End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 234 Dai Qisi: I Don't Know Where To Ask...

Although the little girl was young, she was born extremely beautiful and lovely, her eyes were like azure blue, adding a bit of exotic beauty.

In addition to being surprised, Po Yu also recognized it from his appearance:


It should be Miss Xiaozhao who was ordered by the palace lord to respond!

But how did she know her last name?

What's more, from his lightness kung fu and physical skills, he can vaguely see the shadow of martial arts from the Vulture Palace.

But considering that this little girl is related to the Venerable Master and the Palace Master, Granny Yu is not surprised.

Glancing at the mother-in-law Jinhua who looked a little flustered, the mother-in-law silently withdrew her hands and backed away.

Xiao Zhao ran up to Dai Qisi and Po Yu, and was relieved to see that neither of them were injured.

Dai Qisi stretched out her hand to pull Xiao Zhao behind her, but she saw Granny Yu bowed her hands slightly to Xiao Zhao, and said respectfully, "Is it Miss Xiao Zhao?"

Xiao Zhao looked at Granny Yu with his blue eyes, and asked with joy, "It's me! I am Xiao Zhao! Granny Yu, are you looking for me? Who told you to come and find me?" Of? Sister Yun? Or Young Master?"

Just now when she was in the fishermen's home, she suddenly heard someone outside talking about a big boat coming up from the pier, talking about pictures of vultures and birds, and about women in green robes.

Xiao Zhaosu is also smart, 610 doesn't need to listen to others.

Just the combination of these elements, it is naturally associated with the Vulture Palace.

She rushed out of the pier and took a look. As she guessed, it was indeed a big ship from Vulture Palace!

At this time in the previous life, has there ever been such a thing?

Although Vulture Palace also has fringe forces such as the Seventy-two Islands overseas, the remoteness of Spirit Snake Island does not belong to this category after all. She also remembers that there was absolutely no large ship from Vulture Palace landed on Spirit Snake Island back then. event.

Why did they suddenly come to Spirit Snake Island?

Is there any purpose?

When Xiao Zhao thought of this place, he felt a little bit like me in an instant.


That's for yourself!

Sister Yun and the others...do they also have memories of previous lives?

If these are just speculations, then after seeing Po Yu again and hearing her words, Xiao Zhao has already confirmed and judged the general situation.

She was overjoyed, but Yu Po was astonished.

Not because of anything else, but because of Xiao Zhao's name...


If it were the other leaders of the Nine Heavens and Nine Divisions here, they might not (ceeb) know who the "Sister Yun" Xiao Zhao mentioned was, but Granny Yu has served Wu Xingyun for many years and was able to know her name, so it is clear.

But it's all clear, hearing this "Sister Yun", still shocked Po Yu's pupils, she was shocked! I can't believe it!

I thought that the "Sister Yun" that Miss Xiaozhao called was really referring to the palace lord!?

And the title of "Master"...

Could it be the new lord!?

Good guy!

In your generation, calling me "Grandma Yu" is too embarrassing for me!?

Granny Yu looked slightly flustered, and saluted again, but this time she was more respectful: "Miss Xiao Zhao can call me 'Xiao Yu'! I am here to meet you by the order of the Lord and Palace Master!"

Hearing this, Xiao Zhao quickly waved his hands and said, "Don't, don't, I can't call you that.

I thought it was okay for Sister Yun to call you "Xiao Yu", but it was really not good for me to be "young".

And I was used to the name in my previous life, so there is no need to change it.


Xiao Zhao said in surprise: "Sister Yun has already handed over the position of Lord of the Vulture Palace to the young master? That's right..."

In the previous life, Sister Yun also did the same, and this life is no exception, but it will be much earlier.

After hearing Xiao Zhao's words, Yu Po's last trace of doubt disappeared.

This girl Xiao Zhao really has a very close relationship with the Lord!

Otherwise, how could even the secret person of the Vulture Palace fall into the details!?

The two of them were talking, but Dai Qisi was stunned.

Her daughter, she thought, knew all too well.

But what's going on now!?

Why does that character who is better than her in martial arts have to be so respectful to his daughter?

And let him call her "Xiao Yu"!?

It's outrageous!

The key is…………

Who are the "Sister Yun" and "Grand Master" in Xiao Zhao's mouth!?

when did they meet

Dai Qisi was in a daze, wondering if Xiao Zhao met her by chance while she was out?

Full of doubts, he couldn't help but open his mouth and said, "Xiao Zhao, what's going on with you...?"

Seeing this, Ah Zhu who was hiding over there also ran over secretly, looking at Xiao Zhao with his eyes full of curiosity.

Just now she saw clearly that not only the grandma Yu, but also the other girls from the Vulture Palace also bowed respectfully to Miss Xiao Zhao, what's going on?

And after taking a look at the equally perplexed and bewildered Golden Flower Granny, Ah Zhu felt even more curious.

Doesn't even the mother-in-law know?

This is so much fun!

Xiao Zhao blinked, not knowing how to explain.

But at this moment, she didn't need to hide anything from Dai Qisi anymore.

The previous concealment was difficult to explain, and the second was because Dai Qisi was suspicious.

But now that all the people who meet her have come, there is no need to do so.

After pondering for a while, he carefully told about one or two situations.

Of course, she can't tell the truth completely.

Otherwise, not only my mother would not be able to understand, but also Grandma Yu would be confused.

Just now she found out that Granny Yu and the others have absolutely no memory, maybe only Young Master and Sister Yun have memory.

Therefore, in Xiao Zhao's narration, she met Fang Han and the others by chance.

It is barely logical and self-consistent, but in fact it does not stand up to scrutiny.

Xiao Zhao thought for a while, and then said to Dai Qisi: "Mother, do you still remember those two prescriptions? Those are actually the prescriptions specifically prescribed by Sister Cheng."

Dai Qisi was in a daze: "No wonder Fang Zi is so effective."

But even if it is the right medicine, the medical skills of the "Sister Cheng" that Xiao Zhao talked about are unimaginable!

Anyway, she had sought a doctor for many years, but to no avail, but the other party was able to prescribe an effective and recoverable medicine based on oral symptoms without ever seeing her.

With such ability, I am afraid that the so-called [Butterfly Valley Medical Immortal] Hu Qingniu will not be able to keep up.

"Xiao Zhao,

Dai Qisi hesitated to speak, but there were too many doubts in her heart.

So much so that she didn't know where to start asking.

(ps: Ask for custom order, ask for full order, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly pass, ask for comments~)

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