Inside the ancient tomb.

Grandma Sun looked at Xiao Longnu and Fang Han in shock and bewilderment on her rather ugly but kind face.

At the beginning, she thought it was the girl who was practicing internal skills, and something went wrong, so that...

Confused, talking nonsense.

But I didn't expect it to be true!

But looking at Fang Han's descriptive demeanor, Grandma Sun gradually came back to her senses, looked at Xiaolongnv, and then at Fang Han, with a smile gradually appearing on her face.

A talented man and a beautiful woman, a couple of gods and gods.


It's a good match!

She was most afraid that Xiao Longnu would be deceived by sweet words, but now seeing Fang Han's demeanor, words and demeanor are very majestic and reserved, Grandma Sun thought to herself that even the Wang Chongyang she saw back then, she could only rely on this. In terms of theory, they are not as good as the people in front of them.

In this regard, Grandma Sun is satisfied.

And looking at Xiao Longnu's gentle expression full of happiness, one knows that her love is deeply rooted and deep.

Girl, she has always had the right ideas, and she has decided on good things. How can she say that she is not good, as an old woman?

Fang Han said with a gentle expression: "Grandma Sun, I came to the ancient tomb this time to take Longer away. You have taken care of her since she was a child, and you are also her elder. I want to take you to the tomb as well." Water, I don't know what Grandma Sun thinks?"

Grandma Sun felt even more relieved when she heard this, but she gave up with a smile and said: "The old woman has not had a good life for a few years, so I don't have to worry about it. Besides, I have spent most of my life in the ancient tomb, and I am used to living comfortably. It’s not suitable for other places.”

The most important thing is that she has to stay here, because Miss Yin looks after the ancient tomb.

Never thought about leaving.


Looking at Fang Han, Grandma Sun said very seriously: "Girl, she is simple and simple, you must treat her well and love her in the future!"

Fang Han nodded and said: "Don't worry, mother-in-law, I will never be wronged."

He was not surprised by Grandma Sun's choice.

In the second round of life simulation, this grandma also declined, and instead of leaving the ancient tomb with them, she lived alone in the ancient tomb

In the final analysis, the reason why Grandma Sun came to the Tomb of the Living Dead was actually because of Lin Chaoying's life-saving grace.

She spent half her life repaying her kindness.

It's normal not to want to leave.

When Grandma Sun heard this, her expression softened and she smiled.

Although he was a little bit reluctant to leave Xiaolongnv, but seeing her meet her lover, I felt relieved and joyful.

Looking at Xiaolongnv, she smiled and said, "Miss, you must take care of yourself in the future."

Xiao Longnv's eyes were warm, and she hummed softly.

While talking, Li Mochou and Hong Lingbo also came here.

Hong Lingbo quietly slipped behind Li Mochou, secretly looking at Fang Han, his eyes sparkling.

Seeing Hong Lingbo's movements, Li Mochou frowned slightly.

This damn girl......

However, he had no time to take care of her for the time being, and looked at Fang Han.

Previously she only saw the back, but didn't know its true face.

Now that I saw him, I realized that this person's appearance was so handsome and extraordinary, and he looked impressive.

I also saw Xiao Longnv's cold, bright, crystal-like jade face, which seemed to be rosy in white, and there was a charming feeling in her eyes and eyebrows that she had never seen before.

Li Mochou seemed to have thought of something, a trace of blush could not help flashing across her face, her expression was slightly unnatural.

But Xiao Longnu spoke first and said: "Senior Sister, you came just in time, I have something to tell you."

Li Mochou took a deep breath, calmed down her delicate mood, looked at Xiao Longnv with a half-smile and said, "Young Junior Sister is really a handsome gentleman, but Senior Sister misunderstood you earlier.

But what do you want to do? Do you want to leave the ancient tomb?"

Xiao Longnv nodded and said: "Exactly, I want to leave with Fang Lang."

Li Mochou heard this, her eyes narrowed slightly, her mood was extremely complicated.

On the one hand, I am very happy for it.

If the little dragon girl can leave the ancient tomb

Then she will be free and unfettered!

God knows how much pressure she has been facing this little junior sister whose martial arts are unimaginably strong these days, and she really never won!

She estimated that even if she learned the ancient tomb sect's secret knowledge, it would be difficult to get out in a while. (ceei)

But at this time Xiaolongnv said that she wanted to leave, that would be the best.

Li Mochou said in her heart that when Junior Sister leaves, won't she have the final say in the ancient tomb?

When she has practiced the martial arts in the dark room of the ancient tomb well, and then she returns to the arena, she will not let go of any of those enemies, let's see who is still her opponent!

But apart from the joy in my heart, it is inevitable that I feel very unbalanced.

Not only vaguely angry, but also quite envious!

Why are there such disparities in life circumstances between them!?

Her little junior sister has been loved by her master since she was a child, and all the inheritance of the ancient tomb has been left to her, and now she has found a good husband.

Everything is much better than her

Li Mochou felt sore in her heart, she couldn't help but said: "Junior Sister, you used the ancient tomb's sect rules to preach to me, but you don't know if you remember the sect rules?"

Xiao Longnu: "Of course I remember, but my oath has been broken, so naturally I am not bound by the sect's rules."

Li Mochou sneered: "Are you so sure that this man will always treat you as before? Will he give his life for you? Why do you say that the oath has been broken? Just rely on your own words!? Senior sister, I don't believe it."

Xiao Longnv shook her head slightly and said: "Whether Senior Sister believes it or not, the truth is the same."

Li Mochou was very dissatisfied and said: "Why! Based on your one-sided words, you said that you have broken the oath, but I want to spend the rest of my life in this ancient tomb!?"

Grandma Sun felt a little anxious when she saw that the two of them were like fire and water.

But it is not easy for her to intervene in matters involving the interior of the Ancient Tomb Sect, so she can only watch Guang anxiously.

Hong Lingbo was a little worried.

I thought that the master was too rude when talking to the uncle.

Aren't you afraid to be taught a lesson by your uncle later?

I am the master's apprentice, maybe I will also be implicated.

But helplessly, she couldn't step forward to persuade the fight, um, dare not.

Xiao Longnv looked at Li Mochou thoughtfully, and asked: "Sister, what do you want to say, just say it straight. y

Although she has a simple temperament, it doesn't mean she doesn't understand anything.

On the contrary, with a pure mind, he sees people and things thoroughly and hits the nail on the head.

As for her elder sister, she was more or less aware of her temperament and style, and guessed her thoughts.

Li Mochou's expression was slightly stagnant, her eyes flickering.

What she said just now was really not to quarrel with Xiao Longnu.

I just want to use the family rules and oath as an excuse to get some benefits from him.

However, Li Mochou was not embarrassed by being told, and said along the way: "That's okay, little junior sister, let's be smart people and don't talk dark words. You only need to follow my three things, and your things... I don't either. No more doubts.

The first thing, I want to know how you practice the [Jade Heart Sutra], and help me practice; the second thing, you are not allowed to hide anything from me; as for the last thing, the door rules , The saying of the oath will be invalidated from now on! You can say that your oath has been broken, can't I?"

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