End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 246 Nine Turns Xiong Snake Pill!

Shi Wan'an took a deep breath, and his expression gradually calmed down. After all, he is a person with a lot of experience. Although there are some tricky things in front of him, he is not afraid. No matter how good his martial arts are, it doesn't matter if he is given a chance, he can still be easily poisoned!

Among the people he met and even killed, the martial arts were much higher than his, but in the end, didn't they all fall under his poison technique?

As long as there is an opportunity to take advantage of, even if your martial arts are world-class, you have to catch them with nothing!

So he piled up a smile, cupped his hands and said: "I don't know who you are? We don't have any malicious intentions, it's just that you inquired about Senior Brother Wu'an's news, and stayed here for many days, it's really hard for people to rest assured, so let's go."

No anger brother?

Qu Yang was slightly taken aback, and looked at Shi Wan'an and the other three.

Doesn't it mean that the other party has something to do with Master Wu'an?

Qu Yang's face softened a little: "Oh? So, are you brothers and sisters of the same school as Master Wu'an? …

Seeing his expression, Shi Wan'an's eyes flickered slightly, his thoughts changed sharply, and he said with a smile: "A mere Shi, that's Senior Brother Wu'an's junior..."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand to "870" and said to Murong Jingyue and the others, "These three are all senior disciples of senior brother."

"I belong to the same lineage as Wang Zhuang, who came out of medicine. A few days ago, I heard that someone was inquiring about my senior brother. I was secretly surprised. Senior brother retired from the world in his early years, and died a few years ago... Could you be your best friend? I don't know why I'm looking for him?"

Qu Yang and Qu Feiyan looked at each other, and immediately said in surprise: "So that's the case, the old man just didn't understand why, but he misunderstood.

Shi Wan laughed angrily and said, "It's a little misunderstanding, just let it go."

Qu Yang nodded: "The old man came here to seek a doctor. He heard the name of Master Wu'an, so he traveled thousands of miles to this place, but he never thought that he had passed away. Alas, what a pity! What a pity!"

Shi Wan'an looked slightly stagnant.

seek medical treatment?

Is it just for medical treatment?

What he wants to know is not these!

[The God of Medicine King] is what he wants! And for this, he needs to know the news of that little nephew.

Does this person in front of me know?!

Shi Wan'an's eyes flickered slightly, and he asked: "So that's how it is, senior brother's medical skills are really extraordinary... Well, you are looking for the little nephew right now? The little nephew has inherited the mantle of the senior brother , her medical skills are naturally very good, but it's a pity that she left this place more than a year ago..."

While speaking, he shook his head slightly, with a look of sighing, but his eyes carefully observed the expressions of the two.

Qu Yang, an old Jianghu, had no expression on his face at all.

Qu Feiyan was looking at it curiously, and he didn't know what he was thinking. Shi Wan'an guessed that the little girl didn't listen to him at all.

Qu Yang waited for Shi Wan'an to finish, and sighed: "Yes, I wanted to ask her for help, but unfortunately she is not here, but..."

Looking at Shi Wan'an and the others, Qu Yang said with a smile: "Since you are the junior disciples of Master Wu'an, you must have extraordinary medical skills, right? The old man has something to ask, I wonder if it is possible?"

Shi Wan'an paused for a moment, then smiled and said: "I dare not compare with senior brother, but when it comes to medical skills, Shi himself thinks that he has a little bit of patience, and he doesn't know what your Excellency is asking for.


Qu Feiyan watched silently, feeling that both grandpa and the gray-robed old man were smiling a little vaguely.

Like two old foxes.

A few days later, Qu Feiyan helped Qu Yang get off the carriage, walked slowly in the small town, and took some detoxification medicines.

After the decoction was finished, Qu Feiyan was blown to make it slightly cooler and fed to Qu Yang.

Qu Yang coughed a few times, his expression turned pale, and he sighed: "Feifei, have you seen it? Walking in the rivers and lakes, if you are not careful, you will be trapped, and your life is in danger, alas...

Rao is that he was very careful a few days ago, hoping to get some news about the successor of [Poisonous Hand Medicine King] from the few people who claim to be master Wu'an's juniors and personal heirs, but in the end it was still a bad move, and they were put on the table by the other party. together.

Although I killed the so-called medicine king's personal descendants Murong Jingyue, Jiang Tieshan, and Xue Que, the gray-robed old man who called himself Shi Wan'an told him to run away. Fortunately, Qu Yang's martial arts were not for display in the end. Directly seriously injuring his lungs and organs, and also using the [Black Blood God Needle] to injure him. With this kind of injury and the poison on the needle, a normal person will definitely not be able to survive.


Qu Yang secretly raised his eyebrows, thinking that that person is not to mention whether he is Master Wu'an's younger brother, but his technique of using poison is really unpredictable, and it is impossible to guard against! Also, his martial arts are also good, and even an old Jianghu like himself is careless for a while. After being tricked, his poison skills are so good, and his Baobuding medicine skills are also very powerful, so he may not be able to heal himself.


