End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 235 Daikis: As If In A Dream...

However, leaving those doubts aside, Dai Qisi frowned, looked at her daughter and said: "Xiao Zhao, do you really want to follow them and leave?"

Xiao Zhao's words and attitude just now were already very obvious.

But how can such a matter be easily decided!?


Her daughter is still a little girl.

It would be strange if Dai Qisi felt relieved casually and let her leave with the people from Vulture Palace.

Xiao Zhao also knows how to say a few words, and it is difficult to dispel the worry and resistance in her mother's heart, so she gestured to Granny Yu and the others.

Immediately, I took Dai Qisi to go and explain carefully~ I explained...  …

Two days later, the island pier.

The big ship set sail for a long voyage, and gradually drifted away under the awe and envious eyes of the fishermen and the people of Lingsnake Island.

It took a long time to find the location of Spirit Snake Island when we came here, but it was not necessary when we went back, so the travel time can be greatly shortened.

Inside a ship, such as a room.

Dai Qisi frowned, her expression was rather dignified.

The daughter who has always been well-behaved and obedient has shown an unprecedented firm attitude, no matter what, she will leave with these people from the Vulture Palace.

She couldn't be stubborn, and could only reluctantly agree.

The key is…………

Dai Qisi looked at the secret book in her hand with the words "The Great Shift of the Universe" written on it, and remained silent.

When Xiao Zhao put this secret book in front of her eyes two days ago, she immediately silenced her.

Years of tireless work, but she couldn't find the [Great Teleportation of the Universe] mental method secret book appeared in front of her so abruptly that she felt as if she was in a dream.

Dai Qisi sighed quietly as she looked at Ah Zhu who was wandering around happily and very curiously, and Xiao Zhao who was quietly waiting.

Whether this journey has been a blessing or a curse is really unpredictable.

a month later.

In Linshui City, Moon Tower.

An old man in black took a little girl carved in pink and jade up to the second floor, ordered food and wine, took a sip of drink happily, and looked relieved.

"The fine wines and dishes here are good, and I have been thinking about it for more than a year."

"Grandpa, don't drink, eat more!"

Qu Feiyan muttered a few words, then smiled and said: "Grandpa, Grandpa Liu's place is also very interesting, why don't we stay for a few more days?"

The "Grandfather Liu" she mentioned was Liu Zhengfeng of the Hengshan School.

A year ago, the grandfather and grandson went to Hengshan City, and lived in Liu Zhengfeng's residence for nearly a year.

Two people play qin and flute together, high mountains and flowing water meet bosom friends, so happy!

What Qu Feiyan said was not because she just thought it was fun or because she wanted to play, but because she saw that her grandfather was living very comfortably there, she couldn't help persuading him like this.

Qu Yang paused when he heard the words, and sighed softly: "Feifei, as the saying goes, there is no banquet in the world that never ends. Although it is good to get together, it is necessary to say goodbye."

Having said that, in reality, it was because Qu Yang and Liu Zhengfeng had different positions. One was from the Sun Moon God Sect, a well-recognized Demon Sect in the world of martial arts; the other was from the famous Hengshan Sect.

Moreover, the former is the elder of the Sun Moon God Sect, while the latter is the second person in the Hengshan Sect other than the leader Mo Da, both of whom can be called quite prestigious figures in Zhengchen and Dust!

The private friendship between the two of them must not be leaked out, otherwise it is likely to be tolerated by the two ways of righteousness and evil!

Both Qu Yang and Liu Zhengfeng were well aware of the risks of this matter, one year was already the limit, they were walking on thin ice, and they didn't dare to stay any longer, lest they attract attention.

Otherwise, why doesn't he want to be with Brother Liu's bosom friend?

Moreover, his granddaughter Feifei, both of her parents died since she was a child, and he, the grandfather, was the only relative left. He took her around all these years, and the sinister world really felt sorry for her.

If only there was a stable and safe place to grow up......

It's a pity that I couldn't get my wish after all.

He wanted to entrust Feifei to Liu Zhengfeng, but he was helpless because the little girl refused to agree at all.

Qu Yang could only continue to travel around with his granddaughter.

Qu Feiyan's eyes rolled slightly, obviously not believing Qu Yang's statement.

But the little girl didn't say much, leaning against the window, watching while eating, seeing the hustle and bustle, it was quite interesting.

...asking for flowers...

Suddenly, in the distance, a dozen or so strong-dressed women in green robes came from afar, walking with swords in their hands, looking heroic.

Qu Feiyan flinched, patted Qu Yang secretly, pointed in the direction quietly and said: "Grandpa, look over there~ Those sisters look majestic.

Following Qu Yang, an elder of the Sun Moon God Cult, as he walked around the rivers and lakes, Qu Feiyan also had sharp eyesight, and at a glance, he felt that those green-robed women were very difficult to mess with.

When Qu Yang heard the words, his eyes swept away, and his expression suddenly froze.

According to the intuition of the old Jianghu, these green-robed women are all very good.

From their behavior, it can be found that their martial arts are absolutely not bad.

"Green Robe, Vulture..."

Qu Yang thought to himself, which sect is this a symbol of!?

I thought to myself that Linshui City is located in a remote place, so why are there such people from the rivers and lakes...

When I came here more than a year ago, I didn't see any people from the rivers and lakes in Linshui City.

It was precisely because of this that he came here again on the way.

Otherwise, although Wangyuelou's fine wine and dishes are good, it's not like he hasn't tasted better ones, so why detour here?

Isn't it because they value this remote environment far away from the disputes in the rivers and lakes?

But now it seems...

There is no place of eternal peace in the world.

Qu Yang shook his head slightly, and while he was thinking, he suddenly felt a few glances towards him.

I couldn't help being startled in my heart, I stared and saw that among the group of women in green robes, the leader was a woman in her 40s or 50s, a gray-haired old woman, and a young girl who was similar in age to Fei Fei. They all looked up.

The eyes of the first two are bright and bright, presumably the internal strength is very good, they should be aware of his attention.

The latter is from the little girl's family, perhaps it was caused by accident.

Qu Yang didn't dare to look any further, the group of people in front of him didn't know where they were, and he didn't want to provoke them too much at this time, so he quickly withdrew his gaze and at the same time pulled Qu Feiyan to sit on the other side.

(ps: Ask for custom order, ask for full order, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly pass, ask for comments~)


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