End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 233 Xiao Zhao: Granny Yu, Please Be Merciful!

Yu Po pondered for a while, then turned her head to signal.

The Vulture Palace woman who had grabbed A Spider just now let her go gently.

Untied from the restraints, Ah Zhu hurriedly ran behind Dai Qisi, and shouted: "Grandma!"

Dai Qisi asked: "Spider, are you not injured?"

Seeing Ah Zhu shaking her head, Dai Qisi stretched out her hand to feel her veins, and looked at Po Yu with a frown, feeling somewhat confused.

Why did they catch the spider, but let it go voluntarily?

But before he could think about it, he saw Granny Yu and the women in green robes all scattered away, and his expression changed.

Knowing that they were most likely looking for Xiao Zhao's whereabouts, they secretly felt anxious.

Their goals are too clear!

Xiao Zhao was only fostered by her in a fisherman's family, but it was not in a remote place, and since they were looking for it in large numbers, they would definitely be able to find it soon.


Just after a hasty scan, she suddenly found that these green-robed women, regardless of their age, seemed to be very good at martial arts!

This Vulture Palace........

It seems that the reputation in the Jianghu is not so loud, but I didn't expect that the background of the school is so strong!

Dai Qisi looked ugly, and there were only two roads in front of her at this moment.

One is to immediately rush to where Xiao Zhao is, pick her up and jump away.

But this is bound to cause the person in front of him to follow him, no less than leading the way in disguise.

She didn't have full confidence in so many good hands, leading Xiao Zhao and Zhu'er to escape.

And the other.....

Dai Qisi narrowed her eyes slightly, looking at Gu Napo.

At this time, as the women of the Vulture Palace dispersed one after another, there were only a few people left on the scene.

It would be the best if they could be taken down first, to force them to know why they knew about Xiao Zhao, and why they wanted to find Xiao Zhao, and immediately rushed back to take Xiao Zhao to escape, avoiding his sharp edge.

And if they can't take it down, they will also immediately go back and take Xiao Zhao with them. In this way, although it is not much different from leaving directly, but at least they don't have to face the siege of dozens of them. Only these few people are left, Dai Qisi thought to herself With his light function as the base, it is still possible to escape.

Thinking of this, Dai Qisi hesitated and responded silently.

Be prepared to wait for those who are scattered to be farther away before starting to act.

Po Yu doesn't know what Dai Qisi thinks in her heart, but she is also an old world, and she can also guess the vigilance and vigilance of the people in front of her.

If it was someone irrelevant, she would naturally not have a good face, but this person in front of her is Miss Xiao Zhao's mother after all, so they shouldn't make too much noise, otherwise even if they find Miss Xiao Zhao, it will be inevitable Not easy to get along with.

Therefore, Granny Yu pondered for a long time, and then said: "The vulture palace is here, it is ordered by the lord to meet Miss Xiaozhao, there is really no malice! If Granny Jinhua is not at ease, when the time comes When I see Miss Xiaozhao, I will know.

Dai Qisi was startled when she heard the words, what this person said was really weird.

It seems that Xiao Zhao will know them.

But such a thing is impossible!

Xiao Zhao lived on Spirit Snake Island since he was a child, so how could he know a spirit vulture!?

Dai Qisi did not answer, but just snorted coldly: "Old lady, I don't care who you are looking for, it has nothing to do with me..."

Before he could finish his words, his body quickly rose up, he picked up the iron staff made of fine gold, and pointed it at Yu Po!

The sound of breaking wind resounded!

Although this sudden blow was hasty, it was quite powerful and heavy, making people feel that it was hard to resist.

Yu Po frowned, but she didn't panic, she swiped her sword to resist.


The two men shook at the same time.

Yu Po was secretly amazed, the strength of the person in front of her was very impressive.

Although he knew that his white-haired and old appearance was a disguise, but she was a woman after all, so it was really extraordinary that she could possess such tyrannical strength!

Dai Qisi was even more shocked!

Her sudden blow, the other party took it easily!

Strength surged to him, as if he had fallen into the quagmire of the ocean.

Dai Qisi, as the head of the former Mingjiao Dharma Protector [Zishan Dragon King], her martial arts are definitely not weak. Although she is quite watery as the head of Dharma Protector, it is the result of the compromise of the other three Dharma Protectors, but walking in the world is enough to be called Become a first-class master!

Moreover, she has practiced internal strength for many years and fought against the old diseases of the heart and heart, and it has gradually deepened. Now that the old diseases have been cured, her strength is even better than before!

Under this blow, very few people can resist it!

Who knew that the opponent's martial arts were so high!

But she didn't know that this Yu Po in front of her was the chief steward of Vulture Palace!

Nine days and nine departments, all can be dispatched by her.

In terms of martial arts, it is naturally the first among everyone in the Vulture Palace!

Even if his martial arts are placed in the martial arts rivers and lakes, they are all at the top of the old class!

In the original book, Abbot Shaolin Xuanci's 50% power can hardly affect her in the slightest, but after a slight shock, it disappears without changing his face, which shows how strong his skill is! His martial arts are so high!

It's just because he didn't play many games, so it looks mediocre.

Facing Dai Qisi, although Po Yu was amazed by her martial arts, she would not be difficult to deal with, but could handle it with ease.

In an instant, the two exchanged several answers.

When the swords and sticks collided, there was a clanging sound!

One is secretly surprised, thinking that the other party's martial arts are very different from the Central Plains martial arts, they are strange and extremely weird; the other thinks that the other party's martial arts are exquisite, complicated and mysterious!

Dai Qi (得好) gradually broke out in cold sweat on her forehead. At first she was able to rely on the initiative and the different martial arts originating from Persia to keep her equal, but as the opponent gradually adapted to their routines, it became more and more difficult to win.

Dai Qisi knew that the other party's skill was still higher than her own, but she kept her hands everywhere, so she didn't immediately lose the battle.

I already have the intention of retreating in my heart, and I want to retreat and escape when I am ready to find an opportunity.

Suddenly heard a call: ""~Grandma Yu! Please be merciful!"

Dai Qisi's expression changed instantly, and she already recognized that it was her daughter's voice.

When Po Yu heard the words, she glanced away, seeing a little girl carved in pink and jade running from a distance, she was also secretly surprised in her heart.

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