw that Li Mochou was about to speak, but saw Master's expression was the same as before, but his face was flushed red, full of red clouds, which made the already charming jade face even more charming drop.

He blinked involuntarily, and was dazed for a while, until he saw Li Mochou's wrinkled eyes that were gradually filled with evil spirits, Hong Lingbo woke up like a dream, quickly restrained his thoughts and said: "Master, you ran so fast just now, I I didn’t even answer you, I thought it was something important, so I came to have a look.”

Hong Lingbo actually felt that her master's situation just now made her feel like she was fleeing, but she didn't dare to say it.

I wondered in my heart, could it be that Master and her uncle taught her a lesson again?


I can't even beat my uncle, so I have to ask for trouble for whatever I do.

As Hong Lingbo said, he continued: "Master, your face is so red, are you feeling unwell?"

Was it another internal injury?

It took about ten days of recuperation before that time before he fully recovered.

Could it be that the uncle and her elders were also angry this time and beat the master hard?

Otherwise, why would his face feel so red that it was bleeding.

Li Mochou's expression froze when she heard this, and she seemed a little flustered: "Cough! What can I do as a teacher! You little girl is really good at thinking!"

When Hong Lingbo wanted to say something, Li Mochou waved his hand and interrupted: "Okay! There's nothing to do here, you go down first, as a teacher, you need to cultivate your internal strength."

Hong Lingbo responded sullenly, and left feeling aggrieved.

Master, she is always like this, people care about her, she doesn't appreciate it, hum~

I couldn't help but slander: "Master probably wanted to save face, and refused to show his timidity in front of my little apprentice. Oh, what's the matter?"

Seeing Hong Lingbo leave, Li Mochou took a deep breath, her inner strength was activated, and her inner breath was slowly calmed down, the rosy glow on her face gradually faded away.

Touching her face, Li Mochou spat inwardly: "Bah! I'm so shameless! It's still broad daylight, even if it's an ancient tomb that doesn't see the light of day, it doesn't make sense!"

Thinking about it, I couldn't help but think of the scene just now.

Little Junior Sister, she was completely suppressed......

Isn't she uncomfortable?

It should be uncomfortable

But there seems to be something wrong.

Li Mochou felt shaken for a while, and quickly restrained her mind.

If you want to concentrate and calm down, you can't do it after all.

After an unknown amount of time, Hong Lingbo's call came from outside: "Master~ Master!"

Li Mochou was secretly disturbed by her thoughts for a long time, and just when she was upset, she shouted angrily: "Ling Bo, you bastard! Your master and I are practicing, why are you arguing! Believe it or not, I will throw you away!" Get out of the ancient tomb!"

Hong Lingbo didn't speak for a moment, and after being aggrieved for a while, he muttered: "Is there something really wrong, Master, she found a man and came back? Master, didn't you say that the Ancient Tomb Sect can't get close to men?"

At the beginning, the master seemed to be kicked out of the ancient tomb because of the (Li Zhao's) affair between men and women, and finally returned to the ancient tomb.

Now how come it's about the uncle and she took the lead in violating the sect rules......

So weird!


Hong Lingbo's pretty face blushed, and he thought that the man Mr. Shishuxun was looking for was really good-looking, so majestic and demeanor~

Li Mochou pushed the door out, looked at Hong Lingbo, with a delicate expression, and asked with a little blush: "How do you know? Explain to me carefully!"

Hong Lingbo saw that Li Mochou went out to inquire in an instant, and murmured in her heart, Master, aren't you curious? Just now, she said I was here, but she didn't dare to say what was in her heart, and pointed in the direction: "Master uncle just brought a man to Met Grandma Sun....."

(ps: Ask for custom order, ask for full order, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly pass, ask for comments~)

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