Qu Yang was silent for a moment, then smiled wryly: "It seems that the task ordered by the holy lady, the butcher will not be able to complete.

Qu Feiyan pursed his lips and said, "Grandpa, you'll be fine soon after taking the medicine, let's look for it slowly."

Qu Yang secretly sighed in his heart, saying that the poison he had suffered might not be so easy to unravel.

Even if he used his internal strength to resist the poison and force the poison to heal his wounds, the effect was not very satisfactory.

As far as this poison is concerned, it is slightly less violent than the poison soaked in his [Black Blood God Needle], but it is much better in terms of weirdness!

Even he, who is quite proficient in poisonous arts, doesn't know where to start.


Seeing Qu Feiyan groaned for a while, and said after deliberation: "Feifei, if something happens to Grandpa, you can go to Hengshan City to find your Grandpa Liu Zhengfeng. With our friendship, he will take good care of you."

Qu Feiyan's small mouth shrunk, his eyes turned red, and he didn't speak, just silently fed the soup.

I secretly hoped that after drinking the decoction, my grandfather would recover.

But things were contrary to expectations, after only two days, the signs of poisoning were rapidly deteriorating, Qu Yang's face was pale, his lips were purple, showing a state of confusion.

Qu Feiyan took his grandfather to find a doctor in the small town, but faced with this strange poison, how could the doctor cure it, so he could only helplessly shake his head and let him prepare for the funeral.

No matter how clever and clever Qu Feiyan was, she was actually just a girl in her early eleven or twelve years old. Faced with such a thing, she suddenly lost her sense of proportion, and squatted outside sobbing and crying without knowing what to do.


A gust of wind blew, and Qu Feiyan only felt a figure standing in front of him. He looked up with teary eyes, but couldn't see clearly. After wiping for a long time, he saw a figure in his thirties. A beautiful woman stands in front of her...

"Is he poisoned?"

Qu Feiyan heard the words, as if he had grasped at straws [He nodded hurriedly and knelt in front of the woman and begged sincerely: "I beg you to save Grandpa! Feifei will work like a cow for you from now on


The woman hurriedly helped Qu Feiyan up, as if unwilling to be bowed down by her, squatting down to check on Qu Yang's situation, with a thoughtful expression, she took out a jade bottle from her bosom, pulled out the cap, and there was a faint fragrance Qu Yang's expression seemed to move slightly, and there was some reaction.

Qu Feiyan saw it clearly, tears welled up in his eyes, and looked at the woman full of hope.

The woman was also unambiguous, and poured out a light yellow pill from it and said: "Little girl, go get some water to dissolve it, and then feed it to your grandfather."

After hearing this, Qu Feiyan rushed into the medical hall to ask for a bowl of clear water, the woman put the pills in it, and the pills gradually melted with the clear water

"Feed it quickly, don't wait for the medicine to wear off."

Qu Feiyan quickly thanked him, and then helped Qu Yang to feed him slowly.

It also had a miraculous effect, just after taking a few sips, Qu Yang's face turned a little more bloody, and the bruises on his lips gradually faded away, but he still didn't wake up.

Qu Feiyan pursed her lips and looked at Qu Yang worriedly, not knowing whether it was better or not, she could only look at the woman for help.

The woman shook her head slightly and said: "This is not a detoxification pill, but the healing product of my Vulture Palace [Jiuzhuan Xiongshe Pill]! It specializes in treating traumatic injuries! It is actually not the same as your grandfather's situation, but relying on the power of the medicine to heal him It’s all about improving vitality, and it needs to be detoxified to recover, but I don’t understand this kind of thing.”

With tears in his eyes, Qu Feiyan asked nonchalantly, "Then, what should we do?"

The woman pondered and said: "How about this, you and your grandfather will go back with us, and when I tell the lord, if the lord is merciful, there may be a chance of survival."

Qu Feiyan has no reason to disagree at this time, she is willing to agree to anything now.

He just followed the woman for a while, and suddenly he was stunned. He saw a dozen or so women in green robes standing pretty in the distance, all of whose clothes were embroidered with vulture designs.

Vulture Vulture Palace…………

Qu Feiyan suddenly realized, could this person in front of him be...

The woman turned her head to look at Qu Feiyan, and said softly: "By the way, little girl, you can just call me Mrs. Shi.

Hearing this, Qu Feiyan felt nervous again.

The surname is Shi, isn't that the same surname as the previous bad guy named Shi Wan'an?

If it was an ordinary time, Qu Feiyan wouldn't be an enemy, but after going through such a thing just now, it is inevitable to think too much.

It's just that as soon as this thought came up, his eyes widened, and he stared blankly at Shi Wan'an who was tied up behind the horse.

At this time, his face was pale, his eyes were sunken, and his expression was terrified.

After seeing Qu Feiyan and Qu Yang on the shelf, his pupils quivered and he was stunned!

Both Qu Feiyan and Shi Wan'an had an idea at the same time:

What exactly is going on!?

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