End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 247 Shi Wan'an: Regret! I Regret It Now!

When Shi Wan'an saw Qu Feiyan and Qu Yang again, he was suddenly terrified.

Especially seeing Mrs. Shi's movements of pulling Qu Feiyan, and realizing that these two people in front of him and these green-robed women are probably together, they are even more terrified!

A few days ago, he wanted to poison secretly, first restrain the grandfather and grandson, and then slowly ask the reason, so as to find out the whereabouts of the little nephew.

Unexpectedly, the old man carrying the guqin is an extremely shrewd veteran, he never took the bait, and later he used a dangerous trick to poison him, but because of this, he almost died for it

He really did not expect that he is not only good at martial arts, but also has profound internal strength, and also has a lot of insights into poisonous arts. Although he is not able to restrain his poisonous arts, he can instantly react to what is wrong, and even directly resists the poisoning. If it wasn't for the critical moment 24, and directly pushed the senior brother and the apprentices on top, he would have died suddenly.

But even in this situation, the other party killed three people in a row, and he wanted to escape, but unexpectedly the poisonous needles used by the other party were not weak, and when he was careless, he was hit by several needles.

So much so that he not only suffered serious internal injuries, but was also poisoned.

If he hadn't specialized in poisoning for many years, had a strong resistance to poison, and had rich detoxification methods, he would have died!

Originally, I was planning to find a place to hide for a while, but just after some detoxification, a big accident happened again!

A group of women in green robes appeared out of nowhere, and directly restrained the seriously injured man. The other party seemed to know his abilities and understood them very well. They didn't give him any room to do anything, and directly cut off his tendons and legs. He even directly dislocated his jaw, so that he couldn't move at all, and all his martial arts and poison techniques were directly abolished, so he couldn't use them at all.

He was so majestic [Ghost Hand God Owl] that he ended up like a knife, and I ended up like a fish, tied up and tied to a horse by these green-robed women of unknown origin, life would be worse than death.

Seeing Qu Yang and Qu Feiyan now, he immediately thought he understood the situation, and secretly regretted in his heart, if he had known this earlier, he would not have provoked the grandpa and grandson!

Who knew that so many things would happen, and it is still unknown whether he can survive now.

However, if the other party wants to ask for the antidote, this might not be his chance.

The only chance to survive!

Shi Wan'an's eyes flickered slightly, and he secretly had a plan.

Qu Feiyan gritted his teeth and stared at Shi Wan'an viciously, wishing he could draw his sword and stab the bad guy who poisoned her grandfather and tortured him to death, but thinking of the girls in Vulture Palace, he could only Squeeze your mind.

However, seeing Shi Wan'an's situation at this time, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

This means that the Vulture Palace and this Shi Wan'an are definitely not in the same group, and they may even be hostile.

After Mrs. Shi brought back Qu Yang and Qu Feiyan, she set off on her way back.

On the way, Qu Yang gradually came to his senses, seeing the situation he and his granddaughter were in, he was inevitably shocked.

But now that his poisonous injury has not recovered, he can't leave even if he wants to leave at this time, not to mention that he acts in an upright manner, and he thinks that he is a life-saving kindness. In fact, the other party has no grievances.

Therefore, if this kindness is not repaid, there is no way to justify it.

Henceforth, he silently followed the Vulture Palace to return home.

As for Shi Wan'an, he didn't pay any attention to it. After seeing the other party's superb poison technique and its treacherous methods, Qu Yang didn't say anything to force him to hand over the antidote, because the other party would definitely take the opportunity to make trouble, so he simply Hanging his life like this, after taking the unknown pill, he felt more or less full of vitality, and his internal energy was circulated, barely relieving some of the damage from the poison.

Qu Feiyan really wanted to find an antidote from Shi Wan'an, but was dissuaded by Qu Yang, very anxious and worried.

Fortunately, many of the elite of Zhu Tianbu are proficient in medical skills, and they also carry a lot of detoxification pills from the Vulture Palace on their bodies. Although it is not possible to completely eliminate the strange poison that Shi Wan'an has injected, it is still possible. It can relieve Qu Yang's pain and curb the spread of poison.

Shi Wan'an couldn't deal with this anymore. He waited and waited, but no one asked him for the antidote.

However, he adhered to the idea that it is better to live than to die, and he is naturally unwilling to give up his life. Even if the life is more difficult, he will barely get through it and is always ready to escape.

But soon he almost despaired, this group of women was too strict, they didn't give him any chance at all, not even the slightest possibility.

Mrs. Shi paid a lot of attention to these three people who were not from the Vulture Palace, and soon realized that there was a lot of grievances between them. The matter of the saint is hidden.

Mrs. Shi didn't say much about it, she just kept it in her heart, waiting to go back and report to Zunming.


A month later, Linshui City.

In the small courtyard.

Miss Cheng heard Mrs. Shi's report, sighed quietly, shook her head slightly, and said nothing.

As for Master Shi and those three senior brothers and sisters, in her previous life, she knew that it would be impossible to turn back. In the end, she could only follow Master's last words to clean up the family and clear up this group of scum from Yaowangzhuang, so as not to cause them to go everywhere. people.

Now that I'm doing it again, I heard that Murong Jingyue, Jiang Tieshan, Xue Que and Senior Sister died in an accident, and my uncle Shi Wan'an was seriously injured and captured. I just sighed in my heart and didn't intend to pay attention to it. I told Fang Han Said: "Brother Fang, you decide this matter, it's just..."

Miss Cheng pondered for a while, then said in a clear voice, "Don't tell Uncle Zhen."

No matter how much Mr. Zhen disliked Shi Wan'an and hated Shi Wan'an, but after all, they were all fellow apprentices back then, if he really wanted to know about this, he probably wouldn't plead for mercy, but he would feel sad in his heart, it's human nature.

Simply don't tell him, lest he be in a bad mood.

